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Page references in italics refer to illustrations.

Adams, John Quincy, 181

Aérosol, Jef, 161

À la recherche du temps perdu, or In Search of Lost Time (Proust), 11, 244

Allen, Woody, 32, 269

Amalric, Mathieu, 32

Amélie, 229

American in Paris, An, 32

“America the Beautiful,” xvi

L’ami du peuple, 143

Amuse-Gueules, Les, 271

anarchist impulse:

    Commune of 1871 and, 160, 197–98, 217, 225

    surrealists and, 192

anonymity, freedom equated with, 139–40

anticipation, satisfaction sharpened by, 252

antiquaires, 220, 222

Apollinaire, Guillaume, 31–32, 104, 272


    as Chirac’s emblem, 254, 255, 256

    EU policies and, 254–56

L’Après-midi d’un faune, 203

April in Paris (film), 124

“April in Paris” (song), 121–26

April in Paris, a melancholy vision of (Gorguet), 123

Aragon, Louis, 218, 269, 274

Arbeau, Thoinot (pen name of Jehan Tabourot), 127–28

Arc de Triomphe, xv, xvi, 276

Auber, Brigitte, 11

Aufray, Hugues, 463

August, heat of, 13–14, 15, 136–40

Australia, 225

    Christmas in, 24–25

    filmmakers and intellectuals in, 37–42

    reverence for lost British Empire in, 25

    seasonal variation in, 23–24

    sense of inferiority, or “cultural cringe,” in, 36–38

    Southerly Buster in, 238

autumn, 109, 285

    Lafitte’s image for Messidor, 259, 260

    poems about, 259–61

autumnal equinox, as first day of Republican year, 107–8

“Autumn in New York,” 122

autumn leaves:

    allowed to accumulate, 112

    on floor of La Souris Verte, 113, 114

Avignon festival, 67

Aznavour, Charles, 13–14

Baker, Josephine, 174, 205

Bakst, Léon, 203

Baldwin, James, 270

Balladur, Édouard, 256

Ballantine, Poe, 23–24

Ballard, J. G., 188, 190–91, 192–93

Ballard, Mary, 191

Ballets Russes, 200, 201–6

bals and bals musettes, 139–40

Bana, Eric, 32

Barbarella, 189, 190

Barenboim, Daniel, 211

Barnes, Djuna, 161

Barnes, Julian, 88

Bashō, 103

Basie, Count, 279

Bastille, 68, 73, 166, 207–8

“Bateau ivre, Le,” or “The Drunken Boat” (Rimbaud), 160–62, 163

bateaux mouches, 32, 55

Bates, Katharine Lee, xvi

Baxter, Louise (daughter), 2, 7, 50, 52, 57, 170, 237

Beaujolais nouveau, 108, 114–16

Beauvoir, Simone de, 271

Beethoven, Ludwig van, 211

Belle Aurore, La, 30

Benois, Alexandre, 203

Bérard, Christian, 286–87

Bernardini, Alain, 173

Bernardini, Micheline, 173, 175

Biennais, Martin-Guillaume, 179

bikini, first, 173, 175

blackberries, 183

Bleak House (Dickens), 184

Blonde Venue, 38, 39

Boot, Das, 277

Borges, Jorge Luis, 5

Borodin, Alexander, 203

Bourbon monarchy, 75, 95

Bowles, Paul, 116

Brando, Marlon, 32

Brassaï (Gyula Halász), 269

Breton, André, 19–20, 192, 218, 236

brocantes (secondhand markets), 219–26, 221

Brooke, Rupert, 46

Browning, Robert, 126

Bruant, Aristide, 150

Brueghel, Pieter, 6

Bruins, Jan Willem, 161, 163

Brumaire, 46, 119, 181, 217

Buckingham Palace, 69

Buffon, Georges-Louis Leclerc, Comte de, 130–32

Burgh brothers, 171

buskers, 146–52, 148, 149, 235

    auditions and permits for, 150

    foreigners as, 147–49, 149, 151–52

    Parisians as, 149–50

    risks faced by, 150–51

cadenas d’amour (love locks), 31

Caesar, Julius, 77, 105

cafard, 137, 191

Café de la Mairie, 161

Café des Deux Moulins, 229

cafés, 124, 147, 228, 270

    bals at, 139–40

Caflisch, Chasper, 245–46


    naming of children and, 129, 134

    pack of playing cards serving purpose of, 128–29

    Republican, see Calendrier républicain

    solar, proposed by Comte, 198–99

    see also Gregorian calendar

Calendrier républicain (Republican calendar), 10, 13, 46–47, 76–83, 105–8, 129–35, 142–43, 153–57, 180, 190, 217

