2 JOHN 4-6

OVERVIEW: One of the hallmarks of John is that truth and love always go together and that in combination they are the best defense against the attacks of heretics. The Fathers assumed that the letter had certain potential heresies in mind, such as Marcionism, although it was written too early for that particular one. Nevertheless, it is quite likely that there were other serious divisions in the church that needed to be confronted, and the spiritual weapons for doing so remained the same, whatever the heresy might be. It is always a cause for joy when we find someone making progress in the faith of Christ (HILARY OF ARLES, OECUMENIUS). John’s purpose is to show that what he is saying is something that people already know in principle (BEDE, OECUMENIUS). The commandment we have heard from the beginning is that we are to love one another (AUGUSTINE, OECUMENIUS).

Rejoicing in the Truth

THE RESULTS OF TRUTH. HILARY OF ARLES: The saints are always overjoyed to see the results of truth at work. INTRODUCTORY COMMENTARY ON 2 JOHN.1


FOLLOWING THE TRUTH. OECUMENIUS: It is always a cause for the greatest joy when we find someone making progress in the faith of Christ without any drawbacks. The Father’s command to which John refers is what Christ said in the Gospel: “Whoever loves me will keep my commandments.”2 Here John calls Christ a father, because he really is the father of all the children who have been given to him by the Father’s dispensation, as it is said: “Behold, I and the children whom God has given me.”3 COMMENTARY ON 2 JOHN.4

5 Love One Another

FROM THE BEGINNING. BEDE: Here John is attacking the heretics who had abandoned the teaching of the apostles and were trying to introduce new doctrines. By doing this they were breaking the bonds of brotherly love. ON 2 JOHN.5


NOT A NEW COMMANDMENT. OECUMENIUS: Note that this verse closely resembles what is said in 1 John 2:7 and elsewhere in that letter. John’s purpose is to show that what he is saying is something which people already know in principle and have even had some past experience of. It is not something strange and unusual which they will find hard to grasp. COMMENTARY ON 2 JOHN.6

This Is Love

FOLLOW LOVE. AUGUSTINE: Meanwhile let us continue in the way we have come along so far, until God reveals it to us if we are otherwise minded. LETTERS 175.7


AS YOU HEARD. OECUMENIUS: John specifies that the commandment which he is talking about is that we should love one another. This was given from the beginning in order to prevent a situation in which we might be honoring God in purely spiritual things but at the same time rebelling against him and denying him in more practical matters. COMMENTARY ON 2 JOHN.8