OVERVIEW: Diotrephes was the opposite of Gaius. He was causing trouble in the church by rejecting the elder’s authority and by expelling visitors. To the Fathers his conduct smacked of heresy (BEDE), and they were particularly impressed by the firm way in which the elder dealt with him. Diotrephes preferred to gain control of the church by preaching something new and different rather than by following humbly the apostolic teaching (BEDE). If we do not correct abuses, the abusers will corrupt the minds of others (HILARY OF ARLES, BEDE). We are not to return evil for evil when the injury has been done to us personally, but when it affects others we must correct it (OECUMENIUS). One who does evil has not seen God (DIDYMUS). One who be-holds God and understands what he beheld has not seen God himself but rather some refraction of God that is knowable (PSEUDO-DIONYSIUS). A complete contrast to Diotrephes was Demetrius, who seems to have been rather similar to Gaius and who was praised accordingly (HILARY OF ARLES, ANDREAS, OECUMENIUS).
THE LIMIT TO PATIENCE. HILARY OF ARLES: This verse teaches us that we ought to bear the abuse of those who insult us with equanimity, but sometimes we have to protest it because if we do not do so, these people will corrupt the minds of those who might otherwise have heard something good about us. INTRODUCTORY COMMENTARY ON 3 JOHN.1
HE DOES NOT ACKNOWLEDGE AUTHORITY. BEDE: It seems that Diotrephes was a leading heretic of those times. He was proud and insolent, preferring to gain control of the church by preaching something new and different rather than by following humbly the old commandments which John had already given them. ON 3 JOHN.2
CORRUPTING OTHERS. BEDE: It is true that we must do nothing to stir up the tongues of accusers, lest they should perish on our account. Likewise we must patiently endure those who attack us because of their own wickedness, so that we may become better people. Nevertheless there are times when we have to protest, because those who spread evil stories about us may corrupt the minds of innocent people who otherwise would have heard nothing but good about us. This is why John objects to his accuser. ON 3 JOHN.3
REFUSING TO WELCOME THE BROTHERS. OECUMENIUS: If the principle of the gospel is that we should not return evil for evil, what is the meaning of this warning? I think that the answer is that we are not to return evil for evil when the injury has been done to us personally and to no one else. But when it affects others, we must heed what Paul says to Elymas, who was corrupting the ways of the Lord: “You son of the devil.”4 COMMENTARY ON 3 JOHN.5
ONE WHO DOES GOOD. DIDYMUS THE BLIND: Light has nothing in common with darkness, and there is no agreement between Christ and Belial. The person who does good has Christ, the true light, and not darkness or Belial. But the person who does evil is from Belial and darkness and has not seen God or had any knowledge of him. CATENA.6
ONE WHO DOES EVIL. PSEUDO-DIONYSIUS: Someone beholding God and understanding what he saw has not actually seen God himself but rather something of his which has being and is knowable. For in himself, God transcends mind and being; he is completely unknown and nonbeing. He exists beyond being and is known beyond the mind. LETTERS 1.7
DOING WHAT IS GOOD. HILARY OF ARLES: Demetrius was highly regarded by everybody because of his virtue. Some people take this verse to mean that he was criticized by everyone, but I cannot see how such an interpretation is possible. INTRODUCTORY COMMENTARY ON 3 JOHN.8
WHICH DEMETRIUS? ANDREAS: In my opinion this Demetrius is the same man who made silver idols of Artemis and who once led a riot against the apostle Paul.9 CATENA.10
TESTIMONY FROM EVERYONE. OECUMENIUS: By “all” John means primarily all those who respect the truth, though it is possible that the term should be extended to cover unbelievers as well, since Paul tried to please both Jews and Gentiles.11 By “the truth itself” he means the fact that Demetrius practices what he preaches. For there are some who sound good when they talk, but their subsequent actions do not live up to what they claim. COMMENTARY ON 3 JOHN.12