

addictions, 99–100, 162–64, 212, 239

Buddhism, 42, 43, 232–33, 240
chakras, 33, 58–59, 101. See also individual charkas
    drawing, 93
    locating, 63
chakra, fifth, 84
    affirmation, 87
    ailments of, 84–85, 87, 119
    meditation for, 87–88
    remedies for, 87–88
chakra, first, 64, 66
    affirmation, 60, 65
    ailments of, 60, 64
    meditation for, 65
    remedies for, 60, 65–66
chakra, fourth, 77–79, 81. See also heart-centered path
    affirmation, 79
    ailments of, 55, 78
    meditation for, 80, 82–84
    remedies for, 81–84, 207–10, 219–22
chakra, second, 66–69
    affirmation, 69
    ailments of, 67, 68–69, 119
    meditation for, 71
    remedies for, 69–71
chakra, seventh, 95–98
    affirmation, 97
    meditation for, 98–99
    remedies for, 98–99
chakra, sixth, 89, 91, 94
    affirmation, 91
    ailments of, 90
    meditation for, 91–92
    remedies for, 94–95
chakra, third, 72, 76
    affirmation, 76
    ailments of, 72–73, 119
    remedies for, 76–77
change, steps to, 211
chanting, 38–40, 86, 110, 157, 236
craniosacral therapy, 121
creativity, 159, 175
creative visualization, 160–61
    sacred box, 155–56, 159–60
crystals, use of in healing, 61–62
curiosity, 110–12

dreams, 4, 92–94, 185, 188–91
healing, intuitive, 16–17
    “breathing into” ailments, 23–24
    craniosacral therapy, 121
heart-centered path. See also chakra, fourth
    and decisions, 201–3, 205–8
    and hopefulness, 212–13
    and love, 203–5, 213–14, 225–27
    and negative beliefs, 219–20
    prayer for others, 221–22
    and relationships, 214–19

I Ching, 56, 92, 101
independence, 105–6, 108
    and letting go, 112–15
    mindfulness meditation, 122–23
    and relationships, 103–4, 115–22
    and risk-taking, 106–8
    and self-trust, 122, 124–25
    and uncording, 115–22
intuition, 10
    and abuse, 45–46
    characteristics of, 5–6
    and dreams, 4, 92–94
    and the energy body, 2–3
    evaluation quiz, 8–9
    and psychic protection, 129–30, 132
    and self-esteem, 4, 10
    suppression of, 6–7, 20–21, 22–24
    and truth, 24
intuition, developing, 4–5.
    See also Rainbow Body; shamanism
    claiming your intuition, 18–21
    and journal-keeping, 11–12, 25–26
    and oracles, 56, 92, 101, 138, 169–71
    and psychic writing, 197
    and study groups, 12
    and trance, 194–98

lojong training, 123–25, 230

meditation exercises.
    amethyst rain cleansing meditation, 146–47
    body awareness, 41–45
    clearing negative beliefs, 220
    color shield meditation, 142–43
future self, 222–23
    glass body shape shifting, 143–46
    goal visualization, 171
    gold dot, 182–83, 195
    grounding, 25, 36–38, 65, 195
    heart, 207–8
    Hoocha, 148
    letting go, 114–15
    lotus, 109–10
    loving-kindness, 75, 208–10
    manifestation bowl, 163
    medicine wheel, 82–84
    mindfulness, 122–23
    opening the door, 13
    resources, 236
    snakeskin, 80
    spiral walk, 47, 164–69
    Sufi breathing, 40–41
    Sufi Mother’s Breath, 112
    uncording, 119–20
    wholeness, 133–34

oracles, 56, 92, 101, 169–70

pendulum, 169–70
prayer, 97–98, 141–42, 151–52, 221–22
psychic protection, 140–41
    amethyst rain cleansing meditation, 146–47
    color shield meditation, 142–43
    five differences exercise, 146
    glass body shape shifting, 143–46
    Hoocha meditation, 148
    opening the soul’s window, 148–49
    prayer of light, 151–52
    prayer of protection, 141–42
psychic writing, 197

Rainbow Body, 33–35. See also chakras
    awakening, 26–27, 35–36
    beauty chant, 38–40
    body awareness meditation, 41–45
    damage to, 35, 45–46
    healing, 46–52, 220
    protecting, 46, 141–46
    choosing a partner, 215–17
    and love, 214–15
    possessive, 103–4, 217–19
    and sexuality, 66–69
    and wholeness, 136–40
risk-taking, 106–8

self-esteem, 4, 10, 78–79, 122, 124–25
shakti, 158–59, 169
shamanism, 10–11
    and dreams, 185, 188–90
    and imagination, 161
    journeying, 97, 182, 183–88
    and power animals, 149, 184, 186, 187, 192–94
    resources, 187–88, 238
    and the shaman’s body, 2–3
    shape shifting, 143
    vision quests, 47, 177–82
snake medicine, 56–57, 78–80
spiral walk, 47, 164–69
spiritual teachers, 96, 228–33
Sufism, 40, 112, 236
symbols, 89, 240

Tarot cards, 92
traditional wisdom stories, 7, 10
    Ancient Story, 203–5
    Ancient Tibetan Story, 157, 159
    A Chicken or An Eagle, 125–26
    Desire for Light, 18–21
    Eagle Boy, 104–5, 106
    Half-Boy, 131, 132, 139
    How Snake Got Its Medicine, 56–57
    Invisible Hunter, 30–32, 33, 46, 51–52
    resources, 235–37
    Shaman’s Celestial Journey, 179
    Story of Tibetan Wisdom, 227–28
    trance, 194–98

uncording, 115–22


Abadie, M.J., 92
Akiko, 234
Angelou, Maya, 51, 175
Armstrong, Neil, 21
Arrien, Angeles, 98, 150, 224

