

I shift anxiously while perching on Alexei’s lap. His doing, not mine. I don’t know this Alexei. He’s not the kind, gentle giant I thought I knew. This man is fierce… and hard. His thick cock is pressing insistently against me through the fabric of his pants, even though he’s not moving a millimeter. My pussy aches to enfold him, take him inside of me, and forget everything else. But my brain won’t let me. I need to take this slowly because I feel like I’m missing something. Something so obvious I should know it already.

Frowning, I stare down at my hands spread across the god-awful orange of his shirt. It clashes hideously with my pink underwear. I giggle, and Alexei quirks an eyebrow at me. “We’re quite the fashionable pair,” I whisper.

“You’re beautiful, kitten.” His hands clench into the flesh of my thighs with authority. Like he’s going to punish me if I disagree with him. Where did that thought come from? And why did it send a wave of wetness into my panties? I shift again, trying to find a way to sit here that doesn’t have me rubbing up against him like a bitch in heat. But Alexei tightens his hands again, holding me in place with his cock throbbing against my pussy, and I decide to let it all be. For the moment, anyway.

“I… what do we do now?” I ask almost plaintively. I don’t have a plan for this scenario.

I’m not sure Alexei does either, but he surprises me. “First, we wait for the rain to calm down. Then we head back to central command where you will be unassigned from this damn vixen thing. Then we’re going to go eat somewhere that does not involve a tent followed by sleeping that doesn’t either. I’m not letting you out of my sight so resign yourself now to sleeping wrapped in my arms.” He’s practically growling as his green eyes stare me down with challenge. I gulp.

“Ummm. What if I want to be a Vixen?”

“Kitten, you can interrogate me all you want but you are not flashing those pretty eyes of yours at any other man.”

I pout. It’s not that I’m really excited to go out flirting, but I was hoping to gain some confidence from this whole exercise. Confidence I’m clearly going to need to deal with this man. The one who’s been hiding inside the reserved Alexei I thought I knew.

“Mia? I mean it. You’re done.”

“But… I want to see if I can do it.”

“Then practice on me.”

“It’s not the same.”

“Why not?” Alexei pulls me tighter against his chest.

“Because you’re not on the fighting forces. I’m supposed to gather intel from them.”

“Why wouldn’t they just shoot you with one of the paint guns?”

“Because that would be rude?”

“Mia.” His tone of disbelief has me giggling.

“I’m too wet to do anything about it now, anyway. But I will decide in the morning. Me. Not you, tough guy.”

“You’re wet?” His green eyes smolder with fire, his hand shifting around to nudge up against my pussy. I moan as his fingers brush the soft skin of my inner thigh.

“Not what I meant. Rain.” I can’t talk. His thick fingers are stroking me softly over the fabric of my panties. “But you are wet, aren’t you, kitten? This isn’t water from the sky.” He brings his finger up to his lips and flicks out his tongue. “Sweet.”

I gape at him, shocked by his actions. His eyes soften. That kindness I’m more familiar with making a brief appearance.

“Mia? Baby. I need you to tell me why that shocked you. How much experience have you had?”

I resort to staring at his ear again and bite my lip, unsure how to answer that. Or why I need to. I glance down, seeing the way my nipples are hard and pressing against the lace of my bra. I frown.

“Kitten, we’re going to end up in exactly the same place, regardless. You can’t push me away no matter what you say. But you need to tell me.”

I shake my head no. I really don’t.

“Okay. Let me show you how interrogation works when done correctly.” Alexei wraps one arm more firmly around my waist and reaches for my hiking boots with the other. A few undone laces and a yank or two, and his thick fingers are sliding erotically between my toes. He pushes them back and forth, catching those hidden corners full of nerve endings until my toes are curling and my back is arching with need. Fuck.

“Are you a virgin, Mia?” he asks softly, biting down gently on my earlobe. I can feel the flush spreading over my entire body. “Hmmm,” he hums approvingly. “Have you even kissed a man before?” This at least I’ve done, and I notice his mouth tighten at the corners. “Ever sucked a man’s cock between those pink lips, baby?” This time I shake my head. My eyes glued to his. “What about a man kissing that sweet virgin pussy?” I blush harder. I don’t want to think about that. Not with Alexei’s cock pushing angrily against my thigh. It’s too much.

