Integer Factorization
The Integer Factorization Problem (IFP) is one of the most important infeasible problems in computational number theory, for which there is still no polynomial-time algorithm for solving it. In this chapter we discuss several important modern algorithms for factoring, including
4.1 Basic Concepts
The Integer Factorization Problem (IFP) may be described as follows:
Clearly, if there is an algorithm to test whether or not an integer n is a prime, and an algorithm to find a nontrivial factor f of a composite integer n, then by recursively calling the primality testing algorithm and the integer factorization algorithm, it should be easy to find the prime factorization of
Generally speaking, the most useful factoring algorithms fall into one of the following two main classes:
Note that there is a quantum factoring algorithm, first proposed by Shor, which can run in polynomial-time
However, this quantum algorithm requires running on a practical quantum computer with several thousand quantum bits, which is not available at present.
In practice, algorithms in both categories are important. It is sometimes very difficult to say whether one method is better than another, but it is generally worth attempting to find small factors with algorithms in the second class before using the algorithms in the first class. That is, we could first try the trial division algorithm, then use some other method such as NFS. This fact shows that the trial division method is still useful for integer factorization, even though it is simple. In this chapter we shall introduce some most the useful and widely used factoring algorithms.
From a computational complexity point of view, the IFP is an infeasible (intractable) problem, since there is no polynomial-time algorithm for solving it; all the existing algorithms for IFP run in subexponential-time or above (see Figure 4.1).
Problems for Section 4.1
4.2 Trial Divisions Factoring
The simplest factoring algorithm is perhaps the trial division method, which tries all the possible divisors of n to obtain its complete prime factorization:
The following is the algorithm:
Algorithm 4.1 (Factoring by trial divisions) This algorithm tries to factor an integer n>1 using trial divisions by all the possible divisors of n.
Exercise 4.1 Use Algorithm 4.1 to factor n = 2759.
An immediate improvement of Algorithm 4.1 is to make use of an auxiliary sequence of trial divisors:
which includes all primes (possibly some composites as well if it is convenient to do so) and at least one value . The algorithm can be described as follows:
Algorithm 4.2 (Factoring by Trial Division) This algorithm tries to factor an integer n>1 using trial divisions by an auxiliary sequence of trial divisors.
Exercise 4.2 Use Algorithm 4.2 to factor n = 2759; assume that we have the list L of all primes and at least one , that is, .
Theorem 4.1 Algorithm 4.2 requires a running time in
If a primality test between steps [2] and [3] were inserted, the running time would then be in , or if one does trial division only by primes, where pt−1 is the second largest prime factor of n.
The trial division test is very useful for removing small factors, but it should not be used for factoring completely, except when n is very small, say, for example, n<108.
Algorithm 4.2 seems to be very simple, but its analysis is rather complicated. For example, in order to analyse the average behavior of the algorithm, we will need to know how many trial divisions are necessary and how large the largest prime factor pt will tend to be.
Let be the primes . Then, if the Riemann Hypothesis is true, it would imply that
where . In 1930, Karl Dickman investigated the probability that a random integer between 1 and x will have its largest prime factor . He gave a heuristic argument to show that this probability approaches the limiting value as , where f can be calculated from the functional equation
His argument was essentially this: Given 0<t<1, the number of integers less than x whose largest prime factor is between xt and xt + dt is . The number of prime p in that range is
For every such p, the number of integers n such that “ and the largest prime factor of n is ” is the number of whose largest prime factor is , namely x1−tF(t/(1−t)). Hence and (4.5) follows by integration.
If , formula (4.5) simplifies to
Thus, for example, the probability that a random positive integer has a prime factor is , In all such cases, Algorithm 4.2 must work hard. So, practically, Algorithm 4.2 will give the answer rather quickly if we want to factor a 6-digit integer; but for large n, the amount of computer time for factoring by trial division will rapidly exceed practical limits, unless we are unusually lucky. The algorithm usually finds a few small factors and then begins a long-drawn-out search for the large ones that are left. Interested readers are referred to [4] for more detailed discussion.
