To Bernie’s wife Angie and Maureen’s husband Ron, our families and friends who have supported and encouraged us through the whole process of writing this book; to the many people who have been so willing to share their stories, memories and tributes to George without whom the book wouldn’t have come so alive.
Many thanks also to: Malcolm Wagner, George’s long-time friend and business partner; Jim Weaver, official photographer of Aston Villa FC for those long hours photographing so much; Graham, Tom and Ellie Smith for their valued contributions; Bernie’s mum-in-law, Margaret Booth, and Ian Trevethick for reading the stories and making constructive comments; Jay Thethi for his invaluable technical support; Birmingham City University TIC for help in designing and developing the website, and thanks to Dom Barnard at Two Three One Design Studio for his expertise and support with the ongoing development of the website (
Of course, our thanks to Michelle Signore at John Blake Publishing for guiding and supporting us through the process and to John Blake for believing in the project.
And finally to George Best for living such a colourful and fascinating life and our thanks for being given the opportunity through this book to celebrate and pay tribute to his memory.