I hope you enjoyed reading Firsts and Lasts as much as I enjoyed writing it, especially tapping into my own visit to New York. I made sure to pass it along to my dear friend and fellow writer Luisa Perkins, as she lived in New York for many years, and caught several things a tourist like me wouldn’t know.
I love feedback! So tell me: What did you like? What did you love? What didn’t you like so much? Do you have a great idea for theme, location, or time period for a future novel or novella?
Write to let me know! You can reach me at annette@annettelyon.com
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Finally, if you’re so inclined, it would be wonderful if you left a review for Firsts and Lasts. I appreciate all feedback, and reviews do so much in helping other readers find the kinds of books they’ll enjoy.
Thanks again for spending time with Dani and Mark!
All the best,