Discrete Logarithms
The Discrete Logarithm Problem (DLP) and the Elliptic Curve Discrete Logarithm Problem (ECDLP), along with the Integer Factorization Problem (IFP), are the three most important infeasible computational problems in computational number theory and modern cryptography. In this chapter we discuss several popular and widely used modern algorithms for DLP/ECDLP, including:
5.1 Basic Concepts
The Discrete Logarithm Problem (DLP) can be described as follows:
where the modulus n can either be a composite or a prime.
According to Adleman [1], the Russian mathematician Bouniakowsky developed a clever algorithm to solve the congruence , with the asymptotic complexity in 1870. Despite its long history, no efficient algorithm has ever emerged for the Discrete Logarithm Problem. It is believed to be hard, a little bit harder than the Integer Factorization Problem (IFP) even in the average case. The best known algorithm for DLP at present, using NFS and due to Gordon [2], requires an expected running time
There are essentially three different categories of algorithms in use for computing discrete logarithms:
In this chapter, we shall introduce the basic ideas of the algorithms in each of these three categories; more specifically, we shall introduce Shanks’ Baby-step Giant-step algorithm, the Silver–Pohlig–Hellman algorithm, Adleman’s index calculus algorithm, as well as Gordon’s NFS algorithm for computing discrete logarithms. In the last section of this chapter, we shall also deal with algorithms for ECDLP.
Problems for Section 5.1
5.2 Baby-Step Giant-Step Method
The Baby-step Giant-step Method is a meet-in-the-middle algorithm for computing the discrete logarithm. It was first studied in 1968 to calculate the class number of an imaginary quadratic field [3]. Let G be a finite cyclic group of order n, a a generator of G and . The obvious algorithm for computing successive powers of a until b is found takes group operations. For example, to compute , we compute for until for some x is found, that is:
So . It is clear that when n is large, the algorithm is inefficient. In this section, we introduce a type of square root algorithm, called the baby-step giant-step algorithm, for taking discrete logarithms, which is better than the above mentioned obvious algorithm. The algorithm works for every finite cyclic group.
Let . The baby-step giant-step algorithm is based on the observation that if x = logab, then we can uniquely write x = i + jm, where . For example, if , then a = 2, b = 15, m = 5, so we can write 11 = i + 5j for . Clearly here i = 1 and j = 2 so we have . Similarly, for we can write , for we can write , etc. The following is a description of the algorithm:
Algorithm 5.1 (Shanks’ baby-step giant-step algorithm) This algorithm computes the discrete logarithm x of y to the base a, modulo n, such that :
This algorithm requires a table with entries (, where n is the modulus). Using a sorting algorithm, we can sort both the lists S and T in operations. Thus this gives an algorithm for computing discrete logarithms that uses time and space for group elements. Note that Shanks’ idea was originally for computing the order of a group element G in the group G, but here we use his idea to compute discrete logarithms. Note also that although this algorithm works on arbitrary groups, if the order of a group is larger than 1040, it will be infeasible.
Example 5.1 Suppose we wish to compute the discrete logarithm such that . According to Algorithm 12, we perform the following computations:
Example 5.2 Suppose now we wish to find the discrete logarithm , such that . Again by Algorithm 5.1, we have:
Remark 5.1 Shanks’ baby-step giant-step algorithm is a type of Square Root Method for computing discrete logarithms. In 1978 Pollard [4] also gave two other types of Square Root Methods, namely the Method (an analogue of Pollard’s Factoring Method) and the Method (also known as the Wild Kangaroo Method) for computing discrete logarithms. Pollard’s methods are probabilistic but remove the necessity of precomputing the lists S and T, as with Shanks’ Baby-step Giant-step Method. Again, Pollard’s algorithm requires group operations and hence is infeasible if the order of the group G is larger than 1040.
Problems for Section 5.2
5.3 Pohlig–Hellman Method
In 1978, Pohlig and Hellman [5] proposed an important special algorithm, now widely known as the Silver–Pohlig–Hellman algorithm for computing discrete logarithms over GF(q) with operations and a comparable amount of storage, where p is the largest prime factor of q−1. Pohlig and Hellman showed that if
where the pi are distinct primes and the are natural numbers, and if are any real numbers with , then logarithms over GF(q) can be computed in
field operations, using
bits of memory, provided that a precomputation requiring
field operations is performed first. This algorithm is very efficient if q is “smooth,” that is, all the prime factors of q−1 are small. We shall give a brief description of the algorithm as follows:
Algorithm 5.2 (Silver–Pohlig–Hellman Algorithm) This algorithm computes the discrete logarithm
We now give an example of how the above algorithm works:
Example 5.3 Suppose we wish to compute the discrete logarithm . Now we have a = 2, b = 62 and q = 181 (2 is a generator of ). We follow the computation steps described in the above algorithm:
Problems for Section 5.3
5.4 Index Calculus
In 1979, Adleman [1] proposed a general purpose, subexponential algorithm for computing discrete logarithms, called the index calculus, with the following expected running time:
The index calculus is, in fact, a wide range of methods, including CFRAC, QS, and NFS for IFP. In what follows, we discuss a variant of Adleman’s index calculus for DLP in .
