To contact the author:
Flaming Rainbow Rites
Julie Tallard Johnson, LCSW
P.O. Box 186
Spring Green, WI 53588
(608) 963-0724
Intuitive training and spiritual empowerment for all ages; meditation instruction; training on use of the I Ching; Senior Rites of Passage groups; resources for teens and those working with teens. Mending the Sacred Hoop workshops for teens and parents of teens. Flyer available.
Psychic Resources
Council on Spiritual Practices
Focuses on direct, personal experience of the divine, rather than giving spiritual power away to practi-tioners. Promotes the practice of proven, safe, and well-researched spiritual experiences. Includes code of ethics for spiritual guides.
Intuition Network
A nonprofit organization. According to its mission statement, “The purpose of the Intuition Network is to help create a world in which all people feel encouraged to cultivate and use their inner intuitive resources.”
The Positive Radio Network
Linda Mackenzie, C.H.T., Ph.D.
P.O. Box 385
Manhattan Beach, CA 90267
(310) 546-8523 Fax: (310) 545-4364
Internet radio shows including Saturday-morning teen shows. The radio show offers “all-positive mind-body-spirit talk and original music.” Linda is a great resource when searching for a psychic healer. She has a psychic code of ethics for all psychic healers to practice by.
Multicultural Spiritual Resources
Ancient Wisdom Spring
Sobonfu Somé
5960 South Land Park Drive #200
Sacramento, CA 95822-3313
(916) 446-5536
Workshops, rituals, tapes, and books by Sobonfu Somé. Focus is on ancient African teachings.
Bear Tribe Medicine Society
Bear Tribe Publishing
P.O. Box 959 Canandauqua, NY 14424
(585) 657-6881
Multiracial network of people offering medicine wheel gatherings, vision quests, and other programs.
Bear Tribe Medicine Society, Alabama
Wind Daughter, Medicine Chief
The Bear Tribe
PMB 223
3750–A Airport Blvd.
Mobile, AL 36608–1618
(251) 665-0499
B’nai B’rith Youth Organization
BBYO is a youth-led, worldwide organization that provides opportunities for Jewish youths to develop their leadership potential, a positive Jewish identity, and commitment to their personal development.
Gampo Abbey
Leaving Home and Becoming Homeless: A Monastic Youth Darhum
Pleasant Bay, Nova Scotia, Canada BOE 2PO
(902) 224-2752
A monthlong temporary monastic program for young adults 17–25. The abbey also offers many other retreat and workshop options.
Hindu Resources Online
For information on Hinduism, check out this site brought to you by publishers of Hinduism Today Magazine.
3210 Cross St.
Madison, WI 53711
Beth Wortzel and Jim Powell, musicians and licensed psychotherapists
Beth and Jim offer popular classes and workshopson chanting, the power of vibration and sound,coming of age ceremonies for teens and families,meditation instruction. Will go into classrooms.
CDs available for sale.
Shambhala Mountain Center
4921 County Road 68C
Red Feather Lakes, CO 80545-9505
(970) 881-2184
An ideal rural setting in a mountain valley for meditation, yoga, retreats, and workshops. Offers a variety of programs from many leaders in Tibetan Buddhism and other well-established spiritual practices. A great place to learn to meditate. Work studies are available.
Sufi Order International
“The human soul is continually seeking to realize itstrue being and fulfill its purpose in life.” Resources,information, and books on Sufism. Includes links.
Sunray Meditation Society
Dhyani Ywahoo
P.O. Box 269
Bristol, VT 05443
(802) 453-4610
Dhyani is a respected teacher in the Etoway Cherokee tradition and a master of Tibetan Buddhism. Sunray is an international society of people dedicated to planetary peace. They are composed of three schools: Native American studies, Buddhist studies, and healing arts. Offers spiritual training. Refer to Web site for updates on programs.
Unitarian Universalist Association
With historical roots in the Jewish and Christian traditions, UU is a liberal religion. It encompasses an openness to world religions and ancient practices. It is does not ask anyone to subscribe to a certain creed or belief. Most local groups have wonderful youth services. The Web site will link you to a UUA near you.
Resources on Tibetan Medicine
A directory of Tibetan resources, Tibetan medicine information, and Medicine Buddha Empowerments.
Includes information and several addresses ofTibetan medical centers and clinics.
Information and link to a clinic in New York.
