28 - The Founder
The Founder rose from his knees and made the sign of the Ashamine, left hand covering the top of his right fist, upraised to chest level. He then bowed towards the chalice at the front of the enormous cathedral. Is it really the same one the first Founder drank from to seal his covenant with the First Council? It was certainly a sight to behold, original or not. The gilded pedestal it rested on was worth the price of a starship by itself. The surrounding cathedral cost exponentially more. Probably could have started a colony world with that price. It was no wonder so many citizens made pilgrimages to see it.
All those seated behind the Founder rose and followed his example, bowing towards the Chalice of Unity. They also made another bow towards the first Founder’s statue, something inappropriate for the Founder to do.
Seeing the statue and its likeness to himself, he thanked the spirit of Ashamine for delivering the boy who would someday take his place. Ascended Rathis had briefed him on this development and the news had elevated his mood.
The Ascended recounted how the Founder's Commando had gone into the LGP facility and retrieved the boy. He was safe, but the operative, one 3rd Class Enlightened Felar Haltro, had been the only other person to survive.
No one had heard from Director Kasol. The Founder was relieved. The man had been out of control, conducting experiments without the Founder’s authorization. I should initiate an investigation into what he was doing and where he disappeared to. Crasor would be perfect for that task, but he too was still missing. Perhaps it is time to select a new Facilitator, the Founder thought, eyes narrowing.
The boy, known as Lothis until he assumed the title of Founder, was orbiting Haak-ah-tar, his guardians awaiting orders of where to take him. The Founder was still deciding where to set up the new LGP. His top scientific and strategic advisors were reviewing suitable locations. Many factors had to be taken into consideration, with secrecy and proper facilities heading the list. Hopefully this Enlightened Haltro will keep her mouth shut about the LGP until she can be taken care of, he thought. She was a hero, but she'd probably learned too much while she was down in the facility. It's unfortunate, losing an FC. She had served well, and while he regretted the decision to terminate a member of his namesake unit, it had to be done. The Founder had ordered Ascended Rathis to remove Haltro from quarantine and send her to recon what the Enthos were doing on the surface of Haak-ah-tar. And once she is back out in the blighthearted desert, a well hidden explosive in her APC will restore secrecy.
Just as the Founder turned to leave the cathedral, an aide ran towards him, disheveled and manic. He was so erratic that the Founder's Fist, his bodyguards, tensed and reached for their flechette pistols. Before the situation could escalate further, the Founder motioned the Fist to stillness. The aide, Delson, stopped abruptly in front of the Founder, almost touching him. He is certainly putting on quite a show, the Founder thought, anger rising. The man was causing a scene that would inspire gossip and scandal across the Terminal Network.
“Haak, Haak-ah-tar, just, just went supernova,” Delson stammered, loud enough for those nearby to hear. Immediately, several of them ran out of the cathedral, looks of horror on their faces. The news quickly spread around the cathedral. Mayhem erupted. The Founder stood in the middle of it all, feeling stunned. He turned and watched as people fell to their knees, praying to the first Founder. That should have been kept confidential until we had time to assess the situation, he thought, a strange sense of detachment engulfing him. He felt hollow, empty, husked.
And then he remembered the boy. Lothis was on a ship in the Haak-ah-tar system. He is almost certainly dead. His heir had been saved from the crazed scientist only to be wiped out by a supernova. All his feelings of depression and uncertainty slammed back into place like a kick in the gut. The realization that years of work had been lost and would need to be repeated stoked a blaze of fury within the Founder.
Before he realized what he was doing, he struck out at Delson. The Founder’s well muscled arm drove his fist into the aide’s face. Blood flew from Delson's nose, mouth, and lips, the ornate rings on the Founder's hand gashing and lacerating the man’s narrow features. Delson's eyes rolled up and he went down hard, flat on his back. The Founder, rage still fueling him, began kicking, aiming his blows for the most vulnerable points on the aide's body.
The Founder continued attacking Delson's unconscious form until one of the Fist pulled him away. By this time, however, his rage and lust for blood had been sated. He looked down at the dying man, a feeling of serenity beginning to emerge in his turbulent mind. He wasn't remorseful, only regretting that Delson had caused so much chaos with his lack of discretion. Cleaning up this negative publicity would take quite an effort, but now that he had vented some of his emotions, he would be better able to handle the work ahead.
He strode down the aisle, the Fist clearing a way through the crowd. The Founder exited the building and climbed into his personal transport. After a few selections on the console, the ship rose into the night sky. The Founder gazed down onto the city-world of Ashamine-2, letting out a deep sigh.
His predecessors had worked far too hard on this empire for him to let it fail. His heir was vital to the Ashamine’s future, but the Founder would hold the government and the people together until the LGP could create a new one. There is no other option. He was old, but with careful planning and optimization, everything could be set right again. And perhaps the Traynos discovery could prolong—No, it's too early to speculate. I cannot permit false hopes.
Once he arrived back at his residence, the Founder read the full reports about Haak-ah-tar. Such bad timing, he thought, wishing he had moved Lothis sooner. Based on the intel, the Founder guessed there was a chance the boy was still alive, that perhaps the ASN Founder's Hammer could outrun the shock wave. It will take time to know for sure. Communication with the system was down, so he had no way to signal the ship. Until it turned up somewhere, he would have to assume the worst and begin working on a new successor.
The Founder still didn't want to give up on Crasor, but he needed a Facilitator. Right now. He had waited long enough and the lack of a highly qualified operative was decreasing his effectiveness. I need someone to be my hands, to do the things I cannot. Pulling up a file on his terminal screen, he began viewing candidates. Time passed and the Founder only grew more frustrated. “None of these FCs is even half as good as Crasor!” he yelled.
The memory of all the help Crasor Tah Ahn provided caused another spike of anger through the Founder. Where has he gone and why hasn’t he contacted me? This lack of communication was atypical of Crasor. He is either rogue or dead. The Founder preferred to think the latter, not believing someone so loyal to be capable of treason. Anything is possible , he allowed, but I won't believe he deserted until I’m proven wrong. He closed the candidate file, sighed heavily, and looked out over the city-world stretching below him.
Where are you Crasor? the Founder part lamented, part raged. I need you now, more than ever...