3 JOHN 1-8

OVERVIEW: Gaius was a model church leader and may have been the same person as the Gaius who entertained Paul at Corinth. He set an excellent example of hospitality and encouragement to the church, and those who benefited from his liberality spread his name everywhere they went. Gaius is the only ordinary Christian, apart from Philemon, whom we meet in this way in the New Testament, and therefore his example is particularly important, since anyone with the means to do so could imitate his conduct without needing ordination or any other special spiritual gift. Gaius was a host to the whole church, quite possibly including Paul. He opened his doors to everyone (BEDE). It is John’s prayer that Gaius should go on to complete the good works that he intends to do (HILARY OF ARLES, BEDE). There is no greater joy than to know that those who have heard the gospel are now putting it into practice by the way in which they live (BEDE). There are relatively few who are spiritually gifted but many who are rich in the things of this world, and when the latter comfort poor saints with their wealth they gain a share in their spiritual riches (GREGORY THE GREAT). Do not wait for them to come to you, but search them out (ANDREAS).

1 The Elder and Gaius

THE THEME OF THE LETTER. ANDREAS: John writes this letter to encourage some fellow believers. He writes to Gaius and testifies to his great hospitality, which he praises. He says that someone who does such good is from God. He goes on to tell him to expel Diotrephes, who has not learned to do the same thing. He also praises Demetrius for doing the same as Gaius and mentions his faith as a testimony to his virtue. His main purpose for writing is the same as it was in his second letter. CATENA.1


TO THE BELOVED GAIUS. BEDE: Who this Gaius was and what he was like becomes apparent in the course of the letter. He was a man who had believed in Christ and as a result of that was living a life of good works. He was not a preacher himself, but he was happy to support the preaching ministry out of his own pocket. He is probably to be identified with the Gaius mentioned by Paul as his host.2 For Gaius was a host to the whole church, who opened his doors to everyone who came along, whether they were the preachers or the hearers of the Word. ON 3 JOHN.3


LOVE IN THE TRUTH. OECUMENIUS: The person who loves God with heartfelt charity loves in the truth, a point which John often makes in his other letters. COMMENTARY ON 3 JOHN.4

2 Things Are Going Well

WELL WITH YOUR SOUL. HILARY OF ARLES: Things are going well for Gaius because his soul is carrying on in good works as the will of his mind directs him. INTRODUCTORY COMMENTARY ON 3 JOHN.5


COMPLETING GOOD WORK. BEDE: It is John’s earnest desire and prayer that Gaius should go on to complete the good works which he intends to do. His heart is already in the right place, which is the necessary precondition for fulfilling the rest. ON 3 JOHN.6


LIVING ACCORDING TO THE TRUTH. OECUMENIUS: Gaius is doing well, says John, because he is living according to the truth of the gospel. COMMENTARY ON 3 JOHN.7

3 Following the Truth

THE TRUTH OF YOUR LIFE. HILARY OF ARLES: The truth of Gaius’s life was seen in the perfection of his works. He was a man who went about without any guile in thought, word or deed. Instead of that, he followed the commandments of God to the best of his ability. INTRODUCTORY COMMENTARY ON 3 JOHN.8


YOU FOLLOW THE TRUTH. OECUMENIUS: Gaius is walking in the truth because he is following the gospel in all its pure simplicity. To walk does not mean to put one foot in front of the other but to make orderly spiritual progress within the limits of what the soul is able to bear. This is something which very few people manage to achieve. COMMENTARY ON 3 JOHN.9

4 Hearing That My Children Follow the Truth

NO GREATER JOY. BEDE: There is no greater joy than to know that those who have heard the gospel are now putting it into practice by the way in which they live. ON 3 JOHN.10

6 Your Love for the Church

AS BEFITS GOD’S SERVICE. HILARY OF ARLES: Visitors praised Gaius to the rest of the church because of his generous hospitality to those who were in God’s service. INTRODUCTORY COMMENTARY ON 3 JOHN.12

7 Serving Christ

ACCEPTING NOTHING FROM UNBELIEVERS. HILARY OF ARLES: This means that the servants of God have accepted no assistance from those who are not believers. INTRODUCTORY COMMENTARY ON 3 JOHN.13


FOR GOD’S SAKE. BEDE: There are two possible reasons why these people have set out for the sake of Christ. One is that they had gone of their own free will to preach the name of Christ. The other is that they had been expelled from their homes because of their faith in his holy name. ON 3 JOHN.14

We Ought to Support Such Persons

FELLOW WORKERS IN THE TRUTH. GREGORY THE GREAT: Whoever gives practical assistance to those who have spiritual gifts becomes a coworker with those people in their spiritual work. There are relatively few people who are spiritually gifted but many who are rich in the things of this world, and when the latter comfort poor saints with their wealth they gain a share in their spiritual riches. HOMILIES ON THE GOSPELS 20.12.15


LOOK FOR NEEDS. ANDREAS: John teaches us that we should not wait for such needy people to come to us but should rather go out and look for them, for that is what Lot and Abraham did. CATENA.16