


<button> . . . </button>


HTML5 Global Attributes

autofocus (autofocus="autofocus" in XHTML)

Not in HTML 4.01. Indicates the control should have focus (be highlighted and ready for user input) when the document loads.

disabled (disabled="disabled" in XHTML)

Disables the control for user input. It can be altered only via a script. Browsers may display disabled controls differently (grayed out, for example), which could be useful for dimming certain controls until required info is supplied.

form="id of the form owner"

Not in HTML 4.01. Explicitly associates the input control with its associated form (its form owner). With this method, the input control does not need to be a child of the form element that applies to it.


Not in HTML 4.01. Specifies the application that will process the form. It is used only with a submit button (input type="submit") and has the same function as the action attribute for the form element.

formenctype="content type"

Not in HTML 4.01. Specifies how the form values are encoded with the post method type. It is used only with a submit button (input type="submit") and has the same function as the enctype attribute for the form element. The default is Internet Media Type (application/x-www-form-urlencoded). The value multipart/form-data should be used in combination with the file input type. The value text/plain sets the MIME type of the submitted data to be text/plain.


Not in HTML 4.01. Specifies which HTTP method will be used to submit the form data. It is used only with a submit button (input type="submit") and has the same function as the method attribute for the form element.


Not in HTML 4.01. Indicates that the form is not to be validated during submission. It is used only with a submit button (input type="submit") and has the same function as the novalidate attribute for the form element (new in HTML5).