
Chapter 35


The conference room seemed too cold and grey, despite the colours of the robes and masks on the people in attendance. Kai waited in the observation room attached, watching the temporary council and their bodyguards and assigned servants through the one-way mirror. Beside her, Li was receiving more medical attention from Amira.

“I’ll check you again after the meeting.” The dragon priestess stood up and picked up her mask, “Are you coming in Kai?”

“Not yet, I need to let Tabatha stew a little more.” She looked at the young Gold Phoenix, whose unease showed in every line and movement as she spoke to the other members of the council.

“Isn’t that a little cruel? She probably didn’t know exactly what was going on.” Li whispered. The second bout of toxin had affected his voice and Amira was concerned that it wasn’t clearing as quickly as it should.

“Oh, she knew they had been released; why else would she connect with me, if but to check the result? Thankfully she only saw the bodies of the two servants the ghouls attacked before they reached you, or we might not have this leverage.”

Li sighed and stood up unsteadily, waving Amin away when the TLPDSD officer would have helped him gain his balance, “Then I will come as somewhat of a shock to her; I should imagine she reported that I was dead to the Fae Queen.”

A servant came forward with the robes for the Black Dragon. Another held the mask. Li glared at them and sighed again, the breath catching in his throat, “Must I really wear those? Can I not be the White Tiger one last time?”

Kai shook her head, “We need to have a complete council to allow me to take emergency control; I am the only unratified member allowed to do so.”

“And the White Tiger has no official council position, it is a Vampire Position.” Amira reminded him.

He groaned and beckoned to the servants.

Once he and Amira were completely robed and masked, they left the room and joined the group in the conference room. The other council members turned and bowed to the Black Dragon who shook his head, saying in a hoarse voice, “I am they who was the White Tiger. I step into these robes reluctantly for my mentor is dead.”

Kai watched the Gold Phoenix flinch at his entrance and pull back from him as he approached her.

It wasn’t him that spoke though, but the Wood Horse, who pushed their way through to stand beside the Black Dragon, “Gold Phoenix, we have worked with you to end these attacks and still they continue, pushing their way into the Overworld news and engaging the World Press as well as the normal political processes. Now they have ripped the Head of the Council away from us. What have you to say for this?”

Time for my entrance, methinks. Kai picked up her new mask and settled it into place. This feels much more comfortable than the other one. Maybe I can get used to this after all. She swept out of the observation room, locking it with her mind behind them. They paused in the hall to get into correct formation, Amin one step ahead of her and the servant assigned to her by the Head of the Household a step behind her.

Then she nodded to Amin who stepped forward and took hold of the conference room door handle.

“Let all pay reverence for the Head of this Council, The Jade Cat.” Amin boomed out as he pushed the door open. The announcement had the intended effect, stilling everyone within and silencing them as well, before the recriminations could start.

Kai swept her way to the head of the table, standing behind the chair place there, “I declare this meeting Gāo ānquān xìng. All non-security staff to leave this room; All personal staff are to return to the common room down the hall and all servants to return to their allotted duties. Only those who have seen the faces of their employers may remain.”

There was a scattered murmuring of protests from the secretaries and other admin staff but when the house servants left the room immediately, they followed.

“Please stand by your seats, temporary council members.” Kai said.

The Black Dragon moved to the seat at the opposite end of the table from her. The Wood Horse and Crystal Dragon stood by seats on the left side of the table and the Silver Wolf, and the Gold Phoenix took the right-side seats.

Their security stood behind them. Tabatha had no one.

Kai frowned, “Gold Phoenix, did you not bring any security with you?”

Tabatha shook her head, the mask shifting slightly on her head showing that it hadn’t been fitted properly, “I refused them. I do not trust any of my mother’s security services and I have yet to find anyone from outside the Fae.”

“I see. So, you are completely unguarded?”

Tabatha nodded.

The Black Dragon’s security guard took a step toward the Gold Phoenix.

“Then I declare this; while it may have been your mother’s fault that the previous Black Dragon is dead, I will guarantee your safety in this palace. My own guard will stand by you while you are here.” Kai looked at Amin who nodded and moved to stand behind the Gold Phoenix.

“Have all non-security staff left?” Kai looked around the room as each council member confirmed it, then she reached out with her mind again and locked the door.

The Wood Dragon jumped as the lock slid into place with a loud schnick.

Kai swept her mind out and around the rooms in the immediate vicinity of the conference room. She found several spies clothed as servants in them, so she put them to sleep where they sat, traced any devices that she found connected to them and destroyed their circuits. My abilities are getting stronger; I’m no longer just a diviner. Useful in this job at least. She also destroyed the cameras and listening devices she found in the clothing of the security for the Wood Horse and Silver Wolf.

“We are secure and unrecorded. This I avow on the blood in my veins.” She intoned in the traditional manner. I’m probably the first Jade Cat who could say that for absolute certain though.

She looked first at Wood Horse and then Silver Wolf, “I request that for future Triang meetings, you do not allow your staff to carry cameras or recording equipment. It could get costly, because I will keep destroying them. When I say High Security, I mean it.”