By an argument analogous to Dickman’s, it has been shown that the second largest prime factor of a random integer x will be with approximate probability , where
Clearly, for .
The total number of prime factors, t is obviously , but these lower and upper bounds are seldom achieved. It is possible to prove that if n is chosen at random between 1 and x, the probability that approaches
as , for any fixed c. In other words, the distribution of t is essentially normal, with mean and variance ln ln x; about 99.73 % of all the large integers have . Furthermore, the average value of t−ln ln x for is known to approach
It follows from the above analysis that Algorithm 4.2 will be useful for factoring a 6-digit integer, or a large integer with small prime factors. Fortunately, many more efficient factorization algorithms have been developed since 1980, requiring fewer bit operations than the trial division method; with the fastest being the Number Field Sieve (NFS), which will be discussed later.
Problems for Subsection 4.2
4.3 ρ and p−1 Methods
In 1975 John M. Pollard proposed a very efficient Monte Carlo method [2], now widely known as Pollard’s “rho” or Method, for finding a small nontrivial factor d of a large integer n. Trial division by all integers up to is guaranteed to factor completely any number up to n. For the same amount of work, Pollard’s “rho” Method will factor any number up to n2 (unless we are unlucky).
The method uses an iteration of the form
where x0 is a random starting value, n is the number to be factored, and is a polynomial with integer coefficients; usually, we just simply choose with . Then starting with some initial value x0, a “random” sequence is computed modulo n in the following way:
Let d be a nontrivial divisor of n, where d is small compared with n. Since there are relatively few congruence classes modulo d (namely, d of them), there will probably exist integers xi and xj which lie in the same congruence class modulo d, but belong to different classes modulo n; in short, we will have
Since and , it follows that is a nontrivial factor of n. In practice, a divisor d of n is not known in advance, but it can most likely be detected by keeping track of the integers xi, which we do know; we simply compare xi with the earlier xj, calculating until a nontrivial gcd occurs. The divisor obtained in this way is not necessarily the smallest factor of n and indeed it may not be prime. The possibility exists that when a gcd greater that 1 is found, it may also turn out to be equal to n itself, though this happens very rarely.
Example 4.1 For example, let , f(x) = x2−1 and x1 = 2. Then the “random” sequence is as follows:
where the repeated values are overlined. Now we find that
So we have
Of course, as mentioned earlier, d is not known in advance, but we can keep track of the integers xi which we do know, and simply compare xi with all the previous xj with j<i, calculating until a nontrivial gcd occurs:
So after 13 comparisons and calculations, we eventually find the divisor 19.
As k increases, the task of computing for all j<i becomes very time-consuming; for n = 1050, the computation of would require about bit operations, as the complexity for computing one gcd is . Pollard actually used Floyd’s method to detect a cycle in a long sequence , which just looks at cases in which xi = x2i. To see how it works, suppose that , then
If k = j−i, then . Hence, we only need look at x2i−xi (or xi−x2i) for . That is, we only need to check one gcd for each i. Note that the sequence modulo a prime number p, say, looks like a circle with a tail; it is from this behavior that the method gets its name (see Figure 4.2 for a graphical sketch; it looks like the Greek letter ).
Example 4.2 Again, let , f(x) = x2−1, and x1 = 2. By comparing pairs xi and x2i, for , we have:
So after only three comparisons and gcd calculations, the divisor 19 of 1387 is found.
In what follows, we shall show that to compute yi = x2i, we do not need to compute until we get x2i. Observe that
So at each step, we compute
Therefore, only three evaluations of f will be required.
Example 4.3 Let once again , f(x) = x2−1, and x0 = y0 = 2. By comparing pairs xi and x2i, for , we get:
The divisor 19 of 1387 is then found.
Remark 4.1 There is an even more efficient algorithm, due to Richard Brent [3], that looks only at the following differences and the corresponding gcd results:
and in general:
Brent’s algorithm is about 24% faster than Pollard’s original version.
Now we are in a position to present an algorithm for the Method.
