We would like to extend our thanks to the following people, without whom this book would not have been possible:
Sujit John, MS, of Stanford University Department of Statistics, for his outstanding statistical analysis of study data, his unstinting effort in assisting in research, and his many insights and friendship.
Mark Mattson, head of Neurosciences Laboratory at the National Institute on Aging, National Institutes of Health, for inspiring us through his contributions to basic science to undertake research on alternate-day calorie restriction, and his participation in and enormous contribution to our asthma/diet study.
Warren Summer, MD, section chief of Pulmonary/Critical Care Medicine at Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center, for assisting in design of the asthma/diet study and contributing his vast experience and help in managing the subjects with asthma, and for helping to write the article. Konrad Howitz at BIOMOL also assisted in the study design.
Our other NIH colleagues who assisted in assays and analysis of the results for the asthma/diet study, notably Roy Cutler, Bronwen Martin, Dong Hoon Hyun, and Vishwa Dixit. Rafael de Cabo, for his advice and assistance with essays.
The many scientists who have contributed to the ever-growing body of knowledge in the study of calorie restriction, including Clive McCay, Roy Walford, Edward Masoro, Don Ingram, Richard Weindruch, John Holloczy, and Luigi Fontana, and molecular biologists, including Leonard Guarente of MIT and David Sinclair of Harvard, who are adding almost daily to the understanding on a cellular level of the causes of aging.
Eric Ravussin, PhD, of the Pennington Biomedical Research Institute, and Marc Hellerstein, MD, of the University of California, for their very important contributions, consultation, and advice.
Susan Crawford, for her excellent transcription.
Mary Johnson; and daughters, Sarah, Dinah, and Genevieve (and Joey and Leo).
Dana Johnson, Joan Hailey, Cindy Klibert, and Heidi Pichon, for their assistance with the asthma/diet study and to the subjects who volunteered for the study.
Dick and Esther Paul, for their enthusiasm, encouragement, advice, and friendship.
Judy Kern, for reworking the manuscript, and Jeanette Egan, for providing the original recipes.
And John Duff, our publisher, without whom the book would not exist and who has provided so much to the final product.