We have covered a lot of information in the 60 Second Sale system. It probably seems overwhelming. That's why I'm going to give you some specific next steps to follow, and I'm going to prioritize them based on how far along you are in your evolution from hit‐and‐run sales to relationship‐based sales.
Congratulations on getting to this chapter in this book. You are special. Since you've come this far, I'm hoping you will go a little further. Based on my experience with sales executives, business leaders, professionals, and entrepreneurs, here are the categories of people who will move forward beyond this point.
The bottom 20% do NOTHING. They purchased the book. They may have skimmed it. They stumbled upon this page but they will not take action. They want to take action. At some point in the future they may find this book in their bookcase, or propping open a window somewhere, and decide to dig in and get to work. I welcome that.
The next 30% do one thing. They found something in the book that is the breakthrough they have been looking for. This breakthrough will immediately boost their sales. They will work on this specific activity until they have it down cold. This person will write me a great book review and I will be forever grateful.
The next 30% read the entire book and pick out three or four activities to begin immediately. In fact, they started some of them while they were reading. People in this category are telling their friends how excited they are for their future. They recommend the book to a coworker. This book sits atop their desk and they keep leafing back and forth to the scripts, checklists, and templates.
The next 15% read the book quickly and have already planned out all the actions they will take. They went to the website with the video course http://DoThisSellMore.com and signed up. They have two copies of the book – one on their nightstand at home and one on their desk. Both of these books have notes and are highlighted. Each time these folks read the book, they pick up on something new they missed the last time. Some of these people call me and accuse me of having written different versions of the book.
The next 4% are truly students of the 60 Second Sale system. They do everything described above and, in addition, they truly get “inside the mind of their client.” They focus on building relationships and driving client lifetime value. They track and measure everything. They have set up systems for everything we've discussed in the book. They have modified some of the ideas to fit their industry, company, and strengths.
The top 1% do all of the above but do it obsessively, and if they don't know how to do something they find out how to do it. They go the extra mile with their personal growth and education. They constantly test new tactics. They avail themselves of every educational opportunity, and they have the attitude that they only need to learn and implement one idea from a seminar or coaching program and it will pay for itself several times over.
If you are one of these people in the top 1%, I have an elite mentoring program for you. There is a significant investment, but the return on that investment will change your career. Call my office for an application: 888.444.5150.
Since you've read all the categories of people who have made it to this point in the book, and you have mentally slotted yourself in one of them, I'm going to list 20 possible next steps for you. Based upon your self‐evaluation, act accordingly.
This is a checklist of the 20 things you can do to get off to a fast start. Pick one of them and do it. Then come back tomorrow and pick another one. If you find one of them is particularly easy, and you enjoy it, and you get great results, keep doing that until you get sick of it. Then assign it to someone else and start another one.
That's a key point.
You might get bored with one of the activities in the 60 Second Sale system at some point. That's normal. DO NOT STOP when you get bored. Simply assign the activity to someone else or hire someone to do it. Stopping is bad. Assigning it to someone is fine. Keep the momentum going.
Many of the concepts in this book were refined over years and years of trial and error. I'm grateful to the hundreds of clients who helped me make them work. If you have evidence of how you've successfully modified an aspect of the 60 Second Sale system, I'd love to hear about it.
Use the form on the website for the video course: http://DoThisSellMore.com to tell me all about it.
Each year I convene a meeting of outstanding sales professionals and entrepreneurs from all over the world. This is called the Strategic Sales Academy. I invite people who use the 60 Second Sale system to share their success with the audience. I'm looking forward to seeing you up on stage with me sharing your knowledge with the best and the brightest relationship‐based business leaders!