Algorithm 4.3 (Brent–Pollard’s Method) Let n be a composite integer greater than 1. This algorithm tries to find a nontrivial factor d of n, which is small compared to . Suppose the polynomial to use is f(x) = x2 + 1.
Example 4.4 The 8th Fermat number was factored by Brent and Pollard in 1980 by using Brent–Pollard’s “rho” Method:
Now let us move to consider the complexity of the Method. Let p be the smallest prime factor of n, and j the smallest positive index such that . Making some plausible assumptions, it is easy to show that the expected value of j is . The argument is related to the well-known “birthday” paradox: Suppose that and that the numbers are independently chosen from the set . Then the probability that the numbers xk are distinct is
Note that the xi’s are likely to be distinct if k is small compared with , but unlikely to be distinct if k is large compared with . Of course, we cannot work out , since we do not know p in advance, but we can detect xj by taking greatest common divisors. We simply compute for and stop when a d>1 is found.
Conjecture 4.1 (Complexity of the Method) Let p be a prime dividing n and , then the algorithm has expected running time
to find the prime factor p of n.
Remark 4.2 The Method is an improvement over trial division, because in trial division, divisions are needed to find a small factor p of n. But of course, one disadvantage of the algorithm is that its running time is only a conjectured expected value, not a rigorous bound.
In 1974, Pollard [40] also invented another simple but effective factoring algorithm, now widely known as Pollard’s “p−1” Method, which can be described as follows:
Algorithm 4.4 (Pollard’s “p−1” Method) Let n>1 be a composite number. This algorithm attempts to find a nontrivial factor of n.
The “p−1” algorithm is usually successful in the fortunate case where n has a prime divisor p for which p−1 has no large prime factors. Suppose that and that . Since , we have , thus . In many cases, we have , so the method finds a nontrivial factor of n.
Example 4.5 Use the “p−1” Method to factor the number n = 540143. Choose B = 8 and hence k = 840. Choose also a = 2. Then we have
Thus 421 is a (prime) factor of 540143. In fact, is the complete prime factorization of 540143. It is interesting to note that by using the “p−1” method Baillie in 1980 found the prime factor
of the Mersenne number M257 = 2257−1. In this case
In the worst case, where (p−1)/2 is prime, the “p−1” algorithm is no better than trial division. Since the group has fixed order p−1 there is nothing to be done except try a different algorithm. Note that there is a similar method to “p−1,” called “p + 1,” that was proposed by H. C. Williams in 1982. It is suitable for the case where n has a prime factor p for which p + 1 has no large prime factors.
Problems for Section 4.3
4.4 Elliptic Curve Method
In this section, we shall introduce a factoring method depending on the use of elliptic curves. The method is actually obtained from Pollard’s “p−1” algorithm: If we can choose a random group G with order G close to p, we may be able to perform a computation similar to that involved in Pollard’s “p−1” algorithm, working in G rather than in Fp. If all prime factors of G are less than the bound B then we find a factor of n. Otherwise, we repeat this procedure with a different group G (and hence, usually, a different G) until a factor is found. This is the motivation of the ECM method, invented by H. W. Lenstra in 1987 [42].
Algorithm 4.5 (Lenstra’s Elliptic Curve Method) Let n>1 be a composite number, with . This algorithm attempts to find a nontrivial factor of n. The method depends on the use of elliptic curves and is the analog to Pollard’s “p−1” Method.
As for the “p−1” method, one can show that a given pair (E, P) is likely to be successful in the above algorithm if n has a prime factor p for which is composed of small primes only. The probability for this to happen increases with the number of pairs (E, P) that one tries.
Example 4.6 Use the ECM method to factor the number n = 187.
