Quantum Resistant Cryptography
Once a practical quantum computer with several thousand quantum bits can be built, all the IFP-, DLP-, and ECDLP-based cryptographic systems and protocols can be broken in polynomial-time and hence are no more secure. However, there are still many problems that cannot be solved by a quantum computer in polynomial-time. These problems form a class of quantum-computing (or quantum-attack) resistant problems, and the cryptographic systems and protocols based on these problems will be quantum-computing resistant. In this chapter, we shall introduce:
11.1 Coding-Based Cryptography
We first introduce the most famous code-based cryptosystem, the McEliece system, invented by McEliece in 1978 [1]. One of the most important features of the McEliece system is that it has resisted cryptanalysis to date; it is even quantum computer resistant. The idea of the McEliece system is based on coding theory and its security is based on the fact that decoding an arbitrary linear code is -complete.
Algorithm 11.1 (McEliece’s coding-based cryptography) Suppose Bob wishes to send an encrypted message to Alice, using Alice’s public key. Alice generates her public key and the corresponding private key. Bob uses her public key to encrypt his message and sends it to Alice, Alice uses her own private key to decrypt Bob’s message.
Theorem 11.1 (Correctness of McEliece’s cryptosystem) In McEliece’s cryptosystem, m can be correctly recovered from c.
Proof: Since
the decoding algorithm for the code generated by G corrects to . Now applying S−1 to , we get mSS−1 = m, the required original plaintext.
Remark 11.1 The security of McEliece’s cryptosystem is based on error-correcting codes, particularly the Goppa; if the Goppa code is replaced by other error-correcting codes, the security will be severely weakened. The McEliece’s cryptosystem has two main drawbacks:
It is suggested that the values for the system parameters should be n = 1024, t = 50, and . Thus for these recommended values of system parameters, the public key has about 219-bits, and the message expansion is about 1.6. For these reasons, McEliece’s cryptosystem receives little attention in practice. However, as McEliece’s cryptosystem is the first probabilistic encryption and, more importantly, it has resisted all cryptanalysis including quantum cryptanalysis, it may be a good candidate to replace RSA in the post-quantum cryptography age.
Problems for Section 11.1
11.2 Lattice-Based Cryptography
Cryptography based on ring properties and particularly lattice reduction is another promising direction for post-quantum cryptography, as lattice reduction is a reasonably well-studied hard problem that is currently not known to be solved in polynomial-time, or even subexponential-time on a quantum computer. There are many types of cryptographic systems based on lattice reduction [2–4]. In this section, we give a brief account of one if the lattice based cryptographic systems, the NTRU encryption scheme. NTRU is rumored to stand for Nth-degree TRUncated polynomial ring, or Number Theorists eRe Us. Compared with RSA, it is a rather young cryptosystem, developed by Hoffstein, Pipher, and Silverman [5] in 1995. We give a brief introduction to NTRU, more information can be found in [6].
Algorithm 11.2 (NTRU encryption scheme) The NTRU encryption scheme works as follows:
In Table 11.1, we present some information comparing NTRU to RSA and McEliece.
Problems for Section 11.2
11.3 Quantum Cryptography
It is evident that if a practical quantum computer is available, then all public-key cryptographic systems based on the difficulty of IFP, DLP, and ECDLP will be insecure. However, the cryptographic systems based on quantum mechanics, called quantum cryptography, will still be secure even if a quantum computer is available. So, quantum cryptography is a type of cryptography using quantum mechanics against quantum mechanics. In this section some basic ideas of quantum cryptography are introduced. More specifically, a quantum analog of the Diffie–Hellman–Meikle key-exchange/distribution system, proposed by Bennett and Brassard in 1984 [10], will be addressed.
First let us define four polarizations as follows:
The quantum system consists of a transmitter, a receiver, and a quantum channel through which polarized photons can be sent. By the law of quantum mechanics, the receiver can either distinguish between the rectilinear polarizations , or reconfigure to discriminate between the diagonal polarizations , but in any case, cannot distinguish both types. The system works in the following way:
to be sent to Bob.
An eavesdropper is free to try to measure the photons in the quantum channel, but, according to the law of quantum mechanics, he cannot in general do this without disturbing them, and hence, the key formed by the quantum channel is secure.
Problems for Section 11.3
11.4 DNA Biological Cryptography
The world was shocked by a paper [12] of Adleman (the “A” in the RSA) , who demonstrated that an instance of the NP-complete problem, more specifically, the Hamiltonian Path Problem (HPP), can be solved in polynomial-time on a DNA biological computer (for more information on biological computing, see for example, [13] and [14]. The fundamental idea of DNA-based biological computation is that of a set of DNA strands. Since the set of DNA strands is usually kept in a test tube, the test tube is just a collection of pieces of DNA. In what follows, we shall first give a brief introduction to the DNA biological computation.