    abolishment of, 186

    adopted by Convention, 143

    almanac function of, 129

    commission convened to explore options for, 77–83, 105–6

    Cubières’s ode in celebration of, 143

    day left over at end of each year in, 119

    day names in, 107

    first day of year in, 107–8

    holidays in, 119–20, 182–85

    impetus for, 46, 76–77

    Lafitte’s illustrations for, 154–57, 158, 181, 215, 259, 260

    metric system imposed on, 106–7, 117

    mocked outside France, 181

    month names in, 118–19, 201, 263

    naming of children and, 134

    “The new Republic rewrites the calendar,” 156

    plant and animal names in, 130–34, 214–15

    poets, musicians, and artists seizing on nature imagery of, 258–64

    purged of religious doctrine and lingering church influence, 118, 198, 237

    restoration of, during Commune, 198

    transposing dates between Gregorian calendar and, 185

    unpopularity of, 134–35, 181

Callaghan, Harry, 222–26

Calle, Sophie, 32–34, 33

Camus, Albert, 271

Canal Saint-Martin, 175–78

Candide (Voltaire), 133

canicule, le (dog days), 14

Canterbury Tales, The (Chaucer), 201

Caron, Leslie, 32

Carrefour (crossroads) de l’Odéon, 288–91, 290

Carter, Jimmy, 8

Cassidy, Eva, 262

Catacombs, 75, 180

Céline, 46

Centre des Finances Publiques (tax office), 159, 160–61

Centre Pompidou, 235

Chamade, La (Sagan), 284

Champagne, 154, 237, 249

Champs-Élysées, 208, 275

    under wheat, xiv–xvii, xv

Chandler, Raymond, 238, 270

“Chanson d’automne,” or “Autumn Song” (Verlaine), 261, 281–82

Charade, 32

Charente, 86, 136, 252, 277, 285–86

Charnay, Geoffroy de, 35

Chaucer, William, 201

Chesterton, G. K., 162–63

chestnut flowers, as first sign of spring, 125

chestnut sellers, 109, 116

Chevalier, Maurice, 145

chineurs, 220–26

Chirac, Jacques, 253–54, 255, 256

Christmas, 44

    in Australia, 24–25

    in Richebourg, Île-de-France, 1–3, 6–7

Christopher, John, 187

Christopher, Saint, 33


    Calendrier républicain purged of lingering influence of, 118, 198, 237

    confiscation of property of, 197

    decline of, 7

    First Estate and, 2

    imprisonment of clergy and, 117–18

    Michaelmas and Martinmas and, 182

    restored as official institution, 186

Churchill, Winston, 275

Cimitière de Montmartre, 179

Cimitière des Errancis, 180

Citizens (Schama), 80, 82

City of Paris Fine Arts Museum, 99

Civil War, U.S., 73

Clair, René, 149

Clarke, Arthur C., 41

Club des Cordeliers, 82, 141, 144

Cocaine Nights (Ballard), 191

Coco soft-drink sellers, 137, 138

Cocteau, Jean, 200, 202, 202, 206, 286, 287

Code Napoléon, 186

Cohen, Leonard, 249–50

Cohn-Bendit, Daniel, 225

Comédie-Italienne, 68

“coming out” rituals, 69–70