Bach, Edward, 61
Bach, Richard, 204
Basho, 134, 200
Berry, Thomas, 159
Bethel, Sheila Murray, 121
Black Elk, 58, 149
Black, Claudia, 178
Bolen, Jean Shinoda, 101, 174, 205
Bradshaw, John, 67
Brennan, Barbara Ann, 45, 178, 184, 237
Brenzy, Colleen, 22, 117, 119, 163, 172

Castaneda, Carlos, 205–6
Chinmoy, Sri, 193
Chodron, Pema, 124, 125, 180, 211, 230
Chogyam, Ngakpa, 34
Cicero, 122
Clifford, Terry, 43
Covey, Steven R., 72
cummings, e.e, 52

Ded, Lal, 226
Dickinson, Emily, 107
Dine, viii
Dowa, Dr., 231

Eliot, T.S., 35
Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 34, 132
Eshowsky, Myron, 104, 238
Flower Essence Society, 61, 185, 237
Frost, Robert, 213

Gandhi, Mahatma, 145
Garrett, J.T., 1
Garrett, Michael Tlanusta, 1
Gass, Robbie, 84
Gawain, Shakti, 5, 6, 94, 157, 181
Gide, Andre, 234
Gluck, Louise, 193
Gold, Peter, 32, 35, 36
Graham, Martha, 160
Gregory, Saint, 203
Grof, Stanislas, 237

Hafiz, 27, 128
Hall, Judy, 66, 133
Harjo, Jay, 35, 38
Harner, Michael, 183, 186
Hastings, James, 144
His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama, 49, 212–13, 225–27
Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 24
Houston, Jean, 136, 137
Huxley, Aldous, 26

Ishmael, Lydia, 156

Jeffers, Susan, 52
Johnson, Julie Tallard, 90, 235
Joy, W. Brugh, 54, 228
Judith, Anodea, 33, 38, 59, 67, 72, 75, 95, 237
Jung, Carl, 85

Keleman, Stanley, 13
Keller, Helen, 195
Kenny, Maurice, 14
King, Martin Luther Jr., 156
Kongtrul, Jamgon, 229
Kornfield, Jack, 106, 214, 215, 229
Krassner, Paul, 199
Kubler-Ross, Elisabeth, 196
Kusher, Lawrence, 37

Laing, R.D., 165
Lame Deer, 20
Lao-Tzu, 122
LeBoeuf, Michael, 158
Levine, Stephen, 5, 26
Luther, Martin, 219

Mahdi, Louise Carus, 227
Mann, Stella Terrill, 159
Markova, Dawna, 154
Meadows, Kenneth, 45, 82
Mindell, Arnold, 2, 23
Mondrian, Piet, 84
Moore, Thomas, 77
Myss, Caroline, 3, 4, 20, 75, 77, 87, 89, 95–96

Najagneg, 177
Native proverbs, 28, 32, 49, 62,
    73, 91, 96, 102, 107, 149,
    151, 156, 162, 166, 176,
    188, 193, 198, 202, 205,
    210, 219, 220, 227, 231
Neruda, Pablo, 210
Niebuhr, Reinhold, 140
Northrup, Christiane, 21, 195

Oda, Mayumi, 99
Olson, Dennis L., 175
Orwell, George, 23

Padmasambhava, 110
Paine, Thomas, 79
Palmer, Jessica Dawn, 56
Pearce, Joseph Chilton, 159
Pomo, Kashia, 179
Powell, Jim, 236

Radmacher-Hershey, Maryanne, 145
Rauschenberg, Robert, 199
Rilke, Rainer Maria, 52, 130, 173
Rinpoche, Sogyal, 39, 190, 191, 232–33, 233
Roethke, Theodore, 46
Roosevelt, Eleanor, 119
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, 161
Rukeyser, Muriel, 51
Rumi, Jalal al-din, 12, 22, 118, 126, 141, 232

Sanchez, Victor, 3, 13, 42, 46, 143
Sarton, May, 46
Seale, Alan, 24
Seneca, 107
Shea, Michelle, 158
Silverstein, Shel, 169
Soldier, Tilda Long, 192
Some, Sobonfu, 138, 139, 235
St. Pierre, Mark, 192
StarHawk, 25, 165, 166
Stevens, Jose, 11, 26, 142, 143, 161, 183
Stevens, Lena S., 11, 26, 142, 143, 161, 183
Sun Bear, 40
Suzuki, Shunryu, 110
Syncletica, Amma, 219

Teresa, Mother, 137
Thurber, James, 172
Tolle, Eckhart, 7, 217
Trungpa, Chogyam, 97, 108, 124, 171, 198
Twain, Mark, 160

Ueland, Brenda, 109

Vilayat, Pir, 164

Wagner, Jane, 199
Walker, Barbara G., 167
Wilde, Oscar, 30, 81
Williams, Margery, 234
Win, Wounye Waste, 216
Wood, Jamie, 140, 144
Wortzel, Beth, 86, 236

Yellow Tail, Jackie, 185
Young, Shinzen, 210
Ywahoo, Dhyani, 236

Zukav, Gary, 116, 124, 195,