The two of them nodded and she could sense their reluctance, so she slammed both hands down onto the table, sending a vibration through the thick wood.

“As Jade Cat I am responsible for the safety and security of our people. I and my department work with TLPD but are not ruled by them. Please remember this.”

“Then what are you doing about these attacks?” The Wood Horse snapped.

“We will cover that in due time, Horse. Calm down. Shall we continue as the ritual demands?” Kai said softly, glad that she’d taken the time to read about this in the car here.

The Wood Horse nodded.

“As we are secure, I request the comfort of no masks. Is this agreed?” she continued in the same tone, if a little louder. The ripple of nods was slow, but in the end they all nodded and one by one they removed their masks, clockwise from Kai who started it. Each mask was placed on the table facing away from them.

“Please sit.” Kai suited words to action and took her seat, “As the accords of the treaty state, when there are no ratified members of council or nominated successor to the previous council head, The Jade Cat takes charge of the meeting and the council until there can be a full discussion and ratification of each species leader. That will take some time to complete, and we currently have an emergency on hand, so I will remain Council Head for the foreseeable future.”

There was a murmur of agreement.

“Very well, to business. As Li has said, Louisa is no more and there will be a state funeral with accompanying bank holidays announced in due time for the whole of the Dark Cities. However, we must contain the current threat to our rule.” Kai said, “To that end...”

“I demand that you incarcerate the Gold Phoenix.” The Wood Horse shouted at her, “The Fae have a ghoul and they are the ones behind these attacks and this emergency. It will cost us billions in tourist trade alone if the press decides to eviscerate us as a destination.”

Tabatha looked at him and then at Kai. Her face suggested that she had something to say but Kai could feel her apprehension at speaking.

Kai frowned at the fat, white man in the horse robes. His bright yellow hair flopped around his round face, badly disguising the thinning and receding that was happening, and his tiny blue eyes sparkled with greed tinged rage that swept off him in waves.

“Be quiet Horse. I am in charge, and I will be the one to ultimately decide what we are doing.” Kai glared at him, “Loss of money is less important than the effect on our people.”

Horse looked aghast at the implication that he didn’t care about the citizens of the cities, “Well, I...”

“The Jade Cat is correct, Horse, this is a threat to the rule of the Triang over the Dark Cities, it’s also a threat to the whole of the Underworld, Overworld and the Colonies beyond.” Tabatha said quietly, “My mother has a number of plans in place around the world that all end up with the Fae ruling over the planet before extending their reach into the Terrene Empire. Sadly, I am only privy to the one involving the local areas.”

Kai blinked at her. That isn’t what I expected to hear from her.

Tabatha looked at Kai, “The Ghouls are being used to destabilise this region in the opening sally of a world war, Lord Jade Cat. Initially they were to remove the leaders of the Triang to make it possible for my ascension to the Head of the Triang. However, I believe that Mother has miscalculated, and this may give you the chance to delay the rest of the plan.”

“I thank you for your honesty, Gold Phoenix.” Kai said, running her gaze around the table to gauge other reactions.

The Wood Horse grumbled under his breath, sneering at Tabatha. The Black Dragon sighed and gave a small shrug. The Crystal Dragon had the calmest expression that Kai had ever seen on her face, but when Kai caught her eyes, the corners of her mouth turned up slightly. The Silver Wolf seemed bored.

“Can you elaborate on this plan for the Triang, Phoenix?” Amira asked.

“I shall, but there is a more urgent matter that I must tell you about.” Tabatha took a deep breath, “The Ghouls are being allowed to attack the Red Monkey tonight. The Morrigan will be in attendance but will not be controlling them at all; this is their reward for the deaths of the Black Dragon and the White Tiger, a feast of fear.”

“So, they believe that both of us died?” The Black Dragon said hoarsely.

Tabatha nodded.

“Hmm, that means that I can’t alert my people.” He frowned.

“I can and will. Are there any weaknesses that we can exploit?” Kai laid her hands on the table in front of her and leaned forward.

“Only one. Me.” Tabatha said.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” Wolf growled.

“I can control one of the ghouls, she has been bound to me...” Tabatha began.

“Hang on, I thought that there was only one ghoul involved!” Horse snapped, his voice rising shrilly, “And attacking on the one night that all the clubs have to allow the tourists in will cause such a panic in the hotel district that...” his voice trailed off as the consequences occurred to him.

“Exactly.” Tabatha replied, “The Outerworld would be rife with rumour and conspiracy theory. The illness that the ghouls spread would become a pandemic and in the resulting confusion, my mother’s people in other countries could take over.”

“Who is the other ghoul?” Wolf asked, “Just one of them managed to rip my predecessor limb from limb, I don’t think my warriors would be able to take on both of them.”

“This is going to require a concerted effort from the Cities Militia, Wolf. Not just the Te Ling Werewolves.” Li coughed, “We need to contain the attack, reduce the panic and treat all the survivors. Dragon, will there be sufficient antitoxin to do this?”

Amira considered the question, “I think, so. However, I’ve only had the Labs producing antitoxin from the original attack on the Jade Cat and yourself. Unless