Flower Essence Remedies Resources
Flower Essence Society
P.O. Box 459
Nevada City, CA 95959
(800) 548-0075
Contact for Bach Flower Essences and related resources. You may also find Bach Flower Essences and other flower essences at your local health food store.
Nature’s Acres
E. 8984 Weinke Road
North Freedom, WI 53951
(800) 499-HERB
Certified organic herbs and flower essences.
Brochure available.
Resources for Attending to the Rainbow Body
Barbara Brennan School of Healing
Barbara Brennan
500 NE Spanish River Blvd., Suite 108
Boca Raton, FL 33431-4559
(561) 620-8767; (800) 924-2564
Fax: (561) 620-9028
Barbara teaches Brennan Healing Science®, the art and science of healing. A list of graduates who perform Barbara Brennan healing services is available.
Chakra Seminars
Anodea Judith
708 Gravenstein Hwy N #109
Sebastopol, CA 95472
Information and workshops offered by Anodea
Judith, author of Eastern Body, Western Mind: Psychology and the Chakra System.
Grof Transpersonal Training
Stanislas Grof
38 Miller Avenue, PMB 158
Mill Valley, CA 94941
Trainings and workshops in transpersonal and depth psychology. Holotropic breathwork workshops (must be 18 to attend alone). Also offers work-shops on chanting and holotropic breathwork.
Massage Schools
Locate a massage school near you and set up an appointment to receive a massage. The cost is usually minimal because students need to practice on someone. Only graduating students practice on others, so you will receive a massage from a trained student.
Natural Healers
A Web site that includes a massage school directory, acupuncture schools, and other healing schools. Will help find a school near you.
World of Alternatives
An Internet directory of alternative healing medicine practices including yoga, craniosacral therapy, and Bach Flower Essences.
Resources on Shamanism
Dance of the Deer Foundation
Center for Shamanic Studies
P.O. Box 699
Soquel, CA 95073
(831) 475-9560
Offers workshops and training on the Huichol Indian approach to shamanism.
The Foundation for Shamanic Studies
P.O. Box 1939
Mill Valley, CA 94942
(415) 380-8282
Resources, products, training and information on the study of shamanism.
Pathways Foundation for Peace and Healing
Myron Eshowsky
P.O. Box 33345
Cleveland, OH 44133
Myron travels around the world offering rituals and teachings on community building, shamanism, and peace. Offers group and individual instruction on shamanism. May be able to refer you to a local shamanic practitioner.
School of Lost Borders
P.O. Box 796
Big Pine, CA 93513
(760) 938-3333
A well-established program for teens to experience a four-day vision quest. I highly recommend it for those of you who want to experience your fearlessness and connection to all things.
College Opportunities
Burlington College
95 North Avenue
Burlington, VT 05401
(800) 862-9616
Draws upon ancient wisdom and modern science to offer an accredited undergraduate and associate program in transpersonal psychology, social ecology, film and cinema, and other traditional degree programs. May obtain education through a low-residency independent study or on campus. Distance learning available. May design own program. A well-established college.
Goddard College
123 Pitkin Road
Plainfield, VT 05667
(800) 468-4888
Accredited undergraduate and master’s-level programs. A distance learning program. Programs include: mind/body healing therapies; community and ecological health; women’s health; botanical and nutritional health.
Institute of Transpersonal Psychology
744 San Antonio Road
Palo Alto, CA 94303
(650) 493-4430
A well-established university with a variety of exciting undergraduate and graduate programs.
Naropa University
2130 Aropahoe Avenue
Boulder, CO 80302
(303) 444-0202
Undergraduate programs in Buddhist and Western psychology, transpersonal and humanistic psychology, and ecopsychology; somatic psychology. (Somatic psychology includes understanding the Rainbow Body.) Highly recommended. You would encounter in-depth many of the practices found in this book.
Spiritual Resources for Overcoming Addiction
Round River Institute, LLC
Mark L. Taylor, MA CPC, CADC
P.O. Box 35
Genoa, WI 54632-0035
Public speaking to teens on overcoming drug addiction. Offers meditation, honoring the spiritual as a way to heal from drug and alcohol addiction.
Newsletter available.
Seven Circles Foundation
P.O. Box 559
Laguanitas, CA 94938
(510) 236-3512
Sweat lodges for people in recovery and healing from addiction. Native American ceremonies, pipe ceremony, vision quest, and educational programs. Will come into your classroom for a presentation. A nonprofit organization dedicated to the preservation of Native American lifeways.