Committee of Public Safety, 143, 144, 167

Commune (1871), 160, 197–98, 217, 225

Communists, 216

Compagnie Française des Indes Orientales, 142, 144, 166

Compot or Manual Calendar, The (Tabourot), 128

Comte, Auguste, 198–99

Conciergerie, 18

Convention, 80, 82, 106, 118, 129, 141, 142, 143, 144, 154, 166–167, 168–69

Corday, Charlotte, 143, 164

Cordeliers Club, 82, 141, 144

Count of Monte Cristo, The (Dumas), 196

Cour du Commerce Saint-André, 75

Crane, Hart, 32, 270

Crazy Horse Saloon, 173

Crillon, Hôtel de, 45

crocodiles, in Canal Saint-Martin, 176–78

Cruikshank, George, 183, 184

Crusades, 162

Crystal World, The (Ballard), 188

Cubières, Michel de, 143

Curie, Marie and Pierre, 60

Dadaists, 218

D’Annunzio, Gabriele, 244

Danton, Georges, 78–80, 79, 118, 142, 143, 165, 166–67, 225, 264, 291

    burial of, 180

    death of, 168–69

    Fabre as protégé of, 78, 80, 82–83, 142, 167

    statue of, 73–75

Darin, Bobby, 262–63

date palms, moved indoors for winter, 111–12

David, Jacques-Louis, 215

Davis, Miles, 271

Day, Doris, 124

Day for Night, 59

Debord, Guy, 35

Debucourt, Philibert-Louis, 155

Debussy, Claude, 203

débutantes, 69–70

décades (weeks), 107, 182

    naming of, 130, 133

“Deck of Cards, The,” 128

Decroux, Étienne, 235

Delvaux, Paul, 192

demi-décades (former fortnight), naming of, 130, 133

Denis, Saint, 230, 233

Desailly, Jean, 18

Desmoulins, Camille, 83, 167–68, 180, 291

Desremond, Catherine (Catiche), 93–94

Diaghilev, Sergei, 201–6

Dickens, Charles, 72–73, 165, 184, 195

Dietrich, Marlene, 38, 39

Dior, Christian, Atelier, 258

Directoire, 180, 185

Divorce, Le (Johnson), 12–13

Dorade, 171

Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan, 187

Dreyfus, Alfred, 50, 51

Drought, The (Ballard), 188

Drowned World, The (Ballard), 188

Dukakis, Michael, xvi

Duke, Vernon, 122–24, 125, 126

Dumas, Alexandre, 60, 196

Duse, Eleanora, 244, 246

East India Company, 142, 144, 166

Eco, Umberto, 38–42, 40, 58, 59, 61

École Militaire, 50

Einstein, Albert, 49

Eleanore, the crocodile of Pont Neuf, 177–78

Elementary Particles (Houellebecq), 87

Elington, Duke, 279

Eliot, T. S., 191, 216

Elizabeth, queen of England, 25

Ellis, George, 181

Élysée, 75

Ernestine, 68

Escoffier, Auguste, 218

euro, 73

Europe, James Reese, 206

European Union (EU), 211, 254–56

événements de ’68, les, 208, 217, 224–26

Everyone Says I Love You, 32

existentialism, 271

Exposition Universelle (1900), 99

Fabre d’Églantine, Philippe-François-Nazaire, 47, 74, 80–83, 81, 91–97, 116, 118, 141–44, 190, 197, 291, 292

    burial of, 180

    Calendrier républicain and, 13, 78, 105–8, 117, 120, 129–30, 133–35, 142–43, 154, 157, 181, 185, 186, 198, 201, 214–15, 258, 264

