Abbott glucose/ketone monitoring systems, 110–111, 261
Acne, 263–265
Adenosine monophosphate-activated protein kinase (AMPK), 248, 251
Adenosine triphosphate (ATP)
efficient production of, 30, 243, 248
functions of, 6
glyphosate interfering with, 14
hydrogen peroxide, iron and, 62
oxidative phosphorylation and, 5–6
Aging, fasting benefitting, 219
Alcohols, sugar, 82–83
Alternate-day fasting, 223–224
Alzheimer’s disease
fasting benefits, 219–220
free radicals and, 7
how MMT helps, 265–267
hydrogen peroxide and, 42
inflammation and, 13
iron levels in blood and, 65
RBM3, cold therapy and, 249
sugar connection, 31
berberine, 251
cacao powder, nibs, and butter, 289–290
excess, effects of, 8
nuts and seeds, 292, 293, 294, 297
olives, 90–91
ubiquinol, 252–253
Aspirin, low-dose, 72–73
Atkins diet, MMT vs., 26–28, 40, 112, 152, 272
Autophagy and mitophagy, 37–38, 51, 55, 217, 248
Avocados, 87–90, 144, 165, 168, 190–191. See also Nutrient-Dense Smoothie Recipe
Bayer Contour system, 110, 261
Berberine, 250–251
Beta-hydroxybutyrate (BHB), 39, 41, 111
Bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA), 122–123
Biogenesis, mitochondrial, 38, 42, 237, 244, 248
Blood, donating, 64, 66, 69–70
Blood glucose. See also Insulin; Ketones;
Type 2 diabetes
exercise strenuousness and, 187
fasting levels, 163, 203, 206, 211
fasting stabilizing, 216
high readings, reasons for, 179–180
long-term fat burning and, 211
monitoring device and test strips, 110–111
monitoring MMT progress with readings, 178–180, 203, 211
Blood tests. See also Blood glucose
baseline, establishing, 116–119
benchmarks over time, 203–204
fasting insulin, 119
HS-CRP, 120
iron (ferritin), 62, 66, 67–69
ketone monitoring, 111, 112–115
lancets and lancet-holding device for, 115
mercury analysis, 119
optional, but recommended, 119–120
sodium-potassium ratio, 88, 207–208
vitamin D, 117–118
Bod Pod, 124
Body fat percentage, measuring, 120–125
bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) for, 122–123
Bod Pod for, 124
DEXA scan for, 124–125
fat types and, 120–121
guidelines for men and women, 126
importance of, 120–121
lean body tissue calculation, 121
methods of, 121–125
photo approximation for, 121–122
skin calipers for, 122
Skulpt/EIM for, 123–124
Body measurements, recording. See also Body fat percentage, measuring
about: establishing baseline measurements, 120
tracking food intake and. See
waist size, 125
Bone health, osteoporosis and, 66, 91, 188, 275
Brain fog, dealing with, 182
Brain function, fasting protecting, 219–220
Brain injury, traumatic, 283–285
Branched-chain amino acids (BCAA), 42
Breathalyzers, 111–112
C-reactive protein, HS blood test, 120
antibiotics interfering with
absorption, 201
iron absorption and, 72
Calipers, skin, 122
Calories, fiber and, 208
Calories, restriction of, 48–50
antioxidants and, 8
challenging assumptions about, xxii
chemo/radiation and high glucose readings, 180
free radicals and, 7–8
genetic disease theory of, 33
glycolysis process vs. oxidative phosphorylation, 5
iron levels in blood and, 65–66
Laron syndrome and, 50
losing war on, xvii–xviii
low-dose aspirin benefits, 73
MCT oil precaution, 87
mitochondrial function/dysfunction and, 32–34
NAFLD and, 281
obesity and, 282
rapamycin (mTOR) and, 51–57, 219
rising rates of, 18
sunlight, melatonin and risk of, 245
Cancer, mitochondria and. See also
Cancer, MMT and anticancer strategy, 32–34
berberine and, 251
burning fats and, 41
carnitine and, 255
core of cancer cause and, xviii–xix.