“Good girl.” He presses a soft kiss to the side of my neck. Probably because I’m now hiding my face against his shoulder. “See? That wasn’t so bad, was it?” He leans down and gives me a patronizing kiss on the top of my head. I know he’s doing that to be an ass, to relieve me of my embarrassment, and I feel my eyes filling back up with tears because he’s so unbearably sweet. While being annoyingly bossy as fuck.





Holding Mia like this makes me never want to let go. She’s both everything and more than I ever imagined. Better than in my dreams. She’s the perfect armful and so fucking soft. No way in hell am I letting her go out there to try to coax information out of a bunch of seasoned military guys. They’ll eat Mia alive. She has no idea how charming and sweet she is or just how far a man will go to get a taste of that. I know what I’d do to get her to look at me twice and I’m not going to give another guy that kind of chance.

Right now I think she’s doing her best to pretend I’m not even here. Kinda difficult when parts of me are hard enough to bend steel. Not to mention poking at her softness like the sun rising in the morning depends on me fucking her at the earliest opportunity. But she’s giving it everything she has to ignore all that, keeping her beautiful face hidden against my shoulder and barely moving. I’d happily stay here for eternity just holding her, but eventually we’re going to need to eat. Not to mention if it keeps raining like this, the flimsy hut is going to eventually succumb to all the water.

I shift Mia ever so slightly on my lap so I can reach into my pocket for my phone. There’s supposed to be some kind of alert for bad weather or other major events, but apparently I have no signal out here. Great. I lean my head back against the post and try to think.

But when I do that, there’s a vibration in the wood strong enough to catch my attention. Something big is headed this way. “Mia, baby? Stop playing possum. I think something’s on its way to pick us up.”

She leans her head back, her eyes frantic, darting around the hut before landing on her still dripping dress.

“Here. Sit up for a minute. You can have my shirt.”


“Have I given you any indication that I’d be okay with random strangers seeing you in your underwear?” I ask dryly.

“Um, no? But…”

I hurriedly undo the five or six buttons down the front and slip it off my shoulders and over Mia’s. She bats my hands away when I go to button it and does it herself. She’s still frowning down at the shirt. I mean, I know it’s not the greatest fashion but…

“It’s way too short to cover my ass.”

Fuck. “Stand up and let’s see.” I shift her off of me as gently as I can so I can jump up and pull her upright. She’s not wrong. The end of the shirt leaves a tantalizing peek-a-boo of hot pink front and back. If we weren’t about to have company, I would absolutely take my time to savor it. A loud clanging bang and a squeal of brakes announce something big pulling up outside. “Just stay behind me as best you can,” I tell her.

There’s a funky jeep thing sitting just in front of the hut. Mia is frozen where she stands, staring at my chest. “Mia?”

“Hmmm?” She’s responding, but not looking at me. Or rather she is looking at me, but not my face. If I had any doubts left that she has feelings for me, they’re gone now. “Mia, it’s time to go. Hold that thought for another twenty or thirty minutes.”

She blushes hard and hot, but finally shifts her eyes to the man getting out of the vehicle. He’s looking worried. “You Mia Tennant?” he asks her.

She nods.

“Thank fuck for that.” He gestures both of us to the back of the vehicle. I’m frowning at his cavalier attitude. But a ride is a ride. I calm down a little when he starts down the road again. “I’m Mike. Everyone else is accounted for, but neither of you were responding to calls. Ms. Tennant here was not where she was expected to be. Thought I was going to have to fill out a mile of paperwork and launch search and rescue.” He rubs a big hand through his sandy hair before looking in the rear-view mirror at Mia. “You alright there, Miss? We’ll be back at HQ in a jiffy.”

Mia just nods and tugs on the shirt hem, trying to stretch it out to cover her generous assets. I put my hand over hers to still her movements. No need to call attention to what we can’t do anything about. She bites her lip and looks down at our clasped hands. And heaves a big sigh.

“Is there food there?” she finally asks.

“Not sure. That was the original plan, but this storm caught everyone by surprise. They’ll come up with something,” Mike responds cheerfully, navigating around a small lake that’s appeared in the middle of the muddy red road. It’s a bumpy ride and if that has Mia bouncing her tits against my side, more than would happen in a city, well, thank fuck for small blessings.