Lynette Marie Hanthorn, whose countless contributions have been instrumental in making this book possible. In many ways, this is our book.
Our visionary colleagues and patient investors with Local Food Shift magazine, who allowed me to divert so much of my time and attention to this book, in the faith that it might play a catalytic role in localizing regional foodsheds.
John David Garcia’s daughter, for placing a rare copy of his book in a Mill Valley bookstore, where it fell into my hands.
Alan Lewis, whose revolutionary writing, speaking, and listening continue to be personally inspirational.
Sister Miriam Therese MacGillis, for opening the door to the seminal work of Christopher Alexander and for believing in us.
David Sibbet, for setting me on fire with his pioneering work in process theory and for introducing the work of Arthur M. Young.
Marshall Vian Summers, whose demonstration continues to guide my life.
Woody Tasch, for breaking new ground in restorative economics, starting with food, and for exemplifying what a book can accomplish.
All those I have quoted or referenced, who have shaped my understanding and perspective.
The farmers, ranchers, visionary entrepreneurs, activists, policy makers, investors, organizers, and foodshed catalysts who are contributing to food localization in Colorado and around the country.
Doug Reil at North Atlantic Books, for placing so much trust in my work, and Marie Goodwin, for making the initial connection.