image Foreword

Letter from a Teen Psychic

Communication has always been difficult for me. I often felt loud, annoying, and high-strung around adults. I was a gawky, uncoordinated girl with huge glasses, alienated from the bulk of my class. So, just after the start of sixth grade, I retreated into myself.

As a teenager, I felt susceptible to peer pressure and I was overly concerned as to how others saw me. I began to let others run away with my life, losing sight of my own dreams and ideas.

My inability to communicate my internal energy and thoughts frustrated the people around me. A teacher at my high school helped me realize how damaging this was to my relationships and to myself. As a result of this realization I began a search I call “Looking for Myself.” My intention was to determine what was true for me, to figure out where I was and what I was going to do. I read many books, painted many pictures, and filled up many notebooks. I meditated. I attended a Senior Rites of Passage discussion group. I spent a great deal of time trying to determine what it was I was looking for, and what I wanted.

Through Julie’s book, the one you are about to read, I began the process of communicating with myself. Being in touch with myself allows me to realize what I’m feeling and thinking—what I want. Being conscious of my own thoughts and energy lightens my body and soul; I am less confused and pulled off track by the intentions of others. This consciousness allows me, as it will allow you, to embrace your unique journey and path.

For me, thoughts and feelings are best conveyed through my writing and through living my own life according to the individual truth that is right for me. This book is about helping you find more of that truth for yourself. You may find many helpful tools in this book, as I have—all of which have led me to a stronger sense of self and purpose.

My hope for you is that this book will help you find your own truths. Your truths will nurture your existence and feed your mind, body, and soul. Your truths will enable you to cultivate a fulfilling life.

The journey is never done. I hope we all succeed at moving swiftly and surely toward our dreams as we begin our independent lives. As I am writing this letter, I am preparing to head out West to begin my physical journey of exploration, and then go on to college to learn journalism. I take with me many internal tools from this book. With every step I am a little closer to my true destination—myself.