    childhood and education of, 92

    as Danton’s protégé, 78, 80, 82–83, 142, 167

    death of, 164, 167, 168

    debts of, 94, 95, 96–97

    family background of, 91–92

    female conquests of, 93–94, 95

    golden rose as emblem of, 80–82, 81, 95, 111, 210, 214

    Greuze’s portrait of, 141–42

    “Il pleut, bergère” written by, 95–96, 168, 292

    shady business deals of, 142, 144, 166

    street named for, 218

    theater career of, 78, 92–94, 95

Farewell to Arms, A (Hemingway), 4


    Calendrier républicain and, 107–8, 118, 129, 130, 153–54, 181–85

    influence of, 2

    rural decline and, 6–7

    wheat in Champs-Élysées and, xiv–xvii, xv

Faulks, Sebastian, 277

“Fern Hill” (Thomas), 17

Fête de la Révolution, La, 119

Fête de la Vertu, La, 119

Fête de l’Opinion, La, 120

Fête des Récompenses, La, 119

Fête du Génie, La, 119

Fête du Travail, La, 119

“Feuilles mortes, Les” (dead leaves), 262

“Feuilles mortes, Les,” or “the dead leaves,” (Prévert), 110

fèves (ceramic figures in galettes), 237–38

filmmakers, 32, 37–38, 233, 269, 277, 279

First Empire, 186

First Estate (church), 2

Fitzgerald, F. Scott, 109

Fitzgerald, Zelda, 204–5

Floréal, 119, 133, 214–15, 217

Fokine, Michel, 204, 206

Folies Bergère de Paris, 145


    seasonality and, 20, 23, 250–52, 285

    shopping for, in Paris vs. New York, 250–52

Foucault, Léon, pendulum of, 61–63, 62, 120, 211, 292

Foucault’s Pendulum (Eco), 59, 61

franc, adoption of, 71

Franco-Prussian War, 160, 197–98

Free French government, 208

Freud, Sigmund, 264

Frimaire, 119, 181

Fructidor, 46, 119

Gaillot, Jacques, 232–33

galette des rois (kings’ cake), 237

Galileo, 62

Gallant, Mavis, 137–39, 140

Gamay grapes, 108, 115

Garbo, Greta, 245–48, 247, 256

Gaulle, Charles de, 75, 208–9, 225, 275, 277

Gee, Oliver, 175–78

geese, 182–83

Gehry, Frank, 32–34, 33

Gelenter, Terrance, 265–68, 267, 274

Germinal, 119, 201

Germinal (Zola), 262

Giscard d’Estaing, Valéry, 44–45, 256

Godin-Lesage, Marie Nicole, 94

“God Save the Queen,” 25

Goering, Hermann, 279

Goodman, Benny, 282

Gopnik, Adam, 26

graffiti artists, 161

Grand Palais (Great Palace), 28, 98–99

Grandpré, Adrian de, 47, 231–34

Grant, Cary, 11, 32

grape harvest, or vendange, 108, 119

Great Barrier Reef, 37, 39

Great Gatsby, The (Fitzgerald), 21

Gréco, Juliette, 271

Greene, Graham, 270

Gregorian calendar, 77, 105, 118, 127–28

    farmers relationship to church and, 181–82

    naming of children and, 129

    reintroduction of, 186

    transposing dates between Calendrier républicain and, 185

Gregory XIII, Pope, 77, 105

Greuze, Jean-Baptiste, 141–42

grunion, 121

Guillaume de Lorris, 209

guillotine, 69, 73, 75, 76, 106, 142, 154, 164, 168, 169, 195

Guimard, Hector, 230

Guyton de Morveau, Louis-Bernard, 77

haiku, 102–4

Halles, Les, 283

Hanin, Roger, 211

Harburg, E. Y. “Yip,” 122–24, 125

Hardy, Thomas, 258–59

Harlem Hellfighters, 206

Harris, Rolf, 24

harvests, 119, 182, 185, 216, 254, 259, 262, 282

    Beaujolais nouveau and, 108, 114–15

    first day of Republican year and, 107–8

haussement d’épaules, un, 100

Hawn, Goldie, 32

Hemingway, Ernest, 4, 140, 160

Hemingway, Hadley, 140

Hemingway, Pauline, 160

Henry IV, 18, 34

Henry V (Shakespeare), 216

Henry VIII, king of England, 150

Hepburn, Audrey, 32

Heraclitus, 104

Hitchcock, Alfred, 11, 140, 243

Hitler, Adolf, 275, 276, 279

HLMs (habitation à loyer modéré), 220

holidays, 65–67

    in Calendrier républicain, 119–20, 182–85

    traditional religious feasts, 182

“Home-Thoughts” (Browning), 126

Honest Man’s Almanac (Maréchal), 107

Hornick, Neil, and the Sidewalkers, 149

