I thank my wonderful parents Annette and Meir Bar-On and my brother Saggy Bar-On for their daily inspiration, generosity, and love. For always being there during the writing process, I thank Ale Campa, Maddy and Darko Campa, and my friends at the Tecnológico de Monterrey, Campus Querétaro (Mexico). Dearest John Adams, thanks for offering to read my manuscript. On the professional front, I thank Craig Fowlie at Routledge for an incredible job and for sharing my love for Liverpool FC! I thank Georgina Boyle and Alison Evans for assisting with the proofreading process. Any errors are my responsibility. I also thank the series editors Roger Eatwell and Matthew Goodwin. Finally, I thank my anonymous reviewers and critics, for without them this book would have been dull and lifeless.
A slightly altered version of Chapter 1 first appeared as Tamir Bar-On, ‘Transnationalism and the French nouvelle droite’, Patterns of Prejudice 45 (3) (July 2011), pp. 199–223. Chapter 4 is a changed version of Tamir Bar-On, ‘The French New Right’s Quest for Alternative Modernity’, Fascism: Journal of Comparative Fascist Studies 1 (2012), pp. 18–52. Chapter 5 is an amended version of Tamir Bar-On, ‘Understanding Political Conversion and Mimetic Rivalry’, Totalitarian Movements and Political Religions 10 (3) (December 2009), pp. 241–64.