Definition 11.1 A test tube (or just tube for short) is a set of molecules of DNA (i.e., a multi-set of finite strings over the alphabet ). Given a tube, one can perform the following four elementary biological operations:
Thus, we can replicate all the DNA molecules from the test tube.These operations are then used to write “programs” which receive a tube as input and return either “yes” or “no” or a set of tubes.
Example 11.1 Consider the following program:
The model defined above is an unrestricted one. We now present a restricted biological computation model:
Definition 11.2 A tube is a multi-set of aggregates over an alphabet which is not necessarily . (An aggregate is a subset of symbols over ). Given a tube, there are three operations:
Example 11.2 (3-colorability problem) Given an n vertex graph G with edges e1, e2, ⋅⋅⋅, ez, let
and consider the following restricted program on input
Theorem 11.2 (Lipton, 1994) Any SAT problem in n variables and m clauses can be solved with at most separations, merges, and one detection.
The above theorem implies that biological computation can be used to solve all problems in , although it does not mean all instances of can be solved in a feasible way. From a computability point of view, neither the quantum computation model nor the biological computation model has more computational power than the Turing machine. Thus we have an analog of the Church–Turing Thesis for quantum and biological computations:Quantum and biological computation thesis: An arithmetic function is computable or a decision problem is decidable by a quantum computer or by a biological computer if and only if it is computable or decidable by a Turing machine.
This means that from a complexity point of view, both the quantum computation model and the biological computation model do indeed have some more computational power than the Turing machine. More specifically, we have the following complexity results about quantum and biological computations:
Now we are in a position to discuss the DNA-based cryptography. We first study a DNA analog of one-time pad (OTP) encryption; its idea may be described as follows.
The DNA implementation of the above scheme may be as follows:
Just the same as stream cipher, we could use the operation XOR, denoted by to implement the DNA OTP encryption as follows.
Problems for Section 11.4
11.5 Bibliographic Notes and Further Reading
Quantum-computing resistant, or quantum-attack resistant, or just quantum resistant cryptography is an important research direction in modern cryptography, since once a practical quantum computer can be built, all the public-key cryptography based on IFP, DLP, and ECDLP can be broken in polynomial-time. As Bill Gates noted in his book [11]:We have to ensure that if any particular encryption technique proves fallible, there is a way to make an immediate transition to an alternative technique.
We need to have quantum resistant cryptographic systems ready at hand, so that we can use these cryptosystems to replace these quantum attackable cryptosystems. In this chapter, we only discussed some quantum resistant cryptographic systems, including quantum cryptography, interested readers should consult the following references for more information: [19–39]. Note that in the literature, quantum-computing resistant cryptography is also called post-quantum cryptography. Springer publishes the proceedings of the post-quantum cryptography conferences [42–45].
Just the same as quantum computing and quantum cryptography, DNA molecular computation is another type of promising computing paradigm and cryptographic scheme. Unlike the traditional computing model, DNA molecular computing is analog, not digital, so it opens a completely different phenomena to solve the hard computational problem. As can be seen from our above discussion, DNA computing has the potential to solve the NP-completeness problems such as the famous Hamiltonian Path Problem (HPP) and the Satisfiability Problem (SAT). Of course there is a long way to go to truly build a practical DNA computer. The reader may consult the following references for more information on DNA computing and cryptography: [46–54].
Chaos-based cryptography [16–18] may be another good candidate for quantum resistant cryptography; it is suggested that readers consult [15] for more information.
1. R. J. McEliece, A Public-Key Cryptosystem based on Algebraic Coding Theory, JPL DSN Progress Report 42–44, 1978, pp. 583–584.
2. A. K. Lenstra, H. W. Lenstra, Jr., and L. Lovász, “Factoring Polynomials with Rational Coefficients”, Mathematische Annalen, 261, 1982, pp. 515–534.
3. H. W. Lenstra, Jr., “Lattices”, Algorithmic Number Theory, edited by J.P. Buhler and P. Stevenhagen, Cambridge University Press, 2008, pp. 127–182.
4. P. Q. Nguyen and B. Vallée, The LLL Algorithm: Survey and Applications, Springer, 2011.
5. J. Hoffstein, J. Pipher, and J. H. Silverman, “A Ring-Based Public-Key Cryptosystem”, Algorithmic Number Theory ANTS-III, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1423, Springer, 1998, pp. 267–288.
6. J. Hoffstein, N. Howgrave-Graham, J. Pipher et al., “NTRUEncrypt and NTRUSign: Efficient Public Key Algorithmd for a Post-Quantum World”, Proceedings of the International Workshop on Post-Quantum Cryptography (PQCrypto 2006), 23–26 May 2006, pp. 71–77.
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11. B. Gates, The Road Ahead, Viking, 1995.
12. L. M. Adleman, “Molecular Computation of Solutions to Combinatorial Problems”, Science, 266, 11 November 1994, pp. 1021–1024.
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