Ambrose | |
“Letters to Laymen” (Epistulae) | Cetedoc 0160 |
“Letters to Priests” (Epistulae) | Cetedoc 0160 |
“On Jacob and the Happy Life” (De Jacob et vita beata) | Cetedoc 0130 |
“On Joseph” (De Joseph patriarcha) | Cetedoc 0131 |
“The Prayer of Job and David” (De interpellatione Job et David) | Cetedoc 0134 |
“Synod Letters” (Epistulae) | Cetedoc 0160 |
| |
Ammonius | |
“Catena” | |
| |
Andreas | |
“Catena” | |
| |
Apollinarius | |
“Catena” | |
| |
Athanasius | |
“Festal Letters” (Epistulae festales) | TLG 2035.014 |
| |
Augustine | |
“Admonition and Grace” (De corruptione et gratia) | Cetedoc 0353 |
“Adulterous Marriages” (De adulterinis coniugiis) | Cetedoc 0302 |
“Against Julian” (Contra Julianum) | Cetedoc 0351 |
“Against Lying” (Contra mendacium) | Cetedoc 0304 |
“The City of God” (De civitate Dei) | Cetedoc 0313 |
“Commentary on the Sermon on the Mount” (De sermone Domini in monte) | Cetedoc 0274 |
“Confessions” (Confessionum libri tredecim) | Cetedoc 0251 |
“Eight Questions of Dulcitius” (De octo Dulcitii quaestionibus) | Cetedoc 0291 |
“Holy Virginity” (De sancta virginitate) | Cetedoc 0300 |
“Letters” (Epistulae) | Cetedoc 0262 |
“On Christian Doctrine” (De doctrina christiana) | Cetedoc 0263 |
“On Continence” (De continentia) | Cetedoc 0298 |
“On Faith and Works” (De fide et operibus) | Cetedoc 0294 |
“On Grace and Free Will” (De gratia et libero arbitrio) | Cetedoc 0352 |
“On Nature and Grace” (De natura et gratia) | Cetedoc 0344 |
“On Patience” (De patientia) | Cetedoc 0308 |
“On the Christian Life” (De disciplina christiana) | Cetedoc 0310 |
“On the Gift of Perseverance” (De dono perseverantiae) | Cetedoc 0355 |
“On the Good of Marriage” (De bono coniugali) | Cetedoc 0299 |
“On the Predestination of the Saints” (De praedestinatione sanctorum) | Cetedoc 0354 |
“On the Spirit and Letter” (De spiritu et littera) | Cetedoc 0343 |
“On the Trinity” (De Trinitate) | Cetedoc 0329 |
“Retractations” (Retractionum libri duo) | Cetedoc 0250 |
“Sermons” (Sermones) | Cetedoc 0284 |
“Ten Homilies on 1 John” (In Johannis epistulam ad Parthos tractatus) | Cetedoc 0279 |
“Tractates on the Gospel of John” (In Johannis evangelium tractatus) | Cetedoc 0278 |
| |
Basil of the Great of Caesarea | |
“Ascetical Discourses” (Prologus 5 [sermo asceticus]) | TLG 2040.046 |
“On Baptism” (De baptismo) | TLG 2040.052 |
“On Renunciation of the World” (Sermo 11 [sermo asceticus et exhortatio de renuntiatione mundi]) | TLG 2040.041 |
“On the Judgment of God” (Prologus 7 [de judicio dei]) | TLG 2040.043 |
“Sermons” | |
10 “Against Those Who Are Prone to Anger” (Homilia adversus eos qui irascuntur) | TLG 2040.026 |
13 “A Psalm of David at the Finishing of the Tabernacle” | |
(In Psalmum 28) | TLG 2040.053 |
| |
Bede | |
“Concerning the Epistle of St. James” (In epistulas septem catholicas) | Cetedoc 1362 |
“Homilies on the Gospels” (Homiliarum evangelii libri ii) | Cetedoc 1367 |
“On Acts” (Expositio actuum apostolorum) | Cetedoc 1357 |
“On 1 John” (In epistulas septem catholicas) | Cetedoc 1362 |
“On 2 John” (In epistulas septem catholicas) | Cetedoc 1362 |
“On 3 John” (In epistulas septem catholicas) | Cetedoc 1362 |
“On Jude” (In epistulas septem catholicas) | Cetedoc 1362 |
“On 1 Peter” (In epistulas septem catholicas) | Cetedoc 1362 |
“On 2 Peter” (In epistulas septem catholicas) | Cetedoc 1362 |
“On the Tabernacle and Its Vessels” (De tabernaculo et vasis eius ac vestibus sacerdotum librii iii) | Cetedoc 1345 |
| |
Braulio of Saragossa | |
“Letters” (Epistulae 15) | |
| |
Caesarius of Arles | |
“Sermons” (Sermones ex integro a Caesario compositi vel ex aliis frontibus hausti) | Cetedoc 1008 |
| |
Cassiodorus | |
“Summary of James” (Complexiones in epistulas apostolorum, actus apostolorum et apocalypsim Johannis) | Cetedoc 0903 |
