Hold Onto Me


Copyright © by Jessica Fillhaber. All rights reserved. Published with permission from the author. Inquiries concerning rights should be addressed to Jessica Fillhaber at jfillhaber@gmail.com.

Hold Onto Me

Presented October 25, 2013 | Kenan Theatre, UNC Department of Dramatic Art | Directed by Joseph Megel


Original cast members are in brackets.

SAM WISER 50, male. An investment advisor, competitive, stubborn, more sensitive than he appears [John Paul Middlesworth].

CORIN WISER 47, female. A loving yet smothering spouse, has OCD, constantly worries [Elisabeth Lewis Corley].

ROBERT SINGER 48, male. An investment advisor, easygoing, conscientious, level-headed [Greg Hohn].


Fall, 2001. Sam and Corin’s apartment in New York City, St. Vincent’s Hospital-Manhattan.



On SAM WISER and CORIN WISER. They lie stiffly in bed. CORIN’s side of the room is neat, while SAM’s side is untidy with piles of clothes strewn about the floor. As SAM moves to get out of bed, CORIN attempts to follow. SAM stops her with his arm.

SAM It’s fine. Stay in bed.

CORIN Let me make you. . . .

SAM I’m not hungry.

[Sam sits at the edge of the bed. He puts his head down, massaging it with his hands. Corin RISES from the bed, retrieves a button-down shirt from off the floor and places it on her ironing board. She clicks the dial on the iron THREE times, then quickly presses it. Meanwhile, Sam picks a plain white shirt from the top of a pile on the floor and puts it on. Corin brings the pressed shirt over and hands it to Sam.]

CORIN Here, sweetie.

SAM This shirt’s good.

[Corin tries to kiss him on the lips, but he gives her his cheek.]

CORIN [recovering] I went out yesterday and got more eggs. Want me to make your favorite?


CORIN [dejected] Maybe tomorrow then.

[Sam sits back down on the bed and stares into space. Corin walks over to the closet and opens it. She chooses a dress and closes the door, touching it THREE times.]

SAM [quietly] Still doing that, I see.

CORIN [putting on the dress and slipping into a pair of shoes] What was that?

SAM [louder, annoyed] I said, I see you’re still doing that. Don’t you know there are better ways to spend the day than counting and touching and pushing and arranging and rearranging everything all the God damn time?

CORIN Please, Sam, just let me be. We all handle things in our own way.

SAM No, Corin, this is getting to be ridiculous. There’s so much going on in this world that deserves attention. Why don’t you make a contribution to something?

CORIN If we’re going to talk about things we could improve, why don’t you take a shower? How many days has it been?

SAM So, now you’re my mother?

CORIN Well, while I’m at it, you have that appointment today with Dr. Parsons. If you won’t shower for me, at least do it for her.

SAM I think I’ll just save both of us the trouble and not go.

CORIN [trying to be gentle] This will be the third time you’ve cancelled this week. You have to go.

SAM They can keep our damn money! Paying someone to simply talk to you isn’t even a real profession! It’s a waste of time.

CORIN I don’t und. . . .

SAM Just please, let me be.

[Corin CROSSES to Sam’s side of the bed. He watches her, as if he knows what’s coming next. She bends down to pick up a pair of his jeans off of the floor.]

SAM I’ll get that.

CORIN Yeah? When?

[no response] I need to do a few things at the office. You’ll be all right?

[Sam pulls on the pair of jeans.]

SAM I’ll manage.

[Corin starts to leave, but turns back around.]

CORIN I hate it when we fight. That’s all we do lately. [sighing after no response] Alright, I’ll be home later. If you think of something you want for dinner, call me and I’ll get it on my way back.

[Corin EXITS and closes the door behind her. Sam watches as the knob turns THREE times on the inside.]



NIGHT. Sam and Corin’s apartment. Sam sits in front of the television. Corin ENTERS. Sam doesn’t look up. She CROSSES over and stands behind him.

CORIN Why are you watching that, sweetie? [no answer] I just think it will make things worse. Why don’t you put on something else?