See also Mitochondria ketones, ketosis and, 41–42
metabolism of mitochondria and, 32–33
taking care of mitochondria and, 26
ubiquinol, CoQ10 and, 253
Cancer, MMT and
avocado benefits, 89
breast cancer case study, 193–194
carb intake and, 154
cholesterol levels and, 210–211
conditions requiring oversight
during MMT transition, 136
fasting benefits, 217, 218–219, 222, 225
high-fat dairy and, 100
length of time on MMT plan, 192, 231
nuts and seeds and, 290, 291, 297–298
olives, olive oil benefits, 90–91
pediatric brain cancer case, 43–45
reducing suspect hormone levels, 218–219
resources on, 260
sugar and, 41
transition to fat burning and, 183
weight-loss note, 139
Carbohydrates, 76–83. See also Fruits;
Sugar; Vegetables
about: overview of MMT-friendly, 76–77
determining target amount to eat, 154–156
in nutrition-packed foods, 155–156
Paleo diet and, 29
reading nutrition labels for, 76, 146, 147
replacing with good fat sources, 84.
See also Fats, to eat
total vs. net, tracking, 133, 155
transition to fat burning and, 156
Cardiovascular disease
aspirin and, 72–73
cholesterol levels and, 22–23, 24, 90, 209–211, 269, 271
exercise and, 187–188
fasting benefits, 222–223
fiber intake and, 80
free radicals and, 7
how MMT helps, 268–271
iron levels in blood and, 64–65, 270
low-fat diet and, 16–19, 20–22
low rates in Italy, findings, 14–16
obesity and, 18
olives, olive oil reducing risk of, 90
omega-6 fats increasing risk of, 21–22
preventing, 270–271
rising rates of, 19
saturated fat and, 16–17, 20–24
sodium, potassium and, 88, 207
sugar intake and, 271
trans fats and, 13
triglyceride levels and, 119
Case studies
feast-famine cycling for migraines, sleep issues, and fatigue, 234–236
high-fat, low-carb diet, fasting to reverse type 2 diabetes, 58–59
optimizing breast cancer treatment, 193–194
pediatric brain cancer, quality/length of life, 43–45
weight loss, renewed energy, clearing health annoyances, 173–174
Certification course, for physicians and nutritionists, 192
Challenges during transition, 188–192
Checklist, starting MMT, 172–173
cardiovascular disease and, 22–23, 24, 90, 209–211, 269, 271
fasting lipid blood panel, 119
good and bad perspectives, 22–24
HDL, 22, 24, 119, 269, 271, 281
LDL, 22–23, 24, 64, 90, 209, 271, 297
levels using MMT over time, 209–211
saturated fat and, 22–23
triglycerides and, 55, 85, 119, 176, 209–210, 266, 269, 271, 281
Christofferson, Travis, xvii, 53–57, 325
Chronic conditions, MMT over time and, 202. See also specific conditions
Chronic fatigue, 234–236, 273–275
Chronic pain, 273–275
Coconut oil, 85
Cold thermogenesis, 248–250
The Complete Guide to Fasting (Fung), 213–214
Constipation, dealing with, 183–184
Cookbooks, 260
Cottonseed oil, 10–11
causes of, 199–200
for fat, 32
fat eliminating, 31–32
freedom from, MMT and, 31–32
over long term, 198–200
sugar intake and, 31
transitioning to burning fat and, 176–177, 181, 186, 194
Crisco origins, 11
about: overview of, 126–127, 260;
signing up and using, 126–129
benefits of, 127–129
creator on impetus for, customization for MMT, 129
development of, 130–131
data accuracy of, 127–128
elegant graphical interface of, 128–129
how to use for MMT, 131–133
planning meals instead of tracking. See Eating plans
reasons for tracking food intake, 126–127, 170–171
records over time, 205–208
total carbs vs. net carbs, 133
visual record of progress, 129
Davidson, Aaron, 129, 130–131, 325
Dehydration, avoiding, 169–170, 181–182
DEXA scan, 124–125
Diabetes, type 2. See Type 2 diabetes
Diet. See Food; Low-fat diet; specific foods
Digital food scale, 115–116
certification course for, 192
conditions requiring oversight during transition to MMT, 136
looping in on your MMT journey, 135–140
objections to MMT and, 137–140
Eating plans
“Dive In” on-ramp example, 164–165
“Ease In” on-ramp example, 161–162
