

Clay turned to Aria and whispered, "Who's supposed to keep the monkeys in line?"

"One of Charlotte's people." She shook her head. "But it looks like it might be on us. Have you ever worked with chimpanzees before?"

"That would be a resounding no."

Aria tightened her ponytail. "Yeah, me neither. This should be fun."

"They're supposed to be smart, right?"

"Looks like we'll find out. We just need to be careful not to draw any attention to ourselves."

Clay glanced at the primates and scanned the audience. "Looks like a lot of the guests are already distracted."

"Come on." Aria headed around the chairs and off to the side where the flower-bearing monkeys were beginning to make a mess. One animal stuck its finger in another's ear. Some kids giggled.

Hugh was reading from his personally-written vows, and more people were focused on the chimps.

Clay made a mental note to write in a list of approved animals into the new policies.

A monkey dropped his bouquet, stuck his finger in the nose of another chimpanzee, and then pushed him over.

Aria shot him an annoyed expression. Right. Like Clay had any control over the animals. They rushed to the front. Clay waved to the creatures.

One waved back and blew him a kiss. Had the circumstances been any different, he would have found that funny. Not today.

He turned to Aria, who was sliding her finger around her tablet.

"What are you doing?" he whispered.

"Trying to find a way to lure a monkey."

"Food. Try food."

Her eyes lit up. "Good thinking." She darted away.

Clay knelt to the ground and held out his hand, hoping at least one of the chimps would come to him. None of them did, but they did quiet down as they stared at him.

Aria returned with some orange slices. She handed half to Clay. They held them out and waved the monkeys over. Two of the five came. At least it was something.

Clay held out the food, while backing up. They continued following him while Aria worked on the remaining three.

A lady in a black suit ran over to him. "I'm so sorry. I'm their trainer. I had to take a call." She gathered the two chimps and returned them with the other three. Once they saw her, all five stood in a line and remained still.

Aria and Clay exchanged an exasperated expression. At least that was taken care of.

"The ceremony's almost over. We need to go check the reception hall."

Clay had already checked it twice, but with a wedding as important as this one, they probably couldn't go over anything too much. He tested the microphones, speakers, and made sure everything was secured to the walls. Aria checked everything else.

They had barely finished when the bridesmaids and groomsmen filed into the hall, followed by guests. Clay and Aria directed everyone to their tables. They were supposed to eat and have cake before the dancing was to begin. Side dishes already lined the tables along two walls. From another entrance, servers brought in plates of salmon, chicken, and something that looked like dressed-up tofu. They set them in front of the nameplates.

A lady with white hair tugged on his arm. "Excuse me, young man, would you be able to help me find my seat?"

He smiled at her. "Of course. What's your name?"

"Estelle McFurtman."

Clay held out his arm, and she looped hers through it. He walked around with her until he found the right nameplate.

She beamed. "You're so helpful. Thank you so much."

"My pleasure."

He spun around and helped a few others find their places before the noise settled. Love songs played on the speakers and everyone seemed to be eating happily.

Clay's stomach rumbled. He'd been so busy, he hadn't even thought about food, but now with all the delicious smells, he realized just how hungry he was.

Marina came over to him. "The smaller reception hall has food for us to eat. You can start, and then when you're done, tell Aria so she can get something."

"It's like you read my mind."

She laughed. "It's hard not to get hungry when the food smells so good."

Clay made his way to the other hall and found a spread of food not as elegant as the guests were eating, but it looked good nonetheless. He piled toppings onto bread and devoured the sandwich.

Just as he threw his plate into the trash, Sullivan walked in. He stiffened when he saw Clay. "You're still working for Dakota?"

"Is this about the misunderstanding from before?"

"What misunderstanding?" Sullivan asked.

"When Dakota thought I was buying a ring for my ex-girlfriend."

His brows came together. "What?"

"I was pawning a ring—getting rid of it. The only person I have eyes for is your sister."

"You'd better mean Dakota."

"Oh, come on. You've known me how long?"

"So, the whole thing was just a miscommunication?" Sullivan asked.

"Yes. It's all worked out. I'm surprised Dakota didn't tell you."

He shrugged. "She's been pretty busy getting ready for this wedding. You guys are good, though?"

Clay couldn't help smiling. "Better than good."

Sullivan gave Clay a playful shove. "Glad to hear it. When this wedding is over, one of you is going to have to fill me in on the missing details."

"Gladly. Just know I'd never do anything to hurt Dakota."

"You'd better not. You don't want to see me angry."

"I've seen you mad."

Sullivan shook his head. "No, actually, you haven't."

"Okay. Well, you don't have anything to worry about. I swear."


"Are we good?"

"Sure, as long as Dakota's happy."

Clay forced a smile. "She is."

Sullivan flicked a nod and went over to the food table.

"Maybe you should talk to Dakota," Clay called.

He waved Clay away.

At least it wasn't him that Clay had to convince of his love for Dakota. It was just her. His heart warmed just thinking of her smile—and the way she looked at him told him she knew.

He went out into the hallway. He could hear the music from the reception all the way from there. They must have moved from eating to dancing. A roar of laughter sounded.

About halfway to the reception hall, he passed Dakota's parents.

Clay's stomach tightened. Had Sullivan told them he didn't like Clay with their daughter?

Gary smiled at him. "Clay, how are you? I haven't seen you in years."

"How are your parents?" asked Judy.

Relief swept through him, and Clay returned Gary's smile. "It's great to see you both, too. My parents are doing well, thanks."

"Still busy with their neighborhood committee?" Judy asked.

Whatever tension Sullivan had left Clay with was now gone. He nodded. "They're running it now after their neighborhood watch was such a success."

"I'm so glad to hear it." She put a hand on Clay's arm. "Tell them to give us a call if they're ever in town again. We'd love to see them."

"I will. I'm sure they'd love to see you guys, also."

Judy smiled and held his eye contact.

"How do you like working for Dakota?" Gary asked.

"You're her new assistant?" Judy's eyes widened.

Her husband turned to her. "Why's that important?"

"Dakota's assistant. Remember?"

Clay swallowed. So much for feeling at ease. They might even un-invite his parents over.

"Right," Clay said. "And speaking of that, I really should get back to the reception."

Judy turned back to him and gave him a super-sweet smile. "Gary and I have been married over thirty years."

"Congratulations," Clay said.

"We started out as a forbidden office romance, you know."

"You… did?"

She took Gary's hand. "But nothing could keep us apart. Love is bigger and more important than any rule or convention."

Gary kissed her on the cheek. "She's a smart woman."

"Oh," Clay said.

"I'm also hungry." She laughed. "The food for the workers is in the smaller hall?"

"Right back there." He gestured down the hallway.

"Can you believe that wedding?" she asked. "I wonder if all stars are that over the top."

"If we get more clients like Charlotte, we'll find out."

Gary grabbed her hand. "Let's get you some food." He glanced over at Clay and winked. "And have fun with Dakota. She really needs a nice guy like you after—"

Judy poked him. "Stop."

"See you guys later," Clay said, wondering what Gary was going to say. Could it be that Sullivan was extra protective of his sister because of something she'd been through? On the plus side, they appeared to approve of him dating Dakota, even if they hadn't come out and said that directly.