1 PETER 5:6-11

OVERVIEW: Humility is the essential preparation for those who want to receive God’s blessing (CAESARIUS OF ARLES, BEDE, OECUMENIUS). We must learn to depend on God for everything and to be aware that our real enemy is the devil, who is always trying to get the better of us (BASIL, PRUDENTIUS, OECUMENIUS). We must at all costs resist him, even if that means that we shall be forced to suffer (HILARY OF ARLES, BEDE, OECUMENIUS). If that happens, we can take comfort from the knowledge that the whole church is suffering with us and that Christ will soon return to put everything right (CLEMENT OF ALEXANDRIA, CHRYSOSTOM, ANDREAS).

5:6 Humble Yourselves

EXALTATION TO COME. CHRYSOSTOM: Peter says that this will happen in due time, because he is teaching them that they will have to wait until the next life for this exaltation. CATENA.1


NO ONE GUILTLESS. CAESARIUS OF ARLES: Since no one is without sin, no one should be without penance, for by this very fact a man becomes guilty if he presumes that he is innocent. A man may be guilty of lesser sin, but no one is without guilt. SERMONS 144.4.2


GRACE TO THE HUMBLE. BEDE: God gives grace to the humble in such a way that the more they have been humiliated for his sake while here on earth, the more he will exalt them on the day of reckoning. The word humiliation can be understood in many different ways. It may be self-induced, as when someone who is starting out on the way of virtue humbles himself in repentance for the sins which he has committed. It may be what one sees in those who are closer to perfection when they voluntarily agree not to pursue their rights but to live in peace with their neighbors. And of course, it may be what we see when a person is caught up in the whirlwinds of persecution and his spirit is un-bowed thanks to the power of patience. ON 1 PETER.3


TRUE EXALTATION. OECUMENIUS: Peter puts exaltation off until the world to come, because the only true exaltation is the one which is immutable and eternal. Exaltation in this world is neither secure nor firm but leads rather to eternal humiliation, for it is easier to be humiliated than it is to be exalted. COMMENTARY ON 1 PETER.4

5:7 Cast Your Cares on God

ANDREAS: Peter tells us that we have a guide and leader and that if we act according to his instructions, we shall keep ourselves pure and spotless. CATENA.5

5:8 The Prowling Devil

THE STORY OF JOB. BASIL THE GREAT: That the devil wanders over all the earth under heaven and ranges about like a mad dog, seeking whom he may devour, we learn from the story of Job. ON RENUNCIATION OF THE WORLD 2.6


THE LION OF JUDAH. AUGUSTINE: Who could avoid encountering the teeth of this lion, if the lion from the tribe of Judah had not conquered? SERMONS 263.7



Who goes roaring around, raging madly As he seeks to entrap and devour us,

When, O infinite God, we praise thee only!

HYMNS 4.79-81.8


THE WEIGHT OF PUNISHMENT. OECUMENIUS: Justin Martyr explains this by saying that before the coming of Christ the devil did not know what the weight of his punishment would be, but that when the Lord came and proclaimed that eternal fire was prepared for him and his angels9 he reacted by becoming even more determined to ensnare believers, in order to have as much company as possible in his rebellion. COMMENTARY ON 1 PETER.10

5:9 Resist the Devil

A WORLD OF DIFFERENCE. HILARY OF ARLES: There is a world of difference between God and the devil. If you resist God, he will destroy you, but if you resist the devil, you will destroy him. INTRODUCTORY COMMENTARY ON 1 PETER.11


STRONG FAITH, GREAT CONFIDENCE. BEDE: The stronger you are in your faith, the greater will be your confidence that you can overcome the wiles of the devil. You will also be aided in this endeavor by the knowledge that what you are going through is something common to the fellowship of all Christians throughout the world. Ever since the beginning of time it has been the lot of the righteous to suffer, and what a shame it would be if you were to be the only ones unable to endure this. ON 1 PETER.12


SUFFERING FOR CHRIST. OECUMENIUS: It seems likely that those to whom Peter was writing were undergoing many kinds of suffering for the sake of Christ, and so he brings them consolation, telling them that they are suffering along with everyone else who professes the name of Christ and that they will all be glorified together. COMMENTARY ON 1 PETER.13

5:10 God Will Strengthen You

GIVER OF ALL GOOD. CLEMENT OF ALEXANDRIA: He is called the God of all grace because he is good and the giver of all good things. ADUMBRATIONS.14


MERCY AND ETERNAL GLORY. ANDREAS: See how the beginning and the end of the epistle are the same. At the beginning Peter said that the Father has mercy on us through the Son and here he once again says that the Father has called us into his eternal glory through Jesus Christ. CATENA.15

5:11 Give God the Glory

ANDREAS: It is ultimately the role of the Father and of the Son to proclaim the mystery of faith, because the glory and power belong to them, although they condescend to make use of us and of our preaching. CATENA.16