Description: Chapter Header 61 |

Police of the Czech Republic - Transport Inspectorate
Ostrava, Czech Republic
Present Day


Acton was beyond frustrated. He had been sitting in the small interrogation room for hours, nobody having even offered him a glass of water or a bathroom break since he had arrived. His wrists were handcuffed to the metal table, and the only thing of interest was the clock on the wall, its hands slowly ticking by, showing the minutes then hours waste away.

He yelled at the door for the umpteenth time, and again, no one came. He was being treated as the criminal, arrested when the police had arrived, brought in alone, the occupants of the rolled SUV apparently gone.

And with each passing minute, the trucks containing the stolen Amber Room continued to roll toward their destination.

It was frustrating.

At least you’re alive and free.

He just wanted to get out of here, call Laura, and tell her he was okay. She had to be worried sick.

I wonder if she even knows I’ve escaped.

She would have called Reading, that was an absolute certainty, and with him part of Interpol, Acton was sure he’d have found out about the arrest, and knowing him, he was already on his way here, perhaps with Laura.

It’s just a matter of time.

He wasn’t worried about the arrest, though the police were excited by the fact he had the liberated handgun on him. Once someone told them what had happened, and who he was—the victim—things would be smoothed over and he’d be released.

But in the meantime, the thieves were getting away, and he was helpless to do anything about it.

The door suddenly opened and he leaped to his feet, rage in his heart, when he dropped back down, sighing with relief at the sight of one of his best friends.

“Hugh! Thank God!”

Reading entered the room, a broad smile on his face. “I understand you’ve been a bad boy.”

Acton chuckled. “I’ve done nothing you wouldn’t do.”

“Yes, but I’m a copper, you’re not.”

Acton shrugged. “In my heart, I know I was always meant to be one.”

“Bollocks!” Reading pointed toward the handcuffs, and an officer stepped forward, unlocking them. Acton rubbed his wrists, exhaling loudly.

“Does this mean I can go?”

“Yes, eventually. I’ve got a Polish investigator on his way who wants to debrief you, and the locals will want to listen in and may have questions of their own, but don’t worry, all charges have been dropped.”

Acton’s shoulders slumped in relief. “Well, that’s good to know.” He leaned over. “Where’s Laura?”

Reading shook his head. “We haven’t found her yet, but don’t worry, we won’t stop looking.”

Acton’s heart hammered as the room closed in on him. He gasped, sucking in a deep breath. “What do you mean? She didn’t call you?”

Reading’s eyes narrowed. “What do you mean? Isn’t she still with the kidnappers?”

Acton’s jaw dropped. “No! She escaped hours ago in Poland! She never called you?”

Reading’s face went red as he dropped into a chair opposite Acton. “I haven’t heard anything from her. Nobody has.”

Acton stared about the room, gripping the table as panic set in. “Oh my God, they must have recaptured her! And those trucks are hours from here!”

Reading pulled out his cellphone, quickly dialing. “Don’t worry, Jim, we’ll find her.”

But Acton wasn’t listening anymore. His wife was missing, obviously either recaptured or dead, and after his recent actions, he might have sealed her fate. He stared at Reading, talking rapidly into his phone, the conversation a million miles away.