Algorithm 5.3 (Index calculus for DLP) This algorithm tries to find an integer k such that
Example 5.4 (Index calculus for DLP) Find
such that
Example 5.5 Find such that .
For more than ten years since its invention, Adleman’s method and its variants were the fastest algorithms for computing discrete logarithms. But the situation changed in 1993 Gordon [2] proposed an algorithm for computing discrete logarithms in GF(p). Gordon’s algorithm is based on the Number Field Sieve (NFS) for integer factorization, with the heuristic expected running time
the same as that used in factoring. The algorithm can be briefly described as follows:
Algorithm 5.4 (Gordon’s NFS) This algorithm computes the discrete logarithm x such that with input a, b, p, where a and b are generators and p is prime:
Problems for Section 5.4
5.5 Elliptic Curve Discrete Logarithms
The Elliptic Curve Discrete Logarithm Problem (ECDLP) is of fundamental importance to ECC (elliptic curve cryptography): Let be an elliptic curve over a finite field , say, given by a Weierstrass equation
p and q the two points in the elliptic curve group . Then the ECDLP is to find the integer k (assuming that such an integer k exists)
such that
Formally, the Elliptic Curve Discrete Logarithm Problem (ECDLP) could be defined as follows:
The ECDLP is little bit more difficult than the DLP, on which the elliptic curve digital signature algorithm/elliptic curve digital signature standard (ECDSA/ECDSS) [37] is based on. As ECDLP is the generalization of DLP, which extends, for example, the multiplicative group to the elliptic curve group , many methods for DLP, even for IFP, can be extended to ECDLP, for example, the Baby-step Giant-step for DLP, Pollard’s and Methods for IFP and DLP; the Silver–Pohlig–Hellman Method for DLP, can also be naturally extended to ECDLP. In what follows, we present an example of solving ECDLP by an analog of the Silver–Pohlig–Hellman Method for elliptic curves over .
Example 5.6 Let
Find k.
The index calculus for DLP is however generally not suitable for ECDLP as it is not for general groups. In what follows, we introduce a method, called xedni calculus for ECDLP. The xedni calculus was first proposed by Joseph Silverman in [42] and [44], and analyzed in [45]. It is called xedni calculus because it “stands index calculus on its head.” The xedni calculus is a new method that might be used to solve the ECDLP, although it has not yet been tested in practice. It can be described as follows:
Whilst the index calculus works in reverse:
A brief description of the xedni algorithm is as follows.
Algorithm 5.5 (Xedni calculus for the ECDLP) Let be a finite field with p elements (p prime), an elliptic curve over , say, given by
Np the number of points in , S and T the two points in . This algorithm tries to find an integer k
such that
As can be seen, the basic idea in the above algorithm is that we first choose points in and lift them to points having integer coordinates, then we choose an elliptic curve that goes through the points , and finally check if the points are dependent. If they are, the ECDLP is almost solved. Thus, the goal of the xedni calculus is to find an instance where an elliptic curve has smaller than expected rank. Unfortunately, a set of points as constructed above will usually be independent. So, it will not work. To make it work, a congruence method, due to Mestre, is used in reverse to produce the lifted curve E having smaller than expected rank.1 Again unfortunately, Mestre’s Method is based on some deep ideas and unproved conjectures in analytic number theory and arithmetic algebraic geometry, it is not possible for us at present to give even a rough estimate of the algorithm’s running time. So, we know virtually nothing about the complexity of the xedni calculus. We also do not know if the xedni calculus will be practically useful; it may be completely useless from a practical point of view. Much needs to be done before we will have a better understanding of the xedni calculus.
The index calculus is probabilistic, subexponential-time algorithm applicable for both the Integer Factorization Problem (IFP) and the finite field Discrete Logarithm Problem (DLP). However, there is no known subexponential-time algorithm for the Elliptic Curve Discrete Logarithm Problem (ECDLP); the index calculus will not work for the ECDLP. The xedni calculus, on the other hand, is applicable to ECDLP (it is in fact also applicable to IFP and DLP), but unfortunately its complexity is essentially unknown. From a computability point of view, xedni calculus is applicable to IFP, DLP, and ECDLP, but from a complexity point of view, the xedni calculus may turn out to be useless (i.e., not at all practical). As for quantum algorithms, we now know that IFP, DLP, and ECDLP can all be solved in polynomial-time if a quantum computer is available for use. However, the problem with quantum algorithms is that a practical quantum computer is out of reach in today’s technology. We summarize various algorithms for IFP, DLP, and ECDLP in Table 5.1.