Example 4.7 To factor n = 7560636089, we calculate kP = k(1, 3) with on :
3P = (1329185554, 395213649) | 6P = (646076693, 5714212282) |
12P = (5471830359, 5103472059) | 24P = (04270711, 3729197625) |
49P = (326178740, 3033431040) | 99P = (5140727517, 2482333384) |
199P = (1075608203, 3158750830) | 398P = (4900089049, 2668152272) |
797P = (243200145, 2284975169) | 1595P = (3858922333, 4843162438) |
3191P = (7550557590, 1472275078) | 6382P = (4680335599, 1331171175) |
12765P = (6687327444, 7233749859) | 25530P = (6652513841, 6306817073) |
51061P = (6578825631, 5517394034) | 102123P = (1383310127, 2036899446) |
204247P = (3138092894, 2918615751) | 408495P = (6052513220, 1280964400) |
816990P = (2660742654, 3418862519) | 1633980P = (7023086430, 1556397347) |
3267961P = (5398595429, 795490222) | 6535923P = (4999132, 4591063762) |
13071847P = (3972919246, 7322445069) | 26143695P = (3597132904, 3966259569) |
52287391P = (2477960886, 862860073) | 104574782P = (658268732, 3654016834) |
209149565P = (6484065460, 287965264) | 418299131P = (1622459893, 4833264668) |
836598262P = (7162984288, 487850179) | . |
Now, 1673196525P is the point at infinity since is impossible. Hence, gives a factor of n.
Example 4.8 The following are some ECM factoring examples. In 1995 Richard Brent at the Australian National University completed the factorization of the 10th Fermat number using ECM:
where the 40-digit prime p40 was found using ECM, and p252 was proved to be a 252-digit prime. Brent also completed the factorization of the 11th Fermat number (with 617-digit) using ECM:
where the 21-digit and 22-digit prime factors were found using ECM, and p564 is a 564-digit prime. Other recent ECM-records include a 38-digit prime factor (found by A. K. Lenstra and M. S. Manasse) in the 112-digit composite , a 40-digit prime factor of 26126 + 1, a 43-digit prime factor of the partition number p(19997), and a 44-digit prime factor of the partition number p(19069) in the RSA Factoring Challenge List, and a 47-digit prime in c135 of .
Both Lenstra’s ECM algorithm and Pollard’s “p−1” algorithm can be sped up by the addition of a second phase. The idea of the second phase in ECM is to find a factor in the case that the first phase terminates with a group element , such that is reasonably small, say ), here is the cyclic group generated by p. There are several possible implementations of the second phase. One of the simplest uses a pseudorandom walk in . By the birthday paradox argument, there is a good chance that two points in the random walk will coincide after steps, and when this occurs a nontrivial factor of n can usually be found (see [6] and [5] for more detailed information on the implementation issues of the ECM.
Conjecture 4.2 (Complexity of the ECM method) Let p be the smallest prime dividing n. Then the ECM method will find p of n, under some plausible assumptions, in expected running time
In the worst case, when n is the product of two prime factors of the same order of magnitude, we have
Remark 4.3 The most interesting feature of ECM is that its running time depends very much on p (the factor found) of n, rather than n itself. So one advantage of the ECM is that one may use it, in a manner similar to trial divisions, to locate the smaller prime factors p of a number n which is much too large to factor completely.
Problems for Section 4.4
4.5 Continued Fraction Method
The Continued Fraction Method is perhaps the first modern, general purpose integer factorization method, although its original idea may go back to M. Kraitchik in the 1920s, or even earlier to A. M. Legendre. It was used by D. H. Lehmer and R. E. Powers to devise a new technique in the 1930s, however the method was not very useful and applicable at the time because it was unsuitable for desk calculators. About 40 years later, it was first implemented on a computer by M. A. Morrison and J. Brillhart [7], who used it to successfully factor the seventh Fermat number
on the morning of 13 September 1970.
