OVERVIEW: As an elder with pastoral responsibility for the church, Peter shares his commission with others in the local congregations to which he is writing. The Fathers saw this as a chain of delegation, beginning with Christ’s gift to Peter and extending through him to all the leaders of the church. Elders possess God’s authority to govern their churches, and the younger members must learn to obey them. But the elders must also exercise their responsibilities humbly and in a way that sets a good example for others. The pastor must give a good account to the prince of pastors (AUGUSTINE, HILARY OF ARLES). It is by constructive criticism that the flock of the Lord is to be set straight (HILARY OF ARLES) by those who have been witnesses to Christ’s suffering (BEDE). Let the demonic wolf look at the seal of Jesus Christ the chief shepherd (AUGUSTINE), and he will flee (SYMEON). The elder will be opposed if he is proud but given grace if he is humble (AUGUSTINE, BEDE).
I EXHORT THE ELDERS. HILARY OF ARLES: It is by exhortation and constructive criticism that the flock of the Lord is to be set straight. INTRODUCTORY COMMENTARY ON 1 PETER.1
AS A WITNESS. BEDE: Here Peter reminds us both that he was present when Christ suffered and saw what happened, and also that he was there on the mountain of transfiguration, together with James and John. ON 1 PETER.2
AS A FELLOW ELDER. OECUMENIUS: As he is proposing to talk about modesty, the apostle refers to himself here as a fellow elder, by which he means that he is one among many other elders. In saying this he is either referring to his age or to the office of bishop, for bishops and elders were one and the same.3 When he wants to reveal his dignity and point out that it is from modesty that he refers to himself as a fellow elder, he mentions that he was a witness of Christ’s suffering. The point of this is to say that if he, who has so great an honor, does not mind referring to himself as a fellow elder among them, they too must not exalt themselves in the presence of those who serve in various offices. COMMENTARY ON 1 PETER.4
AS A PARTAKER. SYMEON THE NEW THEOLOGIAN: How will you be a partaker of Christ’s glory if you refuse to be a partaker of his shameful death? It is in vain that you have left the world behind if you are unwilling to take up your cross, as he commanded you to. DISCOURSES 27.11.5
YOUR CHARGE. JEROME: In the Greek the meaning is still plainer, for the word used is episkopeuontes, that is to say, “overseeing,” and this is the origin of the word bishop. LETTERS 146.6
GOD’S POWER CAN TURN SOMETHING INTO ITS OPPOSITE. CHRYSOSTOM: Christ said: “He who would be first among you, let him serve, for he who humbles himself will be exalted above all.”7 What do you mean? If I humble myself, will I then be exalted? Yes, says Jesus. For such is my power that I can turn something into its exact opposite. I am skilled and capable, do not doubt it. The nature of things obeys my will, not the other way round. CATENA.8
GIVING ACCOUNT. AUGUSTINE: We are your guardians, and you are the flock of God. Reflect and see that our perils are greater than yours, and pray for us. This befits both us and you, that we may be able to give a good account of you to the prince of pastors and our universal head. LETTERS 231.9
FEED MY SHEEP. HILARY OF ARLES: Here Peter is telling the leaders of the church exactly what the Lord told him: “Feed my sheep.”10 INTRODUCTORY COMMENTARY ON 1 PETER.11
TEND THE FLOCK OF GOD. BEDE: Just as the Lord gave the entire church to Peter as his flock, so Peter subdelegates his responsibility to the pastors of the church and commands them to fulfill their task conscientiously. He himself looks after his flock even though he has nothing to live on. That is why he preaches the gospel, so that he might earn a living by it. But he preaches not for earthly rewards but rather for heavenly ones, and he does so eagerly, following the commandments of the Lord. ON 1 PETER.12
BEING EXAMPLES TO THE FLOCK. PASCHASIUS OF DUMIUM: Practice what you preach, so that you may offer your people not only advice but a model as well, that they may imitate your example. QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS OF THE GREEK FATHERS 43.1.13
NOT AS DOMINEERING. HILARY OF ARLES: Even though you may have authority over the church in what you say or in the office which you occupy, you should never have a superior attitude toward others. INTRODUCTORY COMMENTARY ON 1 PETER.14
IN HUMBLE MANNER. BEDE: Peter demonstrates in his own conduct the kind of humility which he wants his flock to show toward him and toward each other. This is in line with what Jesus said: “He who is greatest among you shall be called your servant; whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted.”15 ON 1 PETER.16
WHEN THE CHIEF SHEPHERD IS MANIFESTED. AUGUSTINE: While thinking of himself as a martyr to be, Cyprian did not allow himself to forget that he was still a bishop and was more anxious about the account he was to give to the chief shepherd concerning the sheep committed to him than he was about the answer he would give to the unbelieving proconsul, concerning his own faith. SERMONS 309.4.17
LET THE WOLF LOOK AT THE SEAL. SYMEON THE NEW THEOLOGIAN: Can death have any power over the souls which have been sealed by the grace of the Holy Spirit and the blood of Christ? Dare the spiritual wolf look straight at the seal of Christ the good shepherd, which he places on his own sheep? By no means, faithful brothers of godly mind! DISCOURSES 2.5.18
GOD OPPOSES THE PROUD. AUGUSTINE: I fear that you may presume to rely on your own spirit to mortify the doings of the flesh and so perish for pride and find yourselves opposed for being proud, not granted grace for being humble. SERMONS 156.10.19
THE YOUNGER SHALL BE SUBJECT TO THE ELDERS. HILARY OF ARLES: By “young men” Peter means everyone who occupies a subordinate role in the church. But note that those who are superiors must also act humbly, for humility is what should be common to both. INTRODUCTORY COMMENTARY ON 1 PETER.20
GOD GIVES GRACE TO THE HUMBLE. BEDE: After teaching the elders how to preside over the church, Peter turns his attention to the younger members of the congregation. They are to obey their parents. There is no need for them to do a lot of talking; all that is required is that they show an example of submission. For after teaching the elders how they should treat those under them, it is enough for the younger people to respect the good examples of their elders and imitate them carefully. But in order to avoid a situation in which the higher-ups will think that humility is owed to them by their inferiors but not the other way round, Peter goes on to add that we must all show humility to one another. ON 1 PETER.21