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- Laufer, Mixael, September 4, 2020. Initiator and spokesperson for the Four Thieves Vinegar Collective. Phone interview.
- Leman, Batist, November 12, 2009. Promoter of RepRap in Flanders, Belgium. Initiator of a hackerspace in Ghent, Belgium.
- Lunar, May 23, 2013. Member of the print hacklab in Dijon, France, Debian developer. Toulouse, France.
- Mars, Marcell, April 12, 2014. One of the founders of net.culture club mama in Zagreb, Croatia. Calafou, Spain.
- Members of the Autistici/Inventati collective, June 2013. Dublin, Ireland.
- Michnik, Jakub, December 17, 2008. Vendor of Ronja. Brno, Czech Republic.
- Mockridge, Patrick, August 17, 2020. Member of CubeSpawn team, developer of a virtual control system. Phone interview.
- Myslik, Lada, January 9, 2009. Main developer of Crusader. Prague, Czech Republic.
- Nemec, David, December 14, 2008. Vendor of Ronja. Chrudim, Czech Republic.
- Nipe, Gustav, December 23, 2009. Promoter of RepRap in Sweden. Initiator of the Swedish Pirate Party’s “pirate factory.” Lund, Sweden.
- Olliver, Vik, May 4, 2010, and August 12, 2020, phone interview. Built the first proof of concept of RepRap, among many other things. Auckland, New Zealand.
- Palmer, Chris, aka Nophead, March 17, 2010. Made key contributions to the extruder head, among other things. Holds the record in selling RepRap printed parts. Manchester, UK.
- Pettis, Bre, September 20, 2011. One of three founders of MakerBot Industries, the second oldest company selling RepRap derivatives. New York, NY.
- Polak, Michael, January 16, 2009. Running an internet service provider, user of Ronja and Crusader. Prague, Czech Republic.
- Prusa, Josef, September 19, 2011. Principal architect of the Prusa RepRap design. New York, NY.
- Ribera-Fumaz, Ramon, September 26, 2014. Human geographer at the Open University of Catalunya. Barcelona, Spain.
- Ricola, February 1, 2014. Member of the print hacklab in Dijon, France. Calafou, Spain.
- Seliger, Petr, September 21, 2008. Developed PCB for Ronja, user of Ronja. Prague, Czech Republic.
- Sells, Ed, May 7, 2010. Former PhD student of Adrian Boweyr at the University of Bath. Principal architect of the Mendel RepRap design. Auckland, New Zealand.
- Simandl, Petr, October 27, 2008. Administrator of nonprofit wireless network and independent developer of open hardware designs. Prague, Czech Republic.
- Snajdrvint, Karel, December 14, 2008. Administrator of a nonprofit wireless network, user of Ronja. Chrudim, Czech Republic.
- Sykora, Jakub, November 27, 2008. User of Ronja. Prague, Czech Republic.
- Tesar, Ondrej, October 5, 2008. Developed PCB for Ronja, distributed light diodes, user of Ronja. Prague, Czech Republic.
- Wattendorf, Nick, and Bruce Wattendorf, September 18, 2011. Promoters of RepRap in the New England area, built the third RepRap Darwin machine in the world. New York, NY.
- Wolf, Clifford, August 20, 2001. Member of the Metalab hackerspace in Vienna. Vienna, Austria.
- Zajicek, Ondrej, December 14, 2008. Administrator of nonprofit wireless network, user of Ronja. Chrudim, Czech Republic.
- Bonne, K, February 8, 2018. Ronja mailing list. https://web.archive.org/web/20130509101502/https://lists.pointless.net/pipermail/ronja/
- Bowyer, A., September 21, 2012. “Fixing Misinformation with Information.” MakerBot blog. https://web.archive.org/web/20121026131004/http://www.makerbot.com/blog/2012/09/20/fixing-misinformation-with-information/#comments
- Dalton, J., June 30, 2003. “Re: Ronja Page.” Ronja mailing list. https://web.archive.org/web/20130509101502/https://lists.pointless.net/pipermail/ronja/
- Hitter, M., August 21, 2020. Email communication.
- Hoeken, Z., August 6, 2009. “MakerBot is pioneering distributed manufacturing! Get paid to make parts for future MakerBots.” MakerBot blog. https://web.archive.org/web/20100301205700/http://blog.makerbot.com/page/17
- Kulhavy, K., June 27, 2003. “Re: Ronja page.” Ronja mailing list. https://web.archive.org/web/20130509101502/https://lists.pointless.net/pipermail/ronja/
- Kulhavy, K., July 20, 2003. “Re: [info@alphawave.cz: Product Annoucement—AlphaWave Crusader TP 10Mbit LED].” Ronja mailing list. https://web.archive.org/web/20130509101502/https://lists.pointless.net/pipermail/ronja/
- Kulhavy, K., September 21, 2005. “New economic model for free technology?” Oekonux mailing list. http://www.oekonux.org/list-en/archive/index.html
- Kulhavy, K., June 23, 2005. “Ronja donation model.” Ronja mailing list. https://web.archive.org/web/20130509101502/https://lists.pointless.net/pipermail/ronja/
- Merten, S., September 27, 2005. “New economic model for free technology?” Oekonux mailing list. http://www.oekonux.org/list-en/archive/index.html
- Obadal, K., November 1, 2004. “Ronja Business.” Ronja mailing list. https://web.archive.org/web/20130509101502/https://lists.pointless.net/pipermail/ronja/
- Pettis, B., August 11, 2009. “The User is The Factory.” Thingiverse blog. https://web.archive.org/web/20100505002954/http://blog.thingiverse.com/2009/08/page/2/
- Prusa, J., February 15, 2011. “Prusa Mendel and the Clonedels.” Open 3DP. https://web.archive.org/web/20150926191531/http://depts.washington.edu/open3dp/2011/02/prusa-mendel-and-the-clonedels/
- Ppeetteerr, March 17, 2009. “Open questions for Zach.” Rep Rap forum. https://reprap.org/forum/read.php?1,22284,22501#msg-22501
- RussNelson, August 27, 2007. “Poor economics on front page?” RepRap forum. https://reprap.org/forum/read.php?1,4570,4741#msg-4741
- Spacexula, July 21, 2011. “Loaner program.” RepRap forum. https://reprap.org/forum/read.php?1,91501,91501#msg-91501
- Unknown, November 3, 2003. “AlphaWave přináší Ronju.” CZFree mailing list. https://www.czfree.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=3064&perpage=16&highlight=&pagenumber=1