Endless thanks to:
My agent, Emmanuelle Alspaugh, for falling in love with Falling Under in the first place and going on to be the most dedicated, hardworking agent I could wish for;
My Plume editor, Alexis Washam who has such clear vision and was a total joy to work with;
Marie Coolman, Mary Pomponio and everyone at Plume, plus Melanie Storaschuk and the wonderful people at Penguin Canada;
Louisa McFarlane, for the stunning cover image, Adrienne Kress, for endless patience and coming through with a great cover design, and Jing-Ling Kao for her lending her sharp eye and creativity to the cover-conceiving process way back at the beginning when I had no idea what I wanted;
Rob Mayette, my go-to guy for formatting, converting and uploading;
Eileen Cruz Coleman for Smashwords formatting assistance;
Early readers and critique partners: Joel Hechter, Shelley Saville, Stephanie Saville, Edna Saville, Laura Adamo, Suzanne Fitzpatrick, Patrice Latka, Lori Delorme, Maia Caron, Heather Wardell, Joanne Levy, Bev Katz Rosenbaum and Maureen McGowan;
Kristy Kiernan, Tish Cohen and the other founding members of www.thedebutanteball.com and my fellow Debutantes, in particular: Gail Konop Baker, Jenny Gardiner, Lisa Daily, Jess Riley, Eileen Cook, Meredith Cole, Katie Alender, Tiffany Baker, Eve Brown Waite and Kristina Riggle;
The many talented writers at Backspace, The Writer’s Place, and all my other writing buddies, online and off, including (but not restricted to, as many have been mentioned above) Lesley Livingston, Caitlin Sweet, Keith Cronin, Karen Dionne, Lauren Baratz-Logsted...oh this is terrible, there are too many to mention and I know I’m forgetting some, but please, all of you, consider yourselves thanked!
My fellow authors who generously endorsed the book, and the many fantastic reviewers and book bloggers who have helped to spread the word;
The wonderful book clubs who continue to invite me to join their lively discussions;
Stephanie Saville for sending me off to my first writing class and forever being my expert on all things psychological;
Jay Mitchell and Renee Beneteau for expertise on art and the lives and training of artists;
My friends and family from whom I have had
immeasurable support and inspiration: Cindy and Gary Ullman, Brett
Younge, the Saville and Ullman families, Brian Younge, my wonderful
Wacholtz in-laws, Kimber Stevens, Nicholle Russell, Laura Adamo,
Gillian Stecyk, Miranda
Stecyk, Leslie Zacks, the Kleinberg family and the McGill
David Rennie for setting me on the path;
Michael Wacholtz and my two little girls, for whom I live and breathe.