Law One: Anchor first. Anchor deep. This means constructing an anchor image that is a rooted and deeply powerful emotion. It must be dear to you.

Law Two: Anchor somewhere you can find with ease, but no one else can. If your anchor is destroyed or otherwise kept from you, your time may run out.

Law Three: Never remain in the Dream for more than your Eleven Hours. Your Personal Midnight is the end. Depart for the Temporal . . . or perish.

Law Four: Depart for the Temporal at Sixtolls or find some bastion to defend against the storm. For the Nightmare Lord will open wide his kennels, chaos will rule, and the Dreamtreader could be lost.

Law Five: While in the Dream, consume nothing made with gort, the soul harvest berry. It is black as pitch and enslaves your body to those of dark powers.

Law Six: Defend against sudden and final death within the Dream. Prepare your mind for calamities that may come or be shut out from the Dream forever.

Law Seven: Never accept an invitation from the Nightmare Lord. Not even to parley. He is a living snare to the Dreamtreader. There is no good faith bargain. With him, the only profit will be death.

Law Eight: By the light of a Violet Torch, search yourself for Tendrils, the Nightmare Lord’s silent assassins.

Law Nine: Dreamtread with all the strength you can muster, but never more than two days in a row. To linger in the Dream too often will invite madness. The Temporal and the Dream will be fused and shatter your mind.