“Summary of 1 Peter” (Complexiones in epistulas apostolorum, actus apostolorum et apocalypsim Johannis) | Cetedoc 0903 |
| |
Clement of Alexandria | |
“Adumbrations” (Adumbrationes) | |
“The Teacher” (Paedagogus) | TLG 0555.002 |
“Stromateis” (Stromata) | TLG 0555.004 |
| |
Clement of Rome | |
“Letter to the Corinthians” (Epistula i ad Corinthios) | TLG 1271.001 |
| |
Cyprian | |
“On the Unity of the Catholic Church” (De catholicae ecclesiae unitate) | Cetedoc 0041 |
“Letters” | |
“To Pompey” | |
“To Magnus” | |
“The Lord’s Prayer” (De dominica oratione) | Cetedoc 0043 |
“Works and Almsgiving” (De opere et eleemosynis) | Cetedoc 0047 |
| |
Cyril of Alexandria | |
“Catena” | |
“Sermons” (Homiliae ad Successum episcopum Diocaesareae) | TLG 4090.x50 |
“Letters” | |
1 (Ad monachos Aegypti) | TLG 4090.x01 |
39 (Ad Joannem Antiochenum) | TLG 4090.x33 |
40 (Ad Acacium Melitenum) | TLG 4090.x34 |
50 (Ad Valerianum episcopum Iconii) | TLG 4090.x31 |
55 (Ad Anastasium, Alexandrum, Martinianum, Joannem, Paregorium presbyteros et Maximum diaconum ceterosque monachos orientales) | TLG 4090.x40 |
| |
Cyril of Jerusalem | |
“Catechetical Lectures” (Catecheses ad illuminandos) | TLG 2110.003 |
“Sermon on the Paralytic” (Homilia in paralyticum juxta piscinam jacentem) | TLG 2110.006 |
| |
Didache | |
“Didache” (Didache) | TLG 1311.001 |
| |
Didymus the Blind | |
“Catena” | |
“Commentary on James” (In epistulas catholicas brevis enarratio) | TLG 2102.030 |
“Commentary on Jude” (In epistulas catholicas brevis enarratio) | TLG 2102.030 |
“Commentary on 1 John” (In epistulas catholicas brevis enarratio) | TLG 2102.030 |
“Commentary on 2 John” (In epistulas catholicas brevis enarratio) | TLG 2102.030 |
“Commentary on 1 Peter” (In epistulas catholicas brevis enarratio) | TLG 2102.030 |
“Commentary on 2 Peter” (In epistulas catholicas brevis enarratio) | TLG 2102.030 |
| |
Dionysius | |
“Catena” | |
| |
Eucherius of Lyons | |
“Exhortation to His Kinsman Valerian” | |
| |
Eusebius of Caesarea | |
“Catena” | |
“History of the Church” (Historia ecclesiastica) | TLG 2018.002 |
| |
Fastidius | |
“On the Christian Life” (De vita christiana) | |
| |
Gregory of Nazianzus | |
“Theological Orations” (De filio [orat. 30]) | TLG 2022.018 |
| |
Gregory of Nyssa | |
“On Virginity” (De virginitate) | TLG 2017.043 |
| |
Gregory the Great | |
“Sermons on Ezekiel” (Homiliae in Hiezechihelem prophetam) | Cetedoc 1710 |
“Commentary on 2 Peter” (Expositio super epistolam ii b. Petri apostoli) | |
“Homilies on the Gospels” (Homiliarum xl in evangelia libri duo) | Cetedoc 1711 |
“Lessons in Job” (Moralia in Job) | Cetedoc 1708 |
| |
Hermas | |
“Shepherd” (Pastor) | TLG 1419.001 |
| |
Hesychius | |
“Catena” | |
| |
Hilary of Arles | |
“Introductory Commentary on 1 John” (Tractatus in septem epistulas catholicas) | Cetedoc 0508 |
“Introductory Commentary on 2 John” (Tractatus in septem epistulas catholicas) | Cetedoc 0508 |
“Introductory Commentary on 3 John” (Tractatus in septem epistulas catholicas) | Cetedoc 0508 |
“Introductory Commentary on Jude” (Tractatus in septem epistulas catholicas) | Cetedoc 0508 |
“Introductory Commentary on 1 Peter” (Tractatus in septem epistulas catholicas) | Cetedoc 0508 |
“Introductory Commentary on 2 Peter” (Tractatus in septem epistulas catholicas) | Cetedoc 0508 |
“Introductory Tractate on the Letter of James” (Tractatus in septem epistulas catholicas) | Cetedoc 0508 |
| |
Hilary of Poitiers | |
“On the Trinity” (De Trinitate) | Cetedoc 0433 |
| |
Irenaeus | |
“Against Heresies” (Adversus haereses libri 1-2) | TLG 1447.001 |
(Adversus haereses liber 3) | TLG 1447.002 |
(Adversus haereses liber 5) | TLG 1447.008 |
| |
Isaac the Syrian | |
“Ascetical Homilies” | |
