What NOT to Juice

There are some things that really aren’t worth juicing, either because they’re very bitter, they don’t contain enough juice to make it worthwhile, or they’ll damage your juicer. Many of these fruits and veggies are great for blending, but would be a waste to try to juice. Also only juice fresh produce—again, you can blend frozen or thawed produce, but don’t juice. And don’t juice any plant part that you’re not absolutely sure is edible. There are many types of leaves, stems, or roots that should not be consumed. Here’s a list of the most common things you might think you can juice but shouldn’t:

Rinds. With the exception of lemon and lime rinds, avoid putting rinds through your juicer.



Carrot greens (not edible!)

Coconut (you can add coconut water to your juices, but don’t put the meat through your juicer)



Green beans

Mustard greens


Onions or leeks

Papaya peels

Potatoes (other than sweet potatoes)


Wild parsnips (cultivated ones are fine)