Trial divisions | Baby-step Giant-step | Baby-step Giant-step |
Pollard’s Method | Pollard’s Methods | Pollard’s Mmethods |
CFRAC/MPQS | Index calculus | |
NFS | NFS | |
Xedni calculus | Xedni calculus | Xedni calculus |
Quantum algorithms | Quantum algorithms | Quantum algorithms |
Finally, we conclude that we do have algorithms to solve the IFP, DLP, and ECDLP; the only problem is that we do not have an efficient algorithm, nor has any one proved that such an efficient algorithm exists. From a computational complexity point of view, a -type problem is easy to solve, whereas an -type problem is easy to verify [7], so the IFP, DLP, and ECDLP are clearly in . For example, it might be difficult (indeed, it is difficult at present) to factor a large integer, but it is easy to verify whether or not a given factorization is correct. If , then two types of the problems are the same, the factorization is difficult only because no one has yet been clever enough to find an easy/efficient algorithm (it may turn out that the integer factorization problem is indeed -hard, regardless of the cleverness of the human beings). Whether or not is one of the biggest open problems in both mathematics and computer science, and it is listed in the first of the seven Millennium Prize Problems by the Clay Mathematics Institute in Boston of May 24 2000 [6]. The struggle continues and more research needs to be done before we can say anything about whether or not !
Problems for Section 5.5
5.6 Bibliographic Notes and Further Reading
In this chapter, we presented some important modern algorithms for the Discrete Logarithm Problem (DLP) and the Elliptic Curve Discrete Logarithm Problem (ECDLP).
For general references on DLP and methods for solving DLP, it is suggested that readers consult: [8–26].
The Baby-step and Giant-step Method for DLP was originally proposed by Shanks in 1971 [3]. Pohlig–Hellman method of DLP was proposed in [5]. The and Methods were proposed by Pollard in [4].
The currently most powerful method, the index calculus, for DLP is discussed in many references such as [1,2, 27,28]. Generally speaking, the index calculus belongs to a wide range of methods, such as the Continued FRACtion Method (CFRAC), Quadratic Sieve (QS), and Number Field Sieve (NFS). As far as Number Field Sieve is concerned, there is an analog method, called Function Field Sieve, based on the algebraic function field which is just an analog of the number field. FFS, just the as NFS, can be used for solving both IFP and DLP. For more information on FFS, see [29,30].
The ECDLP and methods for ECDLP are discussed in, for example, [31–43]. In particular, the xedni calculus for ECDLP was proposed in [44] and analyzed in [45].
1. L. M. Adleman, “A Subexponential Algorithmic for the Discrete Logarithm Problem with Applications to Cryptography”, Proceedings of the 20th Annual IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science, IEEE Press, 1979, pp. 55–60.
2. D. M. Gordon, “Discrete Logarithms in GF(p) using the Number Field Sieve”, SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics, 6, 1, 1993, pp. 124–138.
3. D. Shanks. “Class Number, A theory of Factorization and Genera”. In: Proceedings of Symposium of Pure Mathematics 20, AMS, Providence, R.I., 1971, pp. 415–440.
4. J. M. Pollard, “Monte Carlo Methods for Index Computation ”, Mathematics of Computation, 32, 1980, pp. 918–924.
5. S. C. Pohlig and M. Hellman, “An Improved Algorithm for Computing Logarithms over GF(p) and its Cryptographic Significance”, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 24, 1978, pp. 106–110.
6. S. Cook, “The P versus NP Problem”, The Millennium Prize Problems. Edited by J. Carlson, A. Jaffe, and A. Wiles, Clay Mathematical Institute and American Mathematical Institute, 2006, pp. 87–104.
7. M. R. Gary and D. S. Johnson, Computers and Intractability – A Guide to the Theory of NP-Completeness, W. H. Freeman and Company, 1979.
8. H. Cohen, A Course in Computational Algebraic Number Theory, Graduate Texts in Mathematics 138, Springer-Verlag, 1993.
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17. A. Menezes, P. C. van Oorschot, and S. A. Vanstone, Handbook of Applied Cryptosystems, CRC Press, 1996.
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21. H. Riesel, Prime Numbers and Computer Methods for Factorization, Birkhäuser, Boston, 1990.
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24. S. S. Wagstaff, Jr., Cryptanalysis of Number Theoretic Ciphers, Chapman & Hall/CRC Press, 2002.
25. S. Y. Yan, “Computing Prime Factorization and Discrete Logarithms: From Index Calculus to Xedni Calculus”, International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 80, 5, 2003, pp. 573–590.
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27. D. M. Gordon and K. S. McCurley, “Massively Parallel Computation of Discrete Logarithms”, Advances in Cryptology – Crypto ’92, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 740, Springer, 1992, pp. 312–323.
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1 Mestre’s original method is to produce elliptic curves of large rank.