Effortless Healing (Mercola), 25, 78, 117, 187
Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), 186–187
Emotions, managing, 185–187
fasting benefits, 220
fatigue and, 183
improved, from MMT, 35–36
over long term, 200
The Every-Other-Day-Diet (Varady), 223
high glucose readings and, 179
high-intensity interval training, 187–188
improving mitochondrial
functioning, 248
monitoring strenuousness of, 187
transition to fat burning and, 187–188
walking, 187
The Fast Diet (Mosley), 222, 224
Fasting, 213–236
about: overview of, 213–214
alternate-day, 223–224
avoiding eating hours before bed, 225–226
benefitting transition to burning fat, 180
case study illustrating effects of, 234–236
contraindications for, 227–228
duration of, 214
feast-famine cycling for long-term fat burning, 229–233, 234–236
5-day fast, 222–223
5:2 fasts, 224
hunger and, 214–215, 217–218, 225, 228
implementing, principles to consider, 233–234
intermittent, types, 221–225
mild euphoria during, 43
1-day fast, 223
Peak Fasting, 224–225
process overview, 216
regular schedule, adapting to, 228–229
transition tip, 225
2- to 3-day water fast, 222
variety importance and, 231–232
Water Fast on-ramp, 165–167
water or fat, 214–216
what happens in fed vs. fasted state, 220
when you eat instead of how much you eat, 221
Fat adapted. See also MMT, over long term
foods to add back when, 78, 143
ketosis and, 113
mental and emotional component, 197–198
physiological adaptation, 196–197
Fat, burning. See also Mitochondrial
Metabolic Therapy (MMT); MMT references
Atkins diet and, 28
fasting benefits, 218, 219. See also
free radicals, oxidative damage and, 9
Fatigue, dealing with, 183
Fatigue, treating with feast-famine cycling, 234–236
Fats, industrially processed, 11, 146
Fats, saturated
becoming enemy, 14–16
benefits of, 23–24
cholesterol reality and, 22–23, 24
heart disease and, 16–19, 20–22
inflammation and, 37
Mediterranean diet and, 14–15, 91, 281
truth about, 22–24
Fats, to eat, 83–92
about: overview of, 83–84
avocados, 87–90, 144, 165, 168, 190–191
coconut oil, 85
digestion precaution, 157
gallbladder removed and, 157
increasing intake, fat bombs and, 157
MCT oil, 85–87
MMT-friendly to stock, 145
olives and olive oil, 90–92, 144, 145, 165
reading nutrition labels for, 146–147
taking in extra fat, 156–157
target amount, 156
The Fault in Our Stars (movie), xviii–xix
Feast-famine cycling, for long-term fat burning, 229–233, 234–236
Ferritin. See Blood tests; Iron
Fertilizers, synthetic, 12, 13–14. See also Glyphosate
Fiber. See also Fruits; Vegetables
augmenting with psyllium, 81, 295–296, 300
benefits and functions, 78–81
calories to, 208
importance for MMT, 78–79
insoluble, 80–81
lacking, effects of, 79–80
reading nutrition labels for, 146
soluble, 80
Fibromyalgia, 273–275
5-day fast, 222–223
5:2 fasts, 224
Atkins diet and quality of, 27–28
to eat, 75–76. See also Carbohydrates; Dairy; Eggs; Fruits; Nuts and seeds; Protein; Seafood; Vegetables
empty, to avoid, 147
fats and oils to stock, 145
labels, learning to read, 146–147
to stock, MMT-friendly, 141–145
tracking intake of. See
Food additives, 12–13
Food scale, digital, 115–116
Free radicals
avocado benefits, 88
beneficial roles of, 7
berberine benefits, 251
destructive, ROS and, 6
DNA attacks by, 6
eating before sleep creating, 165, 226
exercise and, 187
fasting reducing, 220
fat for fuel to reduce damage from, 9, 30, 38, 76
grounding body to protect from, 238
high-heat cooking creating, 92
hydroxyl, hydrogen peroxide and, 42, 62, 65
iron levels in blood and, 62
limiting without supplements, 8–9
manganese neutralizing, 13
oxidation process and, 6
refined oils and, 84
role in energy production, 5–8
sugar affecting balance of, 19
fiber benefits and functions. See Fiber
Nutrient-Dense Smoothie Recipe, 184–185
