Description: Chapter Header 25 |

Inselhotel Potsdam 
Potsdam, Germany
Present Day


Tommy groaned as Mai wrapped her legs around him, pulling him tighter. He had only been with two other women in his life, neither of whom he had feelings for, and he wondered if that was why it felt so much better.

She was incredible.

Their two bodies meshed so well, it was as if they each knew what the other wanted without having to ask.

Though it hadn’t always been that way.

In fact, the first few times had been downright awkward, though now they were like pros.

And it felt so good when you actually knew what you were doing.

He froze in mid-play. “Oh shit, I forgot to check the cellphone signals!”

Mai grabbed his face with both hands, staring into his eyes. “Don’t you dare stop!”


“Finish it! Now!”

He grinned and resumed, putting it into high gear, and within minutes, they were both shouting in ecstasy, enough to elicit a pounded wall shared by their bed and another guest. He rolled off her, gasping for breath. “Fast enough for you?”

She lay beside him, her arms and legs spread out like a starfish. “Oh yeah.”

“One for the record books?”

“I don’t think speed is a record you want to be known for.”

He chuckled. “Good point.” He drifted off, his body spent and completely content.

“Forgetting something?”

He was suddenly concerned and rolled over. “I’m sorry, did you not…”

She patted his cheek. “Oh, don’t worry, I did.” She pointed at his laptop.

“Oh shit!” He leaped from the bed and grabbed his computer, returning to bring the map back up. He frowned. “It’s still dead. Something is definitely wrong.”

Mai sat up beside him, staring at the dead zone. “We better call Dean Milton right away.”