The Continued FRACtion (CFRAC) method looks for small values of |W| such that has a solution. Since W is small (specifically ), it has a reasonably good chance of being a product of primes in our factor base FB. Now if W is small and , then we can write x2 = W + knd2 for some k and d, hence (x/d)2−kn = W/d2 will be small. In other words, the rational number x/d is an approximation of . This suggests looking at the continued fraction expansion of , since continued fraction expansions of real numbers give good rational approximations. This is exactly the idea behind the CFRAC method! We first obtain a sequence of approximations (i.e., convergents) Pi/Qi to for a number of values of k, such that
Putting Wi = P2i−Q2ikn, then we have
Hence, the are small and more likely to be smooth, as desired. Then, we try to factor the corresponding integers Wi = P2i−Q2ikn over our factor base FB; with each success, we obtain a new congruence of the form
Once we have obtained at least m + 2 such congruences, by Gaussian elimination over we have obtained a congruence . That is, if (x1, e01, e11, ···, em1), ···, (xr, e0r, e1r, ···, emr) are solutions of (4.24) such that the vector sum
is even in each component, then
is a solution to
except for the possibility that , and hence (usually) a nontrivial factoring of n, by computing .
Example 4.9 We now illustrate, by an example, the idea of CFRAC factoring. Let n = 1037. Then . The first ten continued fraction approximations of are:
Convergent P/Q | |
32/1 | −13 = −13 |
129/4 | |
161/5 | |
−19 = −19 | |
−49 = −72 | |
Now we search for squares on both sides, either just by a single congruence, or by a combination (i.e., multiplying together) of several congruences and find that
Three of them yield a factorization of .
It is clear that the CFRAC factoring algorithm is essentially just a continued fraction algorithm for finding the continued fraction expansion [q0, q1, ···, qk, ···] of , or the Pk and Qk of such an expansion. In what follows, we shall briefly summarize the CFRAC method just discussed above in the following algorithmic form:
Algorithm 4.6 (CFRAC factoring) Given a positive integer n and a positive integer k such that kn is not a perfect square, this algorithm tries to find a factor of n by computing the continued fraction expansion of .
Conjecture 4.3 (The complexity of the CFRAC Method) If n is the integer to be factored, then under certain reasonable heuristic assumptions, the CFRAC method will factor n in time
Remark 4.4 This is a conjecture, not a theorem, because it is supported by some heuristic assumptions which have not been proven.
Problems for Section 4.5
4.6 Quadratic Sieve
The idea of the quadratic sieve (QS) was first introduced by Carl Pomerance in 1982 [8]. QS is somewhat similar to CFRAC except that instead of using continued fractions to produce the values for , it uses expressions of the form
Here, if 0<k<L, then
If we get
then we have with
Once such x and y are found, there is a good chance that is a nontrivial factor of n.
Example 4.10 Use the Quadratic Sieve Method (QS) to factor n = 2041. Let W(x) = x2−n, with x = 43, 44, 45, 46. Then we have:
which leads to the following congruence:
This congruence gives the factorization of , since
For the purpose of implementation, we can use the same set FB as that used in CFRAC and the same idea as that described above to arrange (4.34) to hold.
The most widely used variation of the quadratic sieve is perhaps the Multiple Polynomial Quadratic Sieve (MPQS), first proposed by Peter Montgomery in 1986. The idea of the MPQS is as follows: To find the (x, y) pair in
we try to find triples (Ui, Vi, Wi), for , such that
where W is easy to factor (at least easier than n). If sufficiently many congruences (4.37) are found, they can be combined, by multiplying together a subset of them, in order to get a relation of the form (4.36). The version of the MPQS algorithm described here is based on [9].
Algorithm 4.7 (Multiple Polynomial Quadratic Sieve) Given a positive integer n>1, this algorithm will try to find a factor n using the multiple polynomial quadratic sieve.
Example 4.11 MPQS has been used to obtain many spectacular factorizations. One such factorization is the 103-digit composite number
The other record of the MPQS is the factorization of the RSA-129 in April 1994, a 129 digit composite number:
It was estimated in Gardner [23] in 1977 that the running time required to factor numbers with about the same size as RSA-129 would be about 40 quadrillion years using the best algorithm and fastest computer at that time. It was factorized by Derek Atkins, Michael Graff, Arjen Lenstra, Paul Leyland, and more than 600 volunteers from more than 20 countries, on all continents except Antarctica. To factor this number, they used the double large prime variation of the Multiple Polynomial Quadratic Sieve Factoring Method. The sieving step took approximately 5000 mips years.