Fung, Dr. Jason, 58–59, 124, 213–214, 320
Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), 275–276
Glucose. See Blood glucose
Grounding yourself, 238–241
Heart disease. See Cardiovascular disease
Heart palpitations, dealing with, 183
Heat, cold thermogenesis and, 248–250
Heat, infrared sauna and, 242–244
High-intensity interval training, 188
HS-CRP blood test, 120
Human growth hormone (HGH), 49–50, 219, 220
fasting and, 214–215, 217–218, 225, 228
having plan for, 167–168
over long term, 198–200
Hydrating yourself, 169–170, 181–182, 183
Inflammation. See also Arthritis
autophagy, mitophagy and, 37
high glucose readings and, 179, 180
HS-CRP blood test for, 120
imbalances creating, 19
iron levels in blood and, 62, 66
ketones reducing, 42
leaky gut syndrome and, 80
reducing, 36–37, 42, 80, 90–91, 202, 203, 206, 219, 239, 249, 250
substances increasing, 103, 104, 125, 156
sugar and, 36
Infrared sauna, 242–244
fasting benefitting, 216–217, 220
fasting blood test, 119
importance of, xvii
Laron syndrome and, 50
resistance, 36, 54, 55, 138–139, 154, 216–217, 266, 282, 285–286
sensitivity, 36, 50, 64, 80, 203, 251
therapy, 285–286
Insulin-like growth factor one (IGF-1), 49–50, 55, 218–219, 251, 264
about: overview of mitochondrial health and, 61–62
author’s father’s experience, 68–69
blood donation to control levels, 66, 69–70
hydrogen peroxide and, 62
keeping levels in check, 69–73
negative impacts of excess, 63–66
symptoms of excess, 67
testing for excess, 62, 66, 67–69
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), 276–277
Kalamian, Miriam
background and achievements, xix, 322
breast cancer case study and, 193
challenges of fat-burning plan and, 188
on exercise considerations, 188
on fiber content of foods, 146
“on-ramps” and getting started, 138, 157–167, 172–173
pediatric brain cancer case study and, 43–45
on shopping and meal prep, 139
Kendrick, Dr. Malcolm, 282, 321
Ketones, 203–204
about: “burning fat” and, 38
benefits of, 41–43
beta-hydroxybutyrate (BHB), 39, 41, 111
confusion about, 39–41
diabetic ketoacidosis and, 39–41
fasting benefits, 217
feast-famine cycling and, 229–233
importance of, 38–39
ketogenic diets, MMT and, 43
ketone bodies and, 38
long-term fat burning and, 211
monitoring devices/accessories, 111–112, 211
monitoring guidelines, 112–115
monitoring over time, 203–204, 211
nutritional ketosis and. See Ketosis, nutritional
types of, 39
Ketosis, nutritional, 39–41
adapted to fat burning and, 196, 199–200, 215
Atkins diet and, 27
body mass declining and, 205
breathalyzer to measure, 111–112
carbs suppressing, 132–133, 155
defined, 39–40
fasting and, 230–231, 232, 233
goal of MMT and, 43
ketoacidosis vs., 39–41
ketones, ketosis and, 253
measuring, 111–112
monitoring ketones and, 112–115, 203–204, 211
Paleo diet and, 28
term introduction, 27
ultimate goal of metabolic flexibility and, 113–114
urine test to measure, 112
Keys, Ancel, 14–16
Labels, nutrition, learning to read, 146–147
Lancets and lancet-holding device, 115
Laron syndrome, 50
Leaky gut syndrome, 80
Lean body tissue calculation, 121
LED lighting, precautions, 244–247
Leptin and leptin receptors, 35, 55–56, 217–218, 219, 251, 286
artificial, precautions, 244–247
infrared sauna, 242–244
macular degeneration and, 245–246
Liver disease, 87. See also Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD)
Liver, NAFLD, 280–282
Low-fat diet
American food in early 1900s and, 10–12
decimating public health, 16–20
failure of, 17–20
heart disease and, 16–19, 20–22
nutritional guidelines and, 16–17
science of heart disease and, 20–22
Macronutrients, determining, 211
Macronutrients, determining ratios, 152–157, 211. See also Carbohydrates; Fats, to eat; Protein
benefits of, 254
headaches, fasting, hydration and, 228
heart palpitations and, 183
medications affecting absorption, 201, 275