Hôtel des Invalides, 75

hot weather, 13–14, 15, 136–40

Houellebecq, Michel, 87–88, 90

houseboats on the Seine, 30, 55

Hugo, Victor, 60, 150, 197

hunting, 67, 69

hurricanes, 53–57

    driving to Richebourg during, 54–57

    medieval engraving of, 56

Hurricane Xynthia, 136

Île aux Juifs (Jews’ Island), 35

Île de la Cité, 16–21, 17, 34, 53–54

Île de Ré, 85–90

“Il pleut, bergère” (It’s raining, shepherdess), 95–96, 168, 292

impressionists, 104

L’Inconnue de la Seine, or the Unknown Girl of the Seine, 35

“In My Craft or Sullen Art” (Thomas), 270

Inquisition, 62

Isaure, Clémence, 82, 95, 110–11

Jacobins, 143

Jacques, Saint, festival of, 227–34, 232

Jardin du Roi (Royal Garden), 130–32

Jardins du Luxembourg, 91, 110–11, 112, 151, 159, 163

Jaurès, Jean, 211

java (jigging dance), 140

jazz, 270–71, 276, 279

Jefferies, Richard, 187

Jefferson, Thomas, 132

John of Austria, Don, 162

Johnson, Diane, 13

Johnston, George, 44

Jude, Saint, 233

Jung, Karl, 264

kangaroos, 243–44, 246

Keats, John, 259–60

Kelly, Gene, 32, 145

Kelly, Grace, 11

Khan, Yaseen, 110, 111, 116

Kipling, Rudyard, 208

Knights Templar, 35

Kolberg, 279

Kosma, Joseph, 262

Laerdal, Asmund, 35

Lafayette, Marquis de, 83

Lafitte, Louis, 154–57, 158, 181, 215, 259, 260

La Fontaine, Jean de, 291–92

Lagrange, Louis, 77–78

Lang, Jack, 50, 211

Lange, Jessica, 236

La Pallice submarine base, 277, 281

Larche, François-Raoul, 100–102, 102, 104

La Rochelle, Nazi occupation of, 276–82, 278

Last Tango in Paris, 32

Laure et Pétrarque, 95

Lawrence, T. E., 7

Leda and the swan, 157, 158

Lefrançois de Lalande, Joseph Jérôme, 77

legal system, 186

Le Havre, 17–18

Leigh, Vivien, 151

Leopold II of Belgium, 99

“Lepanto” (Chesterton), 162–63

liberation of Paris (1944), 208

Life of Pi, 174

lily of the valley, 215

literary walks, 241–42

Litscher, Hans Peter, and his Litscheriade, 242–48, 243

London Times, 185

Lost Generation, 228

Louis XIV, 207, 210

Louis XVI, xvi, 18, 68–69, 76, 82, 96–97, 166

Louvre, 28, 180

Lucas, George, 48

Lunceford, Jimmie, 279

Luxembourg Garden, see Jardins de Luxembourg

lycée system, 186

“Lydia the Tattooed Lady,” 122, 124

Macbeth (Shakespeare), 256

MacLeish, Archibald, 4

Mah, Ann, 285

Maison Maire, 218

Mallory, George, 7

Malraux, André, 275

Manceron, Claude, 211

Manhattan, author’s visit to, 249–52

Marais, 176–77, 272–74

Marat, Jean-Paul, 143–44, 164, 291

Marceau, Marcel, 235

Maréchal, Pierre-Sylvain, 107

Marianne (spirit of the revolution), 155

Marie Antoinette, 68, 69, 76, 96, 164, 210

markets, business hours of, 67

Marlowe, Christopher, 92

Marseillaise, 71, 73, 94

Martinmas, 182, 185

May, disasters that took place in, 216–17

May Day, 216, 219

Mazet-Delpeuch, Danièle, 257

measurement systems:

    metric, 106–7

    physical circumstances and, 49

Méditerranée, La, 286–87

“Mer, La” (the sea), 262–63

Messidor, 119, 259, 260

“Messidor” (Miaux), 282

Métivet, Lucien, 217

metric system, 154

    Calendrier républicain and, 106–7, 117

Miaux, Albert, 281–82

Michaelmas, 182–84, 184

Michel, Louise, 225

Midnight in Paris, 269

Miller, Henry, 161, 269

mimes, 235–38, 239

Minosuke, Yamada, 100–104

Mirror, The (Delvaux), 192, 193

Misérables, Les (Hugo), 197

Mistral, 236–39, 239, 240

Mitchell, David, 24

Mittelberg, Louis, 51

Mitterand, François, 208–9, 210–13, 212, 253, 254, 256–57

Moati, Serge, 211

Molay, Jacques de, 35

Molière, 80, 92

Monet, Claude, 104

Monge, Gaspard, 77

Monk, Thelonious, 271

Montagnards, 143

Montaud, Yves, 18–19

Montel, Marie-Dominique (wife), 2, 17, 22, 43–44, 47, 54–55, 60, 61, 63, 64–67, 84–87, 90, 170, 177, 223, 229, 277, 281, 290–91

