A man’s body lay in the bottom of the perfectly rectangular hole, curled on its side. The means of death was clearly visible: the back of the man’s head was virtually gone where it had been bashed in.
Sophie squatted and shone her light over the body, taking in the details. He wore an Aloha shirt and chinos, Hawaii business casual, and a pair of tan boat shoes. The victim’s complexion was the olive-brown of mixed Hawaiian race. Height seemed around five foot ten, sturdy build. His black hair had silver at the temples—not that much was visible with the amount of blood that stained it.
She played the light over his face again: she’d only met the man once, but she was pretty sure this was Seth Mano, president of the Hui to Restore Kakela’s board.
Sophie slid her cell phone out of her pocket and called her friend. “Lei, we have a big problem here at Kakela.”

Sophie stood back from the crime scene, her arms folded on her chest, as Lei climbed down into the hole with The University of Hawaii crime scene intern she was working with at Kahului station.
Once again, as she watched the team, she wondered about her decision to leave the FBI. It was almost painful to be sidelined from her own case just as it escalated in stakes and importance.
“Sophie!” Lei’s voice summoned her to the edge of the pit. It was five feet down, so the top of Lei’s curly head was just above the edge. “Did you look for the original crime scene on the grounds?”
“No. It occurred to me that he might’ve been killed here, but I called you first, then 911. I stayed by the body so as not to disturb any possible evidence more than I already had.”
“Good.” Lei turned to the two officers who had arrived in response to Sophie’s call. “Do a sweep of the grounds and look for any signs of disturbance.”
“I made it halfway around the left side of the enclosure,” Sophie told the officers. That part is clear.” The two nodded and set off, their flashlights swinging, even though Sophie had turned on all the lights and the field was lit up as if for a game.
“Glad Captain Omura was okay with giving me the case since I was already familiar with the surveillance going on out here. How did this body get in here when you had monitoring set up for the site? Don’t you have cameras on it?” Lei didn’t sound accusing, just puzzled as she studied the body.
“The Hui has a staffer keep an eye on the site during the day while I sleep and they don’t use the monitors in broad daylight. I turn the cameras on when I come in.” Sophie’s belly tightened at the conversations she knew were ahead about her surveillance plan, which, in hindsight, had holes in it. “I knew there would be about an hour between when that person, a clerk named Fran, went home and when I came on, since I was having dinner at your house.” Sophie found herself rubbing the skin graft on her face and put her hand in her pocket. “I am so upset that I didn’t take this more seriously, but we were guarding against theft, not murder!”
Pono Kaihale, Lei’s long-time Hawaiian partner, strode across the grass toward them. He folded muscular arms across his barrel chest as he reached the area. “Of course you girls found a body,” he said, brown eyes creased in brackets of good humor. “You couldn’t just do pedicures like normal ladies.”
“You’re married to Tiare,” Lei said from inside the pit, speaking of Pono’s highly industrious and competent wife. “You of all people should understand that work comes first. Get your lazy butt down here and help me check this out.”
“Looks muddy. I can see just fine from here.” Pono squatted to look down at the body. “What have we got?”
Sophie recapped the little that she knew. “I think it’s a man I met recently. Seth Mano.”
Lei put a gloved hand into the man’s pocket and removed a wallet. She flipped it open. “Yep. Seth Mano. Five foot eleven, one ninety, black hair, brown eyes, aged forty-seven. No cash here.”
“Dr. Gregory is on his way.” Pono said.
Lei patted the man’s pockets, pulling out an empty money clip. “Could be a robbery gone bad.” She held her flashlight up to shine upon his wrist, where a tan line showed. “Did he wear an expensive watch?”
“I think so.” Sophie remembered something gleaming and heavy on the man’s wrist. “He’s the head of the Hui’s board of directors.”
Both Lei and Pono’s sharp dark eyes pinned her. “You were telling me there were issues,” Lei said. “Apparently, they came to a head.” She shook her head, looking down at the man’s body. “Bad pun, sorry. So, this is no simple mugging gone wrong with a convenient body dump. At first glance, it looks to me like someone was angry with this person and sending a message.”
Pomai Magnuson’s set face as she glared at Mano in their last meeting came to mind. But no…Pomai seemed like such a nice woman. She wouldn’t do such a thing. Would she? But Sophie had learned that most people had the capacity to kill when the motivation was right. “I’ll have to tell you two everything I know about what’s going on at the Hui,” Sophie said. “I am so new on the job here, though. Brett Taggart is the one who will know more, and all the players involved.”
Pono was already jotting the name on a spiral notebook.
“Detectives!” The voice of one of the officers snapped all three of their heads around. “Come see this!”
Pono gave Lei a hand up out of the pit as she ascended the ladder, and the three of them hurried across the field to an area just outside the front gate.