mitochondrial health, MMT and, 254
recommended dietary allowance, 208, 254
sources of, 88, 182, 208, 289, 290, 293, 294, 296, 297
Maltitol, 82
Mammalian target of rapamycin. See Mechanistic target of rapamycin (mTOR)
Manganese, 13, 293, 294, 296, 297
MCT oil, 85–87
Meal plans. See Eating plans
Measuring spoons, 116
Mechanistic target of rapamycin (mTOR), 37–38, 51–57, 219
Mediterranean diet, 14–15, 91, 281
Mercury, analysis, 119
Mercury, seafood and, 93, 97–99, 119
Metabolism. See also Mitochondrial
Metabolic Therapy (MMT); MMT references
glycogen stores and, 123, 176–177, 204, 226
transition to fat burning and, 176–178
Microbiome, health of, 34, 78, 80–81, 82, 201, 202, 232, 296
Mind-set, adjusting, 134
Mitochondria. See also Mitochondria, other ways to improve health of;
Mitochondrial Metabolic Therapy (MMT); other MMT references ATP energy and. See Adenosine
triphosphate (ATP)
biogenesis of, 38, 42, 237, 244, 248
at core of cancer cause, xviii–xix
functions of, xviii, 4, 5, 26, 29–30
glyphosate damaging, 13–14, 84, 274
importance of proper functioning, 26
volume within our cells, 4–5
Mitochondria, other ways to improve
health of, 237–256
about: overview of, 237
artificial lighting and, 244–247
cold thermogenesis, 248–250
exercise, 248
grounding, 238–241
infrared sauna, 242–244
sensible sun exposure, 241–242
supplements, 250–256
Mitochondrial Metabolic Therapy (MMT)
about: distilled theory behind, xviii;
overview of, xix–xx; overview of diet, xx; who it’s for, 25
Atkins diet vs., 26–28, 40, 112, 152, 272
background and development of, xv–xvi, xviii–xix
cancer benefits, 33–34
conditions requiring oversight (medical/nutritional) during transition to, 136
contradicting low-fat diet guidelines, 9
diet and more, xx
emerging science available now, xxi–xxiii, 257–258
food to eat, 75–76. See also Carbohydrates; Eggs; Fruits; Nuts and seeds; Protein; Seafood; Vegetables impetus for developing, xviii–xix
link between health and food, 3–4
objections to, and how to handle, 137–140
Paleo diet vs., 28–29, 152, 154, 158
preparing for. See Body fat percentage, measuring; Body measurements, recording;; Preparing for MMT; Supplies rationale for, 26
starting. See Starting MMT
staying abreast of science, 257–258
transition to fat burning. See Transitioning to burning fat war on cancer and, xvii–xviii
Mitophagy. See Autophagy and mitophagy
MMT, benefits of. See also MMT,
over long term; Weight loss
anticancer strategy, 32–34. See also Cancer
autophagy and mitophagy, 37–38, 51, 55, 217, 248
energy levels improved, 35–36
freedom from cravings, 31–32
insulin sensitivity increased, 36
mental clarity, 30–31
microbiome changes, 34. See also Microbiome, health of mitochondrial biogenesis, 38, 42, 237, 244, 248
reducing inflammation. See Inflammation
targeting root causes of disease, 26–30
MMT, over long term, 195–211
about: overview of, 195–196
chronic conditions and, 202
energy level and, 200
fat adapted definition, 196–198
feast-famine cycling for long-term fat burning, 229–233
hunger, cravings and, 198–200
mental and emotional component, 197–198
mental clarity and, 201
muscle mass and, 203
objective data to consider, 203–211
optimizing fat burning guidelines, 211
physiological adaptation, 196–197
staying abreast of science, 257–258
subjective data to analyze, 198–203
Multiple sclerosis (MS), 279–280
Muscle cramps, dealing with, 182
Muscle mass, 42, 203, 217, 249
Naples, Italy, Mediterranean diet and, 14–15
Nausea, dealing with, 182
Neurodegenerative diseases, 42, 65, 136, 253, 280
Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), 280–282
Nutrient-Dense Smoothie Recipe, 184–185
American food in early 1900s and, 10–12
food additives and, 12–13
guidelines decimating public health, 16–20
saturated fat as enemy and. See Fats, saturated