month names, in Republican calendar, 118–19, 201, 263

Montmartre, 112–16, 179, 197–98, 228–31, 269

moue (pronunciation), 99, 100

Moulin, Jean, 60, 211

muguet (lily of the valley), 215

Munich, 32

Musée de Luxembourg, 111–12

Musée d’Orsay, 99

Nadja (Breton), 19, 20

Name of the Rose, The (Eco), 40–41

naming of children, 129, 134, 199

Napoléon Bonaparte, xvi, 1, 50, 75, 134, 171, 179, 180, 185–86, 198, 216, 217, 279

Napoléon III, Emperor, 64

National Guard, 95

Neuilly, childbirthing facility in, 64–65

Newby, Eric, 8

“New York minute,” 49

nightwalkers, see noctambules

Nijinsky, Vaslav, 200, 203, 204, 206

Nin, Anaïs, 30

Nivôse, 119, 133–34

noctambules (nightwalkers), 268–74

    jazz and, 270–71

    Paris inconvenient for, 269–70

    sex clubs and, 272–74

Notre Dame, 18

Notre Dame de Paris (Hugo), 150

Nuit des Rois (Night of Kings), 237

occupation (1940–44):

    of Paris, 171, 208, 275–76, 277

    of southwest France, 276–82, 278

Occupation (1940–1945): Siège de La Rochelle (Miaux), 280–82

O’Day, Bob and Deidre, 227–31

Opéra, 28

Orangerie, 112

Orchestre de Paris, 211

Orczy, Baroness, 165, 195–97

ortolans, 257

Paine, Thomas, 166

Palais de Justice, 18, 21

Panthéon, 60–63

    Foucault’s pendulum at, 61–63, 62, 211

    Mitterand at, 210–13, 212

Parade, 206

“Paris at Night” (Prévert), 272

Paris au mois d’août,” or “Paris in the Month of August,” 13–14

Paris plage (Paris beach), 170

Parker, Charlie “Bird,” 271

Parker, Dorothy, 125–26, 210


    French deeply respectful of, 26

    French penchant for dwelling in, 49–50

patrimoine, le (“the heritage”—the accumulated glory of France), 26, 32

Péret, Benjamin, 218

Périphérique (ring road enclosing Paris), 55–56

Persian unit of distance, 49

Pétain, Marshal Philippe, 276

Peter, Paul and Mary, 227

Petit Palais (Little Palace), 98–99

pet shops, 177

phantom of the Opéra, legend of, 28

Piaf, Édith, 149, 150

Picasso, Pablo, 206

Picpus convent, 73, 179, 218

pigs, butchering of, 185

pilgrimages, 85

Pingré, Alexandre Guy, 77

Piscine Deligny, 171–73, 172

Piscine Molitor, 173–74, 174

piscines (swimming pools), 170–74, 172, 174

Place Dauphine, 18–20, 53–54

Place de la Concorde (formerly Place de la Révolution), 43, 45, 164, 168, 171

Place des Abbesses, 230

Place Saint-Sulpice, 159, 163

Platform (Houellebecq), 87–88, 90

Pluviôse, 119, 146, 181

politics, showmanship in, 207–13

Pompidou, Georges, 254

Pont Alexandre III, 159

Pont d’Alma, 27, 29

Pont de Bir-Hakeim, 32

Pont des Arts, 31

Pont d’Iéna, 55

Pont du Garigliano, Calle and Gehry’s phone booth on, 32–34, 33

Pont Neuf, 19, 34–35, 170

    Eleanore, the crocodile of, 177–78

Poulenc, Francis, 206

Prairial, 119, 157

Préjean, Albert, 149

Prévert, Jacques, 110, 262, 272, 274

“Prima Belladonna” (Ballard), 191

Prin, Alice (aka Kiki), 218

Prix de Rome, 154–55

Proud Fool, The (Fabre), 142

Proudhon, Sophie, 93

Proust, Marcel, 11, 171, 244

Queen Charlotte’s Ball, 69

Raiders of the Lost Ark, 277

rain, 145–47, 151–52

    “Singin’ in the Rain” and, 145, 146–47

    see also storms

Ray, Man, 159–60, 161, 218, 222

Reagan, Ronald, 8

Réard, Louis, 173

Rear Window, 140

Récamier, Juliette, 215

Reformation, 118

Republican calendar, see Calendrier républicain

Resistance, 209, 211, 277

restaurants, seasonality and supplies delivered to, 20

Resusci Anne, 35

revolution of 1789, 2, 61, 68–69, 71–75, 94, 97, 120, 180, 198, 216, 225

    achievements of, 71–72

    burials after, 179–80

    calendar reform and, see Calendrier républicain

    Catholic clergy imprisoned in, 117–18

    date reset after, 76

    ended by Napoléon’s coup, 185–86

    fears of invasion by Catholic Austria and Italy after, 117

    gory aftermath of, 72–73, 74, 75, 76, 117–18, 164–69

    later uprisings and, 197–98

    mocked by Fabre, 142

    novels, plays, and musical works inspired by, 194–97

    storming of Bastille in, 68, 73, 207–8

Revue Nègre, 205

Reynolds, Debbie, 145

Richebourg, Île-de-France:

    checking on in-laws’ house in, during storm, 54–57

    Christmas Day in, 1–3, 6–9

    rural decline and, 6–7

Rictus, Jehan, 150

Rimbaud, Arthur, 160–62, 163

Rimsky-Korsakov, Nikolai, 203

Robespierre, Maximilien de, 73, 74, 75, 76, 78, 82, 142, 143, 144, 165, 186, 217, 218, 264

