H. Eugene and Lillian Youngs Lehman Series

Lamar Cecil, Wilhelm II: Prince and Emperor, 1859–1900 (1989).

Carolyn Merchant, Ecological Revolutions: Nature, Gender, and Science in New England (1989).

Gladys Engel Lang and Kurt Lang, Etched in Memory: The Building and Survival of Artistic Reputation (1990).

Howard Jones, Union in Peril: The Crisis over British Intervention in the Civil War (1992).

Robert L. Dorman, Revolt of the Provinces: The Regionalist Movement in America (1993).

Peter N. Stearns, Meaning Over Memory: Recasting the Teaching of Culture and History (1993).

Thomas Wolfe, The Good Child’s River, edited with an introduction by Suzanne Stutman (1994).

Warren A. Nord, Religion and American Education: Rethinking a National Dilemma (1995).

David E. Whisnant, Rascally Signs in Sacred Places: The Politics of Culture in Nicaragua (1995).

Lamar Cecil, Wilhelm II: Emperor and Exile, 1900–1941 (1996).

Jonathan Hartlyn, The Struggle for Democratic Politics in the Dominican Republic (1998).

Louis A. Pérez Jr., On Becoming Cuban: Identity, Nationality, and Culture (1999).

Yaakov Ariel, Evangelizing the Chosen People: Missions to the Jews in America, 1880–2000 (2000).

Philip F. Gura, C. F. Martin and His Guitars, 1796–1873 (2003).

Louis A. Pérez Jr., To Die in Cuba: Suicide and Society (2005).

Peter Filene, The Joy of Teaching: A Practical Guide for New College Instructors (2005).

John Charles Boger and Gary Orfield, eds., School Resegregation: Must the South Turn Back? (2005).

Jock Lauterer, Community Journalism: Relentlessly Local (2006).

Michael H. Hunt, The American Ascendancy: How the United States Gained and Wielded Global Dominance (2007).

Michael Lienesch, In the Beginning: Fundamentalism, the Scopes Trial, and the Making of the Antievolution Movement (2007).

Eric L. Muller, American Inquisition: The Hunt for Japanese American Disloyalty in World War II (2007).

John McGowan, American Liberalism: An Interpretation for Our Time (2007).

Nortin M. Hadler, M.D., Worried Sick: A Prescription for Health in an Overtreated America (2008).

William Ferris, Give My Poor Heart Ease: Voices of the Mississippi Blues (2009).

Colin A. Palmer, Cheddi Jagan and the Politics of Power: British Guiana’s Struggle for Independence (2010).

W. Fitzhugh Brundage, Beyond Blackface: African Americans and the Creation of American Mass Culture, 1890–1930 (2011).

Michael H. Hunt and Steven I. Levine, Arc of Empire: America’s Wars in Asia from the Philippines to Vietnam (2012).

Nortin M. Hadler, M.D., The Citizen Patient: Reforming Health Care for the Sake of the Patient, Not the System (2013).

Louis A. Pérez Jr., The Structure of Cuban History: Meanings and Purpose of the Past (2013).

Jennifer Thigpen, Island Queens and Mission Wives: How Gender and Empire Remade Hawai‘i’s Pacific World (2014).

George W. Houston, Inside Roman Libraries: Book Collections and Their Management in Antiquity (2014).

Philip F. Gura, The Life of William Apess, Pequot (2015).

Daniel M. Cobb, ed., Say We Are Nations: Documents of Politics and Protest in Indigenous America since 1887 (2015).