Why, What, How, When, Where Green Smoothies?

Why Drink Green Smoothies?

•   Green smoothies give your digestive system a break from ordinary food, which leads to increased energy.

•   You automatically and significantly reduce your oil and salt intake.

•   When you drink two to three cups (500–750 ml) of green smoothies daily, you get enough greens to nourish your body, and all of the beneficial nutrients are well absorbed.

•   The chlorophyll boosts your cells and you shine more.

•   It’s an investment in your health.

•   You might lose some unnecessary extra pounds and reach your natural weight.

•   Your eyes begin to sparkle.

•   You oxygenate the body and provide it with calcium, chlorophyll, liquid, and vitality through biophotons and live enzymes.

What is a Green Smoothie?

•   A nutritious drink that’s composed of green leaves, fruit, and water. The proportions of the drink are optimal for humans, as 60 percent of the drink consists of organic, ripe fruit and 40 percent of green leaves.

•   A drink “invented” by Victoria Boutenko.

•   Similar to what the chimpanzees eat and “thrive on.”

How to Make a Green Smoothie?

What you need:

•   Green leaves, fruit, water.

•   A cutting board and a knife.

•   A colander or a salad spinner for rinsing your green leaves.

•   A glass, bottle, or thermos, if you want your smoothie to go.

•   A blender. There are many different kinds of blenders, and they range widely in price and strength. Once you get started with your smoothies, it’s worth investing in a blender that’s a little more expensive. It will be quicker and stronger, and it will allow you to crush frozen fruit and berries, which are included in the delicious green ice cream smoothies.

When to Have Green Smoothies?

•   Breakfast—for the best start to your day. If you travel to work by car, bus, or subway, it’s easy to bring your smoothie with you.

•   Snack—instead of a coffee, refuel with the real and easy energy of a smoothie.

•   Lunch—a quick lunch that’s easy to carry.

•   Before and after exercise—the perfect workout meal. Feel free to boost your smoothie with rice or hemp protein powder after a workout.

•   Dinner—feels good for the body and enables it to rest overnight. The smoothie doesn’t burden the system as much as a “regular” dinner, so it’s fine to drink it a little later at night. If you work nights, it’s the perfect way for the body to get digestible nutrients and food that passes through the body quickly.

It’s not about replacing all your meals with a green smoothie. A friend of mine started to replace her morning sandwich with a smoothie. The rest of the day she ate as she normally would. If you eat five meals a day, this means it’s a 25 percent improvement in your overall diet. If you want to undergo a cleanse, you can replace all your meals with a green smoothie.

Where to Have a Green Smoothie?

•   A green soup is the perfect appetizer or a light dinner.

•   At a picnic.

•   With friends.

•   While you’re waiting for the subway.

•   You can drink a smoothie at anywhere and at any time!