Circle Magazine
Celebrating Nature, Spirit and Magic
Circle Sanctuary
P.O. Box 219 Mt. Horeb, WI 53572
(608) 924-2216
A Nature Spirituality quarterly. A great resource of ritual, pagan tradition, vision quests, and other nature ceremonies. Has a network of practitioners of nature medicine throughout the world. The center has a Shamanic Wiccan Church headquartered on a nature preserve near Mt. Horeb.
Shaman’s Drum
A Journal of Experiential Shamanism and Spiritual Healing
P.O. Box 270
Williams, OR 97544
(541) 846-1313
A great magazine to learn more about shamanism and to hook up with various shamanic practitioners and workshops. The publisher is the Cross-Cultural Shamanism Network.
Shambhala Sun Magazine
1585 Barrington Street, Suite 300
Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada BJ3 IZ8
(902) 423-2701
Articles and resources on Tibetan Buddhism and related practices. Includes lists of practitioners and dharma centers. A great resource to find Buddhist teachers and centers.
Symbol Dictionariesand Books
Animal Wisdom: The Definitive Guide to the Myth, Folklore and Medicine Power of Animals, by Jessica Dawn Palmer, Thorsons, 2001.
Dictionary of Symbols: An Illustrated Guide to Traditional Images, Icons, and Emblems, by Jack Tresidder, Chronicle Books, 1998.
Love Is in the Earth: A Kaleidoscope of Crystals (updated), by Melody. Earth-Love Publishing House, 1995.
A reference book describing the metaphysical properties of the mineral kingdom. (This book can often be located at gem and bead stores.)
The Penguin Dictionary of Symbols, by Jean Chevalier and Alain Gheerbrant, translated by John Buchanan-Brown, 1996.
Tree Wisdom: The Definitive Guidebook to the Myth, Folklore and Healing Powers of Trees, by Jacqueline Memory Paterson, Thorsons, 1997.
The Woman’s Dictionary of Symbols & Sacred Objects, by Barbara G. Walker, Harper & Row, 1988.
Books to Read To Further Your Practice
Anatomy of the Spirit, by Caroline Myss, RandomHouse, 1997.
Goes more in-depth into the energies and lessonsof each chakra.
Awakening the Buddha Within, by Lama Surya Das, Broadway Books, 1997.
An in-depth and enjoyable read on the practicesof Tibetan Buddhism.
Conversations with God for Teens, by Neale
Donald Walsch, Putnam, 1999.
A great book for those questioning their relationship with God. An example of psychic writing.
The Eagles’ Gift, by Carlos Castanada, Simon & Schuster, 1982.
Earth Medicine: Revealing Hidden Teachings
of the Native American Wheel, by Kenneth
Meadows, Element, 1996.
A good resource on medicine wheels and other earth medicine (for example, the significance
of the four compass directions).
The Gift: Poems by Hafiz the Great Sufi Master, translated by Daniel James Ladinsky, Penguin USA,1999.
A delightful and provocative collection of poems.
A Gradual Awakening, by Stephen Levine, Anchor Books, 1989.
I Ching for Teens, by Julie Tallard Johnson, BinduBooks, 2001.
A guide to this ancient Chinese oracle writtenespecially for teens. A great tool to enhance yourown psychic self and connect with the Great Tao.
The Medicine Woman, by Lynn Anderson, Harper& Row, 1982.
A wonderful story of a woman who finds her power.
The Power of NOW: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment, by Eckhart Tolle, New World Library, 1999.
A book about his spontaneous awakening and the value and means of living in the present moment.
Shared Spirits: Wildlife and Native Americans, by Dennis L. Olson, Northwood Press, 1995.
Links you to the greater wisdom available to us allthrough stories, photographs, and commentary.
Start Where You Are: A Guide to Compassionate Living, by Pema Chödrön, Shambhala, 2001.
Tarot for Teens, by M. J. Abadie, Bindu Books, 2002.
The Wisdom of No Escape and the Path of Loving-Kindness, by Pema Chödrön, Shambhala, 2001. This book, along with Start Where You Are, is great for cultivating personal power and fearlessness. Also a beginner’s guide to the Tibetan lojong practice mentioned in this book.
Yoga for Teens, by Thia Luby, Clear Light Publishing, 1999.