| |
Isho‘dad of Merv | |
“Commentaries” | |
| |
Jerome | |
“Against the Pelagians” (Contra Pelagianos) | Cetedoc 0615 |
“Letters” (Epistulae) | Cetedoc 0620 |
“Sermons” | |
15 “On Psalm 82 (83)” | |
41 “On Psalm 119 (120)” | |
86 “The Rich Man and Lazarus” | |
91 “On the Exodus: The Vigil of Easter” | |
| |
John Cassian | |
“Conferences” (Collationes) | Cetedoc 0512 |
| |
John Chrysostom | |
“Catena” | |
“Commentary on John” (In Joannem) | TLG 2062.153 |
“On the Incomprehensible Nature of God” (De incomprehensibili dei natura) | TLG 2062.012 |
“Sermons on Genesis” (In Genesim) | TLG 2062.112 |
| |
John of Damascus | |
“Barlaam and Iosaph” (Vita Barlaam et Joasaph) | TLG 2934.066 |
| |
Josephus | |
“Jewish Antiquities” (Antiquitates Judaicae) | TLG 0526.001 |
| |
Leander of Seville | |
“The Training of Nuns” | |
| |
Leo the Great | |
“Letters” | |
“Sermons” (Tractatus septem et nonaginta) | Cetedoc 1657 |
| |
Macarius of Egypt | |
“First Syriac Epistle” | |
| |
Maximus of Turin | |
“Sermons” (Homiliae) | Cetedoc 0219a |
| |
Maximus the Confessor | |
“Catena” | |
| |
Niceta of Remesiana | |
“Explanation of the Creed” | |
“The Power of the Holy Spirit” | |
| |
Novatian | |
“On the Trinity” (De Trinitate) | Cetedoc 0071 |
| |
Oecumenius | |
“Commentary on James” | |
“Commentary on 1 John” | |
“Commentary on 2 John” | |
“Commentary on 3 John” | |
“Commentary on Jude” | |
“Commentary on 1 Peter” | |
“Commentary on 2 Peter” | |
| |
Origen | |
“Against Celsus” (Contra Celsum) | TLG 2042.001 |
“Commentary on John” (Commentarii in evangelium Joannis [lib. 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 10, 13]) | TLG 2042.005 |
(Commentarii in evangelium Joannis [lib. 19, 20, 28, 32]) | TLG 2042.079 |
“Exhortation to Martyrdom” (Exhortatio ad martyrium) | TLG 2042.007 |
“Homily 27 on Numbers” | |
“On First Principles” (De principiis) | TLG 2042.002 |
“Sermons on Exodus” (Homiliae in Exodum) | TLG 2042.023 |
“Sermons on Genesis” (Homiliae in Genesim) | TLG 2042.022 |
“Sermons on Leviticus” (Homiliae in Leviticum) | TLG 2042.024 |
| |
Pachomius | |
“Book of Our Father Horsiesios” | |
“Communion” | |
| |
Paschasius of Dumium | |
“Questions and Answers of the Greek Fathers” | |
| |
Peter Chrysologus | |
“Sermons” (Homiliae) | Cetedoc 0227 |
| |
Polycarp of Smyrna | |
“Letter to the Philippians” (Epistula ad Philippenses) | TLG 1622.001 |
| |
Prudentius | |
“Hymns” (Liber Cathemerinon) | Cetedoc 1438 |
| |
Pseudo-Dionysius | |
“Letters” (Ad Gaium monachum) | TLG 2798.006 |
“On the Celestial Hierarchy” (De caelesti hierarchia) | TLG 2798.001 |
“On the Divine Names” (De divinis nominibus) | TLG 2798.004 |
“On the Ecclesiastical Hierarchy” (De ecclesiastica hierarchia) | TLG 2798.002 |
| |
Salvian the Presbyter | |
“On the Governance of God” (De gubernationes Dei) | Cetedoc 0485 |
| |
Severian of Gabala | |
“Catena” | |
| |
Severus of Antioch | |
“Catena” | |
| |
Sulpicius Severus | |
“Letter to Eusebius” | |
| |
Symeon the New Theologian | |
“Discourses” | |
| |
Tertullian | |
“Apology” (Apologeticum) | Cetedoc 0003 |
“On the Soul” (De anima) | Cetedoc 0017 |
“On the Crown” (De corona militis) | Cetedoc 0021 |
“On Prayer” (De oratione) | Cetedoc 0007 |
“On Flight in Time of Persecution” (De fuga in persecutione) | Cetedoc 0025 |
“On the Dress of Women” (De cultu feminarum) | Cetedoc 0011 |
“Prescriptions Against Heretics” (De praescriptione haereticorum) | Cetedoc 0005 |
| |
Theodoret of Cyr | |
“Catena” | |
“On Divine Providence” (De providentia orationes decem) | TLG 4089.032 |
| |
Theophylact | |
“Commentary on James” | |
“Commentary on 1 John” | |
“Commentary on 2 John” | |
“Commentary on Jude” | |
“Commentary on 1 Peter” | |
“Commentary on 2 Peter” | |
| |
Valerian of Cimiez | |
“Sermons” | |