Like Finley, this year I unexpectedly lost a member of my family, my stepdad. He left us just a few months before he would’ve seen his dedication. I’m so grateful for his impact on my life. He taught me to appreciate food—a little too well. He was chili at the stove, food delivered to my door on deadline, Mark Twain quotes, house disaster calls at 3 a.m., one-liners, and intelligence. He would’ve walked through fire for me, then brought me back some clever souvenir. He was one of my biggest supporters and my friend. I loved him for the dad he didn’t have to be. But was.
So I’ll just pretend it’s not too late, and he can read this. To quote John Mayer, “Say what you need to say.”
This book is lovingly dedicated to Kent Hughes. Long ago you took on two kids when a new Labrador would’ve been easier. Thank you for all you’ve done for me, from fixing my toilet to encouraging my career. If I had to count each favor, it would be in the billions. And we both know if I count past a thousand, I get a little confused.