Sharing This Book with Others
If you have been encouraged by the message of grace and life change contained in these pages and would like to share it with others, here are some ideas and easy ways to help.
• We will be blogging on at least once a week. Come by and check it out. We’ll have plenty of stories to tell about how this message is spreading. Leave us a comment and tell us your grace-story!
• Be our friend on Facebook. Just search for Bo’s Café Book and you’ll find us. We promise to confirm you as a friend! This is a great way to stay in touch with what’s going on with the book and the authors.
• We know many of you have blogs, Facebook pages, and Twitter accounts. We’d love to have you post a review of the book along with a link to You can also leave your thoughts at Your recommendation is all many will need to pick up the book and start their journey.
• Create a simple button or use a JPEG of the cover on your Web site or blog with a link to This is the easiest way for your friends, family, and readers to start their own journey into grace.
• Buy a few copies to give away. We have a friend who takes a copy of the book on the plane with him just so he can leave it in a seat-back pocket for whoever sits there next. Another friend gives a copy away to her server in restaurants. Of course you can give them to people you know well too!
• If you have a great opportunity for one of our authors to appear on your local radio station, morning TV show, or in a local print publication, send us an e-mail at and let us know about it. We’ll take it from there, providing a review copy and other information to help them make their decision to help us spread the word.
• We can’t travel and speak in all the places we wish we could, but if you have an opportunity for one of our authors to speak at your church, your organization, or conference, send us an e-mail at and we’ll see what we can arrange.
Our prayer is that more and more people will come to discover the life and freedom in Christ that living in his grace affords us. We have given our lives to helping people move into relationships and environments of grace where they can be authentic and who they were created to be. Thanks for your part in passing along the opportunity to live a grace-filled life!