I sat in a rocking chair holding my sleeping three-week-old son. He wasn’t sleeping through the night. He was always fussy and only slept two hours at a time. I felt like I was a failure. I was sure I was doing everything wrong. Overcome with emotions, I began to cry. I looked down at my son and was surprised to see he was awake and staring at me intently. I looked down and met his gaze. We sat there for a moment gazing at each other and then simultaneously we both grinned. The wonder of the moment caused me to laugh out loud. At the sound of my laugh, his grin widened into a full open mouth smile. At that moment, I let my anxieties go and began to focus solely on the joys of being a mother.

—Rebecca Jamison Emporia, Kansas


Having had a total knee replacement, three weeks ago, I recently had my first outpatient visit with the surgeon. When the office visit was over, my wife went ahead of me, to get the car. I walked, cane assisted, through the lobby. As I approached the glass exit door, and started to press the automatic door button, I noticed an elderly gentleman, approaching from the other side. To be courteous, I waited for him to enter, first. Only then, did I realize I was looking at my own reflection in the door!

—Dr. Gregory Larkin Indianapolis, Indiana