    burial of, 180

    the Terror and, 165, 167, 168–69

“Roman de la rose,” or “The Romance of the Rose” (Guillaume de Lorris), 209

Romme, Charles-Gilbert, 78, 143, 180


    Floréal associated with, 214–15

    golden, as Fabre’s emblem, 80–82, 81, 95, 111, 210, 214

    Mitterand’s use of symbology of, 209, 210–13, 212, 254

    as symbol of love, 209–10

Rouch, Jean, 38, 41

Rouget de Lisle, Claude Joseph, 94

Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, 60, 132

rue de l’Odéon, 73–75, 106, 155, 289

rue Férou, 159–61

rural decline, 6–7

Ruskin, John, 263–64

Russian Revolution, 73

Sacre du printemps, Le (The Rite of Spring), 201–6, 202

Sade, Marquis de, 166, 190, 192

Sagan, Françoise, 284

Sainte-Chapelle, 18, 21

Saint-Exupéry, Antoine de, 60, 253

Saint-Gerrmain-des Prés, 110, 111

Saint-Just, Louis de, 165, 180

Saint-Sulpice, Church of, 58

sanitation, 20, 43

sans-culottes, les (those without pants), 82, 106, 119

Sardou, Victorien, 218

Sartre, Jean-Paul, 271

Scarlet Pimpernel (Orczy), 165, 194, 195–97

Schama, Simon, 80, 82

Schmidt, Tobias, 75

Schneider, Maria, 32

Schoelcher, Victor, 211

Schultz-Köhn, Dietrich, 276, 282

science fiction, 187–92, 236, 270

Scott, Robert Falcon, 7

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), 265–68


    art of living in France and, 283–86

    food and, 20, 23, 250–52, 285

    and symbolism of nature in works of poets, musicians, and artists, 258–64

seawater, thalassotherapy and, 84–90

Second Estate (aristocracy), 2

Seine, 27–35, 116, 235

    bateaux mouches (excursion boats) on, 32, 55

    bridges over, 31–35

    crocodile living in, 177–78

    floodwaters of, 27–31, 29

    houseboats on, 30, 55

    island in, see Île de la Cité

    Paris plage (Paris beach) along bank of, 170

    piscines (swimming pools) in, 170–74, 172, 174

    upstream, unconfined by stone walls, 30

sex clubs, 272–74

Shakespeare, William, 92, 215, 216, 256

Shakespeare & Company, 31

Shaw, Irwin, 286–87

Sidewalks of London (also known as Saint Martin’s Lane), 151

Sieyès, Abbé, 2

Simon, Louis-Victor, 95

“Singin’ in the Rain,” 145, 146–47

Sirius, the Dog Star, 14

“Six White Boomers,” 24

skiing season, 65–66, 67

Slate, 137–39

snails, gathering and cooking, 22–23

social acceptance in France, 44–47

socialists, 210, 216

Socrates, 285

solar calendar, proposed by Comte, 198–99

Something Wholesale (Newby), 8

Soupault, Philippe, 269

Souris Verte, La, or The Green Mouse, 112–14, 113, 116

Sous les toits de Paris, or Under the Roofs of Paris, 149

Southern, Ann, 145

Soviet Russia, calendar reform in, 199

Spectre de la rose, Le, 200, 203, 204

Spielberg, Steven, 32, 192

spring, arrival of, 200–201

Star Wars, 48

Stein, Gertrude, 205–6

