Section I
You Need Toxic Relief
Chapter 1 Our Toxic Earth
Sick and Toxic
The Dish on Oil Spills
What Happens in Nuclear Explosions?
Awash in Chemical Chaos
Indoor Pollution
Sick Building Syndrome
Are You Breathing in Bacteria, Mold, and Yeast?
Pesticide Pollution
Are You Being Forced to Inhale Secondhand Smoke?
Beware of Sunscreen
Toxins in Our Food and Land
Waxes That Don’t Wash Off
Pesticides in Animal Feed
Toxic Fat?
In the brain
In the breasts
Toxins in Our Water
Chemical Chaos and Wildlife
The Dangers of Solvents
An Abundance of Mercury
Food Additives and Flavorings
Chapter 2 A Toxic Battle Within.
The Antibiotic Attack
The Nightmare of Candida
The Molecular Warfare of Free Radicals
A Way of Escape
In Conclusion
Chapter 3 Overnourished While Starving?.
Facing the Terrible Truth About the American Diet
Sugar addicts
Processed foods
Dead foods
Toxic fats
Fast foods
Genetically modified foods (GMOs)
Obese While Starving?
Eating Too Much of the Wrong Stuff?
Undernourishment and Disease
Why Conventional Medicine Can’t Help
Stop and Think About How We Eat
Stressed Out?
Change the Way You Think
Health-First Eating
Five Alive
Limit Meats
Avoid High-Protein Diets
In Conclusion
Section II
Dr. Colbert’s Detoxification Program
Chapter 4 Toxic Relief Through Fasting
What’s Your Body Trying to Tell You?
Finding Relief Through Fasting
Periodic Fasting
Fasting—a Natural Principle of Healing
General Benefits to Fasting
Fasting Energizes Cells
Rejuvenate Physically, Mentally, and Spiritually
A Cellular Garbage Dump?
Let’s Talk About Fasting
Fasting—What’s It All About?
Total fasting
Water-only fasting
Juice fasting
Restoring Nature’s Delicate Balance
Cellular Constipation?
Giving Your Gut a Rest
Juice Fasting vs. Water-Only Fasting
Muscle loss
Juice Fasting and Weight Loss
No metabolically induced weight gain
Stay energized
Liver friendly
Keeping the Colon in the Game
In Conclusion
Chapter 5 The Joy of Juice.
Your Juice-Fasting Program
Cellular Spring Cleaning
The Wonders of Juice
Vital Vegetables
Enzyme Energy
Phyto Power!
Selecting Your Vegetables and Fruit for Juicing
Cruciferous vegetables
Ellagic acid
Vitamins and Minerals Through Juicing
Folic acid
Vitamin C
Coming Attractions
Chapter 6 Dr. C’s Detox Fast.
Before Your Fast
How Long Should I Fast?
Watch Out For .
Helpful Aids to the Detoxification Process
Exfoliating and cleansing the skin
Infared sauna
Let’s Get Started
What If I Can’t Use Organics?
Look for thicker peels
Produce with thin peels
Washing off produce waxes
Choosing a Juicer
Guidelines for Your Fast
The day before your fast
Fast on the weekends
Don’t use prepared juices
Don’t drink alcohol, coffee, or sports drinks
Sip juices slowly
Preparing Produce
Best Fruit and Veggie Choices
The Basics of Juice Fasting
Suggested Juicing Recipes
Cruciferous Veggies Are Important!
Spice It Up
Herbal Teas
Breaking Your Fast
The first day after your fast
The second day after your fast
The third day after your fast
The fourth day after your fast
Special Advice for Special Problems
Candidiasis, food allergies, parasites
Sensitive GI tract
Consider Making Juicing a Lifestyle
Shopping List
In Conclusion
Chapter 7 Your Champion Prizefighter.
Your Body’s Natural Detox System
How This Giant Works
Your Giant Filter
Watch for the Signs
What About You?
Liver Detox Method #2
Liver Detox Method #3
Phase One Detoxification—Your Chemical Factory
What Happens During Phase Two?