synthetic fertilizers (Roundup, etc.) and, 12, 13–14
Nutritionists, certification course for, 192
Nuts and seeds, 102–105, 289–300
about: daily intake, 102–103;
freshness of, 102; MMT-friendly
to stock, 102–103, 104–105, 143;
nutrient levels chart, 300; omega-6
fats precaution, 102, 103–104;
roasting, 103
black cumin seed, 292–293, 300
cacao powder, nibs, and butter, 289–290, 300
psyllium seed husks, 81, 295–296, 300
arthritis and, 268
body fat percent guidelines, 126
cancer risk and, 18
exercise and, 187–188
fasting benefits, 214–216
GERD and, 276
heart disease and, 18
how MMT helps, 282–283
iron levels in blood and, 63–64
leptin levels and, 55–56
low-fat diets and, 18
other diseases associated with, 282
waist size and, 125–126
The Obesity Code (Fung), 214
Objections to MMT, handling, 137–140
Oils. See also Olives and olive oil
coconut, 85
cooking with, 86
cottonseed history, 10–11
fats and, to stock/use, 145
historical perspective in America, 10–11
MCT, 85–87
polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs), 10–11, 21
Olives and olive oil, 90–92, 144, 145, 165
Omega-3 fats
inflammation and, 37
ratio of omega-6s and, 37, 84, 103–104, 146–147, 206–207, 268
sources of, 29, 93, 94, 101, 144, 291, 292
sun exposure and, 242
Omega-6 fats
inflammation and, 36–37
intake precaution, 103–104, 156
linoleic acid precautions, 22, 103–104
ratio of omega-3s and, 37, 84, 103–104, 146–147, 206–207, 268
rise in consumption of, 11
traumatic brain injury and, 284
about: choosing your starting point, 157–159; factors to consider, 158–159
#1: Ease In, 159–162
#2: Dive In, 162–165
#3: Jump-Start with Water Fast, 165–167
sample eating plans, 161–162, 164–165
1-day fast, 223
Online resources, 260–261
Osteoporosis, 66, 91, 188, 275
Oxidative phosphorylation, 5–6
Pain, chronic, 273–275
Paleo diet, MMT vs., 28–29, 152, 154, 158
Pantry and fridge, MMT-friendly foods to stock, 141–145
Pantry and fridge, removing temptations from, 145, 190
Parkinson’s disease, 7, 65, 220
Pathogens, excess iron and, 63
Peak Fasting, 224–225
Polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs), 10–11, 21
Pompa, Dr. Dan, 173–174, 221, 232, 234, 322–323
Potassium, 87–88, 168, 208, 298
Potassium-sodium ratio, 88, 207–208
Preparing for MMT, 109–140
about: overview of, 109
adjusting your mind-set, 134
baseline lab tests, 116–119
conditions requiring oversight (medical/nutritional) during transition to MMT, 136
handling objections to MMT, 137–140
looping doctors in, 135–140
optional, but recommended blood tests, 119–120
recording body measurements. See Body fat percentage, measuring; Body measurements, recording
supplies to buy. See Supplies
tracking food intake. See
Atkins diet and, 27
calculating amount to eat, 152–153, 211
calorie restriction and, 48–50
to eat, 92–99. See also Seafood
excess, effects of, 47–48, 56–57
getting required amount, 153
high glucose readings and, 179–180 leptin and, 55–56. See also Leptin and leptin receptors
max amount per meal, 211
MMT-friendly, 143
mTOR and, 51–57
Paleo diet and, 28–29
paradox overview, 47–48
Rapamycin. See Mechanistic target of rapamycin (mTOR)
Reactive oxygen species (ROS)
health and amount of, 7–8, 30, 36, 76, 238
stress and, 244
ubiquinol mopping up, 252
what they are, 6
books, 259–260
cookbooks, 260
online, 260–261
supplies, 261–262
ROS. See Reactive oxygen species (ROS)
Rosedale, Dr. Ron, xv–xvi, xvii, 35, 47, 53–57, 320
Roundup herbicide, 12, 13–14, 100
Sample meal plans. See Eating plans
Saturated fats. See Fats, saturated
Sauna, infrared, 242–244
Scale, digital food, 115–116
Seafood, 93–99
buying strategies, 95–99
“fake,” 95
mercury, other contaminants and, 93, 97–99, 119
MMT guidelines, 93–99
omega-3 fatty acids and, 93, 207
Paleo diet and, 29
Seizure disorder, 137, 160, 271–272
Self-eating. See Autophagy and mitophagy
Seyfried, Dr. Thomas, xix, 33, 44, 272, 321