Sternberg, Josef von, 38, 39, 41

storms, 53–57

    checking on in-laws’ house in Richebourg during, 54–57

    Japanese haiku and, 102–4

    Larche’s Tempête et ses nuées and, 100–102, 102, 104

    see also rain

Stravinsky, Igor, 201, 202, 203–4

street, Parisians’ complex relationship with, 147–48

street performers, see buskers

student uprising of May 1968, 208, 217, 224–26

Studio Babelsberg, 279

submarine bases, in southwest France, 276–82, 278


    heat of, 13–14, 15, 136–40

    vacances (vacations) in, 66, 201, 288

Sunday, as day of rest, 186, 199

Super-Cannes (Ballard), 191

surrealists, 161, 192, 218, 236

Tale of Two Cities, A (Dickens), 72–73, 165, 195

tall poppy syndrome, 106

Tegen-Beeld Foundation, 161

Tempête et ses nuées (Larche), 100–102, 102, 104

Terreur, La (the Terror), 43, 75, 155, 165–69, 218

thalassotherapy, 84–90

Thatcher, Margaret, 45

Théâtre de l’Odéon, 225, 286–87

Théâtre du Châtelet, 200, 201, 204, 205

Thermidor, 14, 46, 119, 157, 158, 217–18

Thermidor (Sardou), 218

Third Estate (landowners, farmers, and people in business), 2

Thomas, Dylan, 17, 270, 273–74

Thouin, André, 130–33, 131

time, perception of, 49–50

“To Autumn” (Keats), 259–61

To Catch a Thief, 11

Tolstoy, Leo, 200

Toulouse-Lautrec, Henri de, 269

Trenet, Charles, 262–63

Tresca, Salvatore, 157

tricolor (flag), 71, 73

Truffaut, François, 59

Tuileries Garden, 50

Turquin, Barthélémy, 171

Twain, Mark, 8

Tyler, T. Texas, 128–29

Universal Exposition of 1900, 99

University of Sydney, 37

uprisings of 1830 and 1832, 197

vacances (vacations), 66, 201, 288

Vatican, 117

Vendémiaire, 46, 119

Ventôse, 119

Verdet, André, 238

Verlaine, Paul, 160, 261, 281–82, 285

Vermilion Sands stories (Ballard), 191

Verne, Jules, 188–90

Versailles, 53, 55, 56–57, 68, 75, 96, 164, 207

Vert-Galant, 35, 235

Vertigo, 140

Vian, Boris, 227, 271

Vichy government, 276

Villon, François, 272, 274

Voice of America, 270, 271

Voltaire, 60, 133

“Voyages” (Crane), 32

Walk a Little Faster, 122

War and Peace (Tolstoy), 200

weather, French responses to, 7–9, 23, 283

Weissmuller, Johnny, 173

Wells, H. G., 187

Wharton, William, 30

Whitman, Walt, 120

Wilde, Oscar, 69

Wilder, Alec, 121

Wilson, Owen, 269

wine, 122, 153, 167

    Beaujolais nouveau, 108, 114–16

    Champagne, 154, 237, 249


    Christmas rituals and, 24–25

    foods and smells of, 109–10

    pleasures of, 116

    shift from autumn to, 109–16

    in south of France, 181

winter scenes, paintings of, 6

Wolfe, Thomas, 266

Wordsworth, William, 72

World War II, 153, 192, 206, 209

    liberation of Paris in, 208

    Nazi occupation in, 171, 208, 275–82, 278

Wyndham, John, 188

Zoave on the Pont d’Alma, 27, 29

Zola, Émile, 60, 262

“Zone” (Apollinaire), 31–32