05 - Lothis
“Arise,” the atonal voice announced, interrupting Lothis' trance-like sleep. It was the end of his three hours of rest. His vibrant orange eyes flicked open, and he was instantly aware of his environment.
Lothis looked at the surrounding room, features drab and metallic. Every surface was made of brushed metal. He was used to the space, comfortable in it. He couldn't remember any other place. His eyes ran over the dull walls, seeing, yet not seeing, the lavatory area in one corner. More wall brought his vision to another corner and what he thought of as his training area: a terminal, running device, and several other exercise apparatus. Another brief section of wall and then the final corner of the room. It contained the appliance that dispensed his meal of the day, along with another terminal and a project table. In the center of the room sat an angular metal chair and a third terminal, this one far larger than those in the training or project area. Everything in the space was as it had been when he had closed his eyes, unchanged, immutable.
Rising from the flat metal bed platform, Lothis walked over to the lavatory area. It was here he started the daily routine that was the entirety of his life. Begin daily cycle 3785, he thought, washing his body with a wet square of cloth.
Finishing up in the lavatory, he returned to the central area of his small room and sat down before the large terminal screen. The synthesized, atonal voice returned as the screen came to life. “Lothis, lesson, begin,” it sounded. The screen displayed complex math equations which Lothis solved rapidly. His orange eyes flicked back and forth across the display, comprehending the information as quickly as it was shown.
After a set amount of time, the display changed, math replaced by intricate diagrams and specifications. Lothis' eyes continued to play across the screen, absorbing everything. Later, the diagrams changed to what appeared to be random numbers and symbols, scrolling by so fast they began to blur.
Several hours passed, then the screen went black. Lothis rose from the angular metal chair. Moving across the small room, he stood on top of a wide belt recessed into the floor. The belt turned. Lothis ran. The pace became furious, but he focused intently and never stumbled, never missed a single step.
Hours went by, the belt slowed, and Lothis moved on to his other exercises. He did each confidently, feeling strong. The entirety of his focus went towards maintaining perfect form. Finally, his exercises complete, Lothis stretched methodically, from his neck all the way down to his toes.
With the day's physical training finished, he moved on to other tasks. Guided by the voice, he built several small electronic devices, all of which he easily and accurately assembled.
Next, Lothis ate his one meal of the day in silence. He swallowed the protein compound bars and liquid vitamins with no enjoyment. They were bland and tasteless.
After his short meal, he sat in front of the primary terminal, which once again rapidly flashed numbers, symbols, and colors in a seemingly random pattern. This continued a while longer, then the screen went black. The monotone voice announced, “Lothis, sleep, begin.”
Lothis rose from the chair and returned to his metal shelf. His mind blanked as he lay back. He closed his eyes, slowed his breathing, and fell asleep instantly. He knew the voice would return in three hours to wake him.