Conjecture 4.4 (The complexity of the QS/MPQS Method) If n is the integer to be factored, then under certain reasonable heuristic assumptions, the QS/MPQS method will factor n in time
Problems for Section 4.6
4.7 Number Field Sieve
Before introducing the Number Field Sieve (NFS), it is interesting to briefly review some important milestones in the development of the factoring methods. In 1970, it was barely possible to factor “hard” 20-digit numbers. In 1980, by using the CFRAC method, factoring of 50-digit numbers was becoming commonplace. In 1990, the QS method had doubled the length of the numbers that could be factored by CFRAC, with a record having 116 digits. In the spring of 1996, the NFS method had successfully split a 130-digit RSA challenge number in about 15% of the time the QS would have taken. At present, the Number Field Sieve (NFS) is the champion of all known factoring methods. NFS was first proposed by John Pollard in a letter to A. M. Odlyzko, dated August 31 1988, with copies to R. P. Brent, J. Brillhart, H. W. Lenstra, C. P. Schnorr, and H. Suyama, outlining an idea of factoring certain big numbers via algebraic number fields. His original idea was not for any large composite, but for certain “pretty” composites that had the property that they were close to powers. He illustrated the idea with a factorization of the seventh Fermat number which was first factored by CFRAC in 1970. He also speculated in the letter that “if F9 is still unfactored, then it might be a candidate for this kind of method eventually?” The answer now is of course “yes,” since F9 was factored by using NFS in 1990. It is worthwhile pointing out that NFS is not only a method suitable for factoring numbers in a special form like F9, but also a general purpose factoring method for any integer of a given size. There are, in fact, two forms of NFS (Huizing [10], and Lenstra and Lenstra [11]): the special NFS (SNFS), tailored specifically for integers of the form N = c1rt + c2su, and the general NFS (GNFS), applicable to any arbitrary numbers. Since NFS uses some ideas from algebraic number theory, a brief introduction to some basic concepts of algebraic number theory is in order.
Definition 4.1 A complex number is an algebraic number if it is a root of a polynomial
where and . If f(x) is irreducible over and , then k is the degree of x.
Example 4.12 Two examples of algebraic numbers are as follows:
Any complex number that is not algebraic is said to be transcendental such as and e.
Definition 4.2 A complex number is an algebraic integer if it is a root of a monic polynomial
where .
Remark 4.5 A quadratic integer is an algebraic integer satisfying a monic quadratic equation with integer coefficients. A cubic integer is an algebraic integer satisfying a monic cubic equation with integer coefficients.
Example 4.13 Some examples of algebraic integers are as follows:
Clearly, every algebraic integer is an algebraic number, but the converse is not true.
Proposition 4.1 A rational number is an algebraic integer if and only if .
Proof: If , then r is a root of x−r = 0. Thus r is an algebraic integer Now suppose that and r is an algebraic integer (i.e., r = c/d is a root of (4.48), where ; we may assume ). Substituting c/d into (4.48) and multiplying both sides by dn, we get
It follows that and (since ). Again since , it follows that . Hence . It follows, for example, that 2/5 is an algebraic number but not an algebraic integer.
Remark 4.6 The elements of are the only rational numbers that are algebraic integers. We shall refer to the elements of as rational integers when we need to distinguish them from other algebraic integers that are not rational. For example, is an algebraic integer but not a rational integer.
The most interesting results concerned with the algebraic numbers and algebraic integers are contained in the following theorem.
Theorem 4.2 The set of algebraic numbers forms a field, and the set of algebraic integers forms a ring.
Proof: See pp. 67–68 of Ireland and Rosen [12].
Lemma 4.1 Let f(x) be an irreducible monic polynomial of degree d over integers and M an integer such that . Let be a complex root of f(x) and the set of all polynomials in with integer coefficients. Then there exists a unique mapping satisfying
Now we are in a position to introduce the Number Field Sieve (NFS). Note that there are two main types of NFS: NFS (general NFS) for general numbers and SNFS (special NFS) for numbers with special forms. The idea, however, behind the GNFS and SNFS is the same:
There are many ways to implement the above idea, all of which follow the same pattern as we discussed previously in CFRAC and QS/MPQS: By a sieving process one first tries to find congruences modulo n by working over a factor base, and then does a Gaussian elimination over to obtain a congruence of squares . We give in the following a brief description of the NFS algorithm [13].