[Corin reaches for the remote, but Sam stops her.]

SAM I’ll make a deal with you. I’ll stop watching when you stop with your compulsions.

CORIN [upset] I slave all day, making sure everything is just right for you. I do the laundry, cook, clean, make the plans, go to work, everything. But you don’t notice it, notice me.

SAM Well, at least you get to go to work!

[RISING] I have to get out of here.

[Sam CROSSES to the door and SLAMS it as he EXITS.]



ROBERT SINGER lies in a hospital bed, reading. One of his legs has been amputated. Sam appears at the door, KNOCKS.

SAM Hey. I. . . . uh. . . . didn’t mean to interrupt, so I can just come back later if that would be better. I was just, you know, walking around, and I guess I ended up here.

ROBERT You shouldn’t be doing that. It’s not good to breathe in too much of that air, you know. Come in. I’ve been waiting for you to show up.

SAM [uneasily] How are you doing?

ROBERT Breathing.

SAM Yeah. [beat] How’s your progress?

ROBERT They tell me I’ll be walking in no time. Just waiting on the prosthetic. Doctor says I’m a miracle.

SAM Nothing feels magical about this.

[Sam sits.]

ROBERT Go ahead, say it.

SAM Say what?

ROBERT You know.

SAM [ frustrated] I didn’t come here to talk to you in ambiguities. . . .

ROBERT Yes, so why did you come?

[Sam is silent for a moment. He looks around, fiddles with his hands. Robert waits patiently.]

SAM [quietly] Why did you go back in?


SAM [louder] I said, why did you go back in?

ROBERT Why does it matter?

SAM You know, I’ve been getting a lot more questions than answers lately. If I could just get one God damn answer, that would be great.

ROBERT Yeah, that would be great.

SAM [RISES, begins gesticulating] We spent over two decades in that building. Now it’s all dust. Aren’t you angry? Aren’t you angry at everyone, at everything? Don’t you think about what would have happened if you’d called in sick that morning? Don’t you wonder why you, why me? I could have helped. I should have gone back in with you.

ROBERT Yeah, and you could be in this bed with one leg, too.

[Sam looks uncomfortable. Robert softens.]

SAM Rob, you’re a hero. I’m nothing. Tell me! Why was I there?

ROBERT I don’t know. Maybe because you worked there. You got up like you did every morning, just like thousands of other people. It was chaos. You know; you saw it. People were everywhere, running towards it, running away from it. You can’t think clearly in a situation like that. I tried leaving. Twice, actually. I’m not a hero, Sam. We just made different choices in that second. People did lots of things that day.

SAM But that doesn’t change the fact that I was one of the people who did NOTHING! Sometimes I can’t breathe. . . .

ROBERT [ getting angry] I didn’t do much either, okay?

SAM What are you talking about?

ROBERT The ceiling caved and fell on my leg before I was able to get to anyone.

SAM What?

ROBERT Nothing is different because I went back. Don’t you see?

SAM But you tried.

ROBERT And failed! I was just another body that needed to be pulled out.

SAM But Rob. . . .

ROBERT There are no buts. I’m here. . . . with one leg. That’s all there is.

SAM I don’t know what to say.

ROBERT Me neither. [beat] It’s late, you should go home. Corin must be worried sick.

SAM [dazed] I’m sorry, Robert.

ROBERT Yeah, me too.

SAM I’ll see you.

ROBERT You know where to find me.

[Sam nods, EXITS.]



Corin and Sam’s apartment. Corin is in bed. Sam quietly opens the door and SHUFFLES IN. Walking over to the bed, he takes off his shirt and pants and places them neatly on top of his dresser. He gets into bed and lies there rigidly for a moment. Corin turns over and looks at him.

CORIN [quietly, gently] Hi.


[After a moment, Corin slowly moves her hand to gingerly touch Sam’s. Sam holds his hand there limply for a moment, and then grabs on tightly. He brings her hand to his chest and gently TAPS HER HAND THREE TIMES. She sighs gently and closes her eyes.]