The two officers shone their lights on a scuffed area of dirt near the gate. Sophie must’ve walked right past it when she entered less than an hour before. One of the officers held his light on a smooth, round black stone fetched up against the chain-link fence. The rock was roughly the size of a pineapple and was one of many used to construct a low stone platform that marked the entrance to the site.
“Looks like it could be the murder weapon,” Lei said, shining a light on the rusty bloodstain on the stone. “Tape this area, will you?”
Pono took out his recorder. “Sophie, mind if I get an official statement from you in the trailer?”
Just then the medical examiner’s van pulled up. Portly Dr. Gregory, in an Aloha shirt decorated with rainbows, and his assistant Dr. Tanaka, pulled their gurney out of the back. Lei went to speak to them as the officers cordoned off the crime scene.
“Of course I’ll give you a statement.” Sophie led Pono to the trailer, battling a sense of displacement and a nagging jealousy.
This was her job. Her crime scene. And now she was just a bit player in whatever came next. She was tired of being jealous of her friend Lei. She needed to get over that, and fast.
She gave Pono her statement and everything she could think of about the Hui and its inner workings, and he eventually flipped his notebook shut and turned off the recorder. “I better get out there. You can…” He looked around at the barren setting, the monitors filled with activity as the investigation progressed and more MPD staff arrived. “I guess you can watch from here.”
“I’ll stay here in case you need me,” Sophie said stiffly. “I have some phone calls to make to inform Security Solutions and the Hui.”
“Don’t give any details,” Pono said. “In fact, hold off on any of those calls except to Security Solutions. We need to control all communications and observe reactions to the murder.”
Sophie tightened her lips. “Of course.”
Pono pushed out the door, letting it shut with a bang and leaving her to watch the investigation on the monitors.
“I have an incident on the job to report,” Sophie said to Kendall Bix, Vice President of operations and her immediate supervisor, when she reached him on the satellite phone Security Solutions had issued her. She repeated the information about the body discovery.
“So how long was the site unmonitored between when the Hui’s watchman left and you came on duty?” Bix was sharp enough to catch on to that and ask that question—he was always paying attention to the bottom line, and how it would affect their company.
“About an hour.” Sophie pinched the bridge of her nose, closing her eyes. “This was not my fault.”
“I never said it was. I just asked you how long the site was empty and unmonitored, providing a window for murder.”
“I had dinner with friends. I thought things were covered enough considering the level of threat, which was burglary. Not violence.” Sophie’s stomach churned and she wished she hadn’t eaten so much shoyu chicken.
“And the surveillance monitors you installed?”
“They were off when I arrived. They do not use them during the day, and they had not turned them on prior to my arrival.”
“Who’s the day personnel?”
“A woman staffer associated with the Hui. I just told them to hire someone during the day, or keep it covered with existing staff…”
“This is bad.” Bix’s voice was uncompromising. “You were in charge of security. You should have vetted any staff having anything to do with the monitoring of the site. You should have known and trained anyone covering the site on the equipment and established a protocol so that the site was never unmonitored, no matter the threat level.”
Sophie swallowed. “I can see that now. I am not used to…that is, I have never devised and covered a job like this before. Clearly, I allowed a window of opportunity for someone to take advantage.”
“We will discuss this thoroughly on your return. I’d be surprised if you aren’t fired immediately. I’d fire you, if I were the Hui, and I might still fire you when you get back.” Bix hung up his phone.
Familiar depression rose around her. Sophie wanted to curl up in a ball under her desk.
But if she did, she might never come back out, and Lei and Pono might still need her help—so instead she dropped to the dirty floor and began pushups. Took out her exercise ball and sat down on it and began sit-ups.
She was still doing those when Lei poked her head into the trailer. Lei’s curly hair was escaping her ponytail in a backlit nimbus and her tilted eyes were bright with the excitement of the hunt. “You can go back to your condo, Sophie. We’re going to search this and the entire grounds with a fine-toothed comb for any evidence and line up interviews with all the names you gave us, starting with Magnuson and Taggart. I’ll let you know if there’s anything more we need from you, but you might as well get some rest. At least one of us can.”
Sophie’s body felt like lead as she stood and stowed the exercise equipment. “I just feel sick that this happened on my watch. Literally.”
Lei shrugged. “Murder doesn’t play favorites. Yeah, you could have had a tighter eye on things here, but it just would have meant his body turned up somewhere else most likely—and from my perspective, the body dump being here is convenient. The window between the daytime watch and your return gives us a narrow time frame for the murder, which is good in terms of catching the doer. But I’m not having to answer to a boss about it.” Lei smiled, and patted Sophie’s shoulder. “You can always go back to the FBI if Security Solutions fires you.”
“Ha,” Sophie said humorlessly, preceding her friend across the brightly lit field to the gate. That wasn’t going to happen. Ever. “More likely I’ll apply with Honolulu Police Department. Don’t worry about me and my job. Catch this killer—and let me help you, any way I can.”
“Will do.” But the sound of the gate clanging shut sounded very final as Lei closed Sophie out of the site.