Algorithm 4.8 Given an odd positive integer n, the NFS algorithm has the following four main steps in factoring n:
Define and via , where M is the common root of both f and G. Then
which is of the required form of the factoring congruence, and hopefully, a factor of n can be found by calculating .
Example 4.14 We first give a rather simple NFS factoring example. Let . So we put f(x) = x2 + 1 and m = 122, such that
If we choose , then we can easily find (by sieving) that
(Readers should be able to find many such pairs of (ai, bi) in the interval, that are smooth up to e.g., 29.) So, we have
In the same way, if we wish to factor n = 84101 = 2902 + 1, then we let m = 290, and f(x) = x2 + 1 so that
We tabulate the sieving process as follows:
Clearly, −38 + i and −22 + 19i can produce a product square, since
In fact, 84101 = 2273× 37. Note that −118 + 11i and 218 + 59i can also produce a product square, since
Example 4.15 Next we present a slightly more complicated example. Use NFS to factor n = 1098413. First notice that , which is in a special form and can be factored by using SNFS.
Example 4.16 Finally, we give some large factoring examples using NFS.
Remark 4.7 Prior to the NFS, all modern factoring methods had an expected running time of at best
For example, Dixon’s Random Square Method has the expected running time
whereas the Multiple Polynomial Quadratic Sieve (MPQS) takes time
Because of the Canfield-Erdös-Pomerance theorem, some people even believed that this could not be improved upon except maybe for the term (c + o(1)), but the invention of the NFS has changed all this.
Conjecture 4.5 (Complexity of NFS) Under some reasonable heuristic assumptions, the NFS method can factor an integer n in time
where if GNFS is used to factor an arbitrary integer n, whereas if SNFS is used to factor a special integer n.
Problems for Section 4.7
4.8 Bibliographic Notes and Further Reading
In this chapter, we discussed some of the most popular algorithms for integer factorization. For general references in this field, it is suggested that readers consult, for example, [14–38].
Shanks’ Square Forms Factorization was studied in [39]. The p−1 Factoring Method was proposed by Pollard in [40] and Factoring Method in [2], respectively. An improved version of was proposed by Brent in [3]. The p + 1 Factoring Method was proposed by Williams in [41].
The ECM factoring method was first proposed by Lenstra in [42]. More information on ECM may be found in [5,6]. The CFRAC factoring method was first proposed and implemented in [7]. The QS factoring method was first proposed by Pomerance in the 1980s [9, 43,44]. The idea of NFS was first proposed by Pollard and subsequently improved by many authors; more information about the NFS can be found in [11, 45,46]. Readers who are interested in parallel and distributed factoring may consult [47–50].
1. P. Shor, “Polynomial-Time Algorithms for Prime Factorization and Discrete Logarithms on a Quantum Computer”, SIAM Journal on Computing, 26, 5, 1997, pp. 1484–1509.
2. J. M. Pollard, “A Monte Carlo Method for Factorization”, BIT, 15, 1975, pp. 331–332.
3. R. P. Brent, “An Improved Monte Carlo Factorization Algorithm”, BIT, 20, 1980, pp. 176–184.
4. D. E. Knuth, The Art of Computer Programming II – Seminumerical Algorithms, 3rd Edition, Addison-Wesley, 1998.
5. P. L. Montgomery, “Speeding Pollard’s and Elliptic Curve Methods of Factorization”, Mathematics of Computation, 48, 1987, pp. 243–264.
6. R. P. Brent, “Some Integer Factorization Algorithms using Elliptic Curves”, Australian Computer Science Communications, 8, 1986, pp. 149–163.
7. M. A. Morrison and J. Brillhart, “A Method of Factoring and the Factorization of F7”, Mathematics of Computation, 29, 1975, pp. 183–205.
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