Eating for Your Liver
Slowing Down the Process
In Conclusion
Chapter 8 A Nutritional Program for a Healthy Liver.
A Winning Attitude and Helpful Support
Eliminate Toxins
Make Liver-Friendly Diet Choices
Liver-Friendly Starches
Starches to Shun
Liver-Friendly Fats
Beverages Are Important Too
Powerful Detox Proteins
The Golden Rule of Liver Care
Nutrients for the Liver
A Good Multivitamin/Multimineral Supplement
Vitamin C
Lipoic acid
Vitamin E
Coenzyme Q10
Milk thistle
Green tea
Amino Acids
NAC (N-acetyl cysteine)
Lipotropic Supplements
Phosphatidyl choline (or lecithin)
Herbs for Detoxing
Summarizing Main Supplements
Chapter 9 “Eliminate the Negative”.
Your First Line of Defense
A Look Inside
Digestion and Toxicity
Diluting Your Stomach Acid
The Path Your Food Travels
Getting Rid of the Waste
Natural Diet vs. American Diet
What’s Affecting You?
Relax . . . Breathe . . . Take a Minute
Intestinal Permeability
The Effects of Food Allergies
Watch for These Symptoms
Repairing Your Intestines
Supplements to Help Repair the GI Tract
Good Bacteria, Bad Bacteria, and Yeast
Bacteria and Your Immune System
Counterfeit Proteins Running Amok
Partially Digested Food
Finding Friendly Bacteria
Beneficial Bacteria
Lactobacillus plantarum and saccharonyces boulardii
Parasites That Plunder
The protozoa
The worms (helminths)
The arthropods
The Gift of Garlic
The Curse of Constipation
Vitamin C
Chlorophyll drinks
Three Main Factors
Fantastic Fiber
Nature’s Detoxifier
Fiber Foods
Microcrystalline cellulose
Citrus pectin
In Conclusion
Summarizing Main Supplements
Chapter 10 Finding Healing Through Fasting.
For Colds and Flu
Fasting for Autoimmune Diseases
Fasting for Coronary Disease
Fasting for Psoriasis and Eczema
Fasting for Crohn’s Disease and Ulcerative Colitis
Fasting for Allergies and Asthma
Fasting for Type 2 Diabetes
Fasting for Obesity
Fasting for Benign Tumors
When You Should Not Fast
In Conclusion
Section III
Detoxing Your Whole Person
Chapter 11 Spiritual Fasting—What It’s All About.
Gaining Control
The Destructive Power of Uncontrolled Desires
Fleshly Cravings
Fasting to Control the Lower Nature
Abiding in the Word of God
Abiding in Christlike Speech
The Why of Spiritual Fasting
Builds godly character
Looses chains of bondage
Humbles ourselves
Fasting for Spiritual Healing, Glory, and Refreshing
Finding the Presence of God
Fasting Delivers Us From Error
Fasting for Healing
The When of Spiritual Fasting
Regularly Scheduled Visits
In Conclusion
Chapter 12 Spiritual Fasting Throughout the Bible .
Corporate Fasting for Forgiveness of Sins
The Esther Fast—for Protection, Deliverance, and Divine Favor
The Ezra Fast—for Direction and Protection
The Elijah Fast—to Combat Spiritual Enemies
The Daniel Fast—to Overcome the Flesh
The Second Daniel Fast—for Spiritual Breakthroughs
The Disciples’ Fast—for Empowered Ministry
Living a Fasted Life
In Conclusion
A Personal Note From Don Colbert.
Appendix A Other Solutions for Toxic Relief.
Oil spills
Nuclear radiation
Air pollution
Other Solutions for Toxic Relief
Sick building syndrome
Bacteria, mold, and yeast
Pesticide pollution
Secondhand smoke
Toxins in our water
Appendix B Your Fasting Journal
Before You Begin
Appendix C Tips for Healthy Eating.
Helpful Tips for Grocery Shopping
Products to Avoid
Healthy Guidelines for Food Preparation
Helpful Appliances and Kitchen Essentials
Tips for Choosing the Most Beneficial Cooking Process
Appendix D Product Information.