JUDE 24-25

OVERVIEW: Jude’s farewell strikes a note of triumph by reminding the hard-pressed believers that God is still on the throne and that his glory, power and majesty will be fully revealed at the right time. For Christians the most important thing is to be ready to enter into his presence without blemish, so that we may join the heavenly chorus of praise to his eternal power and dominion. Being in the presence of God’s glory does not mean that we shall see him in the physical sense, since that is impossible. Rather it means that everything we do will be seen by him (CLEMENT OF ALEXANDRIA). Praise is given to God alone, for he is the only one who deserves our worship (HILARY OF ARLES). The Son does not have a beginning at some point in time but has been there from all ages, is there now and will be there forever (BEDE).

24 Without Blemish in God’s Presence

THE PRESENCE OF HIS GLORY. CLEMENT OF ALEXANDRIA: Being in the presence of God’s glory does not mean that we shall see him in the physical sense, since that is impossible. Rather it means that everything we do will be seen by him. ADUMBRATIONS.1


PERSEVERANCE. AUGUSTINE: When Jude says this, does he not show that perseverance in good to the end is a gift of God? ADMONITION AND GRACE 6.10.2


ABLE TO KEEP YOU FROM FALLING. BEDE: Jude is right to say this because the more careful we are in what we do here on earth, the more fully we shall rejoice in the blessing which we shall receive in the future. ON JUDE.3

25 Glory, Majesty, Dominion and Authority

TO THE ONLY GOD. HILARY OF ARLES: Praise is given to God alone, for he is the only one who deserves our worship. He is our Savior, because “he has saved his people from their sins.”4 Glory is ascribed to him because he is the victor in every battle; majesty, because the praise of the heavenly virtues is so great; dominion, because he rules over all he has made; and authority, because he has the power to destroy or to set free everything in creation. He exists from the beginning, in the present and forever. INTRODUCTORY COMMENTARY ON JUDE.5


TO OUR SAVIOR. BEDE: This verse gives equal glory to the Father and the Son in all things and for all time and eternity. By saying that glory, majesty, dominion and power should be attributed to God the Father through our Lord Jesus Christ, Jude is refuting those who believe that the Son is inferior to the Father. As he goes on to say in conclusion, the Son does not have his beginning at some point in time but has been there from all ages, is there now and will be there forever. Amen. ON JUDE.6