Side effects
brain fog, 182
challenges beyond, 188–192
constipation, 183–184
diving in to MMT and, 162
easing in to avoid, 159
fatigue, 183
heart palpitations, 183
muscle cramps, 182
nausea, 182
Nutrient-Dense Smoothie Recipe for, 184–185
Skin calipers, 122
Skulpt/EIM, 123–124
avoiding eating before bed, 225–226
fatigue side effect and, 183
high glucose readings and, 180
issues, treating with feast-famine cycling, 234–236
Smoothie, breakfast ideas, 161, 165
Smoothie, Nutrient-Dense Smoothie Recipe, 184–185
Snacks, to stock, 144, 168–169
Sodium-potassium ratio, 88, 207–208
Sorbitol, 82
Starting MMT, 141–174. See also
On-ramps; Preparing for MMT
carb intake and, 154–156
checklist, 172–173
digestion precaution, 157
fat intake and, 156–157
getting sugar out of diet, 147–151
Jessica’s story, 173–174
learning to read labels, 146–147
protein intake and, 152–153
stocking MMT-friendly foods, 141–145
tips for success, 167–172
Structured water, 255–256
Sugar. See also Carbohydrates
alcohols, 82–83
cold turkey purge of, 151
free radical balance and, 19
getting out of diet, 147–151
heart disease and, 271
inflammation and, 36
mental clarity and, 30–31
safe alternatives, 81–83
why it’s difficult to remove from diet, 147–149
Supplements, for mitochondrial health, 250–256
Supplies, 110–116
about: summary/overview of, 261–262
digital food scale, 115–116
glucose monitoring, 110–111
ketone monitoring, 111–115
lancets and lancet-holding device, 115
measuring spoons, 116
Sweeteners, 81–83, 145. See also Sugar
Tracking food intake.
Transitioning to burning fat, 175–194.
See also Preparing for MMT; Starting MMT
about: overview of, 175
age and, 177–178
case study example, 193–194
celebrations/parties and, 191
challenges to face, 188–192
cravings during, 176–177, 181, 186, 194
environment and, 190
exercise and, 187–188
fasting periods benefitting, 180. See also Fasting
glucose readings to gauge progress, 178–180
glycogen stores and, 123, 176–177
handling side effects. See Side effects
high glucose readings and, 179–180
managing emotions and, 185–187
meal size and, 180–181
metabolic changes, 176–178
newness of diet and, 190
smoothness of transition, 177–178
social pressures and, 189–190
travel challenges, 190–191
variety of foods and, 188–189
Traumatic brain injury, 283–285
Triglycerides, 55, 85, 119, 176, 209–210, 266, 269, 271, 281
Tripping Over the Truth (Christofferson), xvii, 53, 325
2- to 3-day water fast, 222
Type 2 diabetes. See also Insulin
Alzheimer’s disease and, 31, 265
case study illustrating reversal of, 58–59
diet and fasting to reverse, 53–54, 58–59, 130–131, 222, 227
glucose monitoring and, 110–111
how MMT helps, 285–287
increasing diagnoses of, 18, 285
iron levels in blood and, 64, 67, 69
Laron syndrome and, 50
leptin levels and. See Leptin and leptin receptors
low-carb, high-fat diet for, 53–54, 58–59
obesity and, 282–283
Ubiquinol, 252–253
Urine test, to monitor ketones, 112, 211, 261
Varady, Dr. Krista, 223
Variety, importance of, 231–232, 233
to add back when fat adapted, 78, 143
fiber benefits and functions. See Fiber
Vitamin B (various), 87, 102, 201, 275, 289, 293, 296
Vitamin D, 116, 117–118, 133, 241, 242, 280
Vitamin E, 8, 87, 88, 253, 293
Waist size, 125
Walking, 187–188
Water, drinking. See Hydrating yourself
Water fast, 2- to 3-day, 222
Water Fast on-ramp, 165–167
Water, structured, 255–256
checking, daily routine, 126
starting, recording, 126
tracking over time, 204–205
Weight loss
Atkins diet and, 27
avocado benefits, 87
burning fat and, 204–205
Jessica’s story, 173–174
metabolism changes and, 176–178
MMT and tracking, 204–205
not wanting, MMT and, 138–139
rapid, getting started on MMT and, 159, 162–163, 165–166
recording weight and, 126, 204–205
without deprivation, 35
X-ray absorptiometry, dual-energy (DEXA), 124–125