If you’re buying this book, you’re probably already enough of a juicing fan to know that drinking fresh-squeezed juice makes you feel great. But in case you’re looking for ways to convince your friends and family to join the juicing revolution, here are some specific reasons:
• Weight Loss: Oftentimes we feel hungry not because we need more calories but because our bodies are craving more nutrients. One glass of juice can provide you with several servings of nutrient-rich fruits and vegetables, and it’s easier for your body to absorb nutrients from juice than it is from whole produce. When you drink fresh, raw juice, you may find that you don’t need to eat nearly as often or as much.
• Digestive Health: There’s no doubt that digestive problems are on the rise, especially in America. Sometimes it seems like everyone I know has some sort of digestive disorder, whether it be Crohn’s, collitis, ulcers, persistent heartburn, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), or undiagnosed nausea, bloating, or abdominal pains. While these conditions can be caused by a range of issues, they have the common outcome that when you’re suffering with any of them, it’s tough to get the nutrition your body needs to be healthy and whole. Juicing gives your digestive system a rest so that it can begin to heal. The vitamins, minerals, and enzymes packed in the juice are absorbed into your bloodstream quickly, without taxing your digestive organs in the same way that the fibers in whole raw produce do.
• Increased Energy and Mental Clarity: When your digestive system has less work to do, you have more energy for other things, including thinking. Everyone knows that after eating a heavy meal you’re likely to feel like taking a long nap. It takes a lot of energy to digest all that food, leaving little left over for anything else. Not only is a glass of juice less work for your body to process, but the intense concentration of nutrients will leave you feeling revitalized and mentally sharp.
• Taste: Okay, not all vegetable juices are created equal when it comes to flavor. You may have had a green juice from a juice stand that made you want to gag. But healthy juices can also be really delicious! Add some lemon and fresh ginger to any green juice to brighten up the flavor, or throw in an apple, pear, or a handful of grapes for more sweetness. Some vegetables, such as beets and carrots, are naturally sweet and are great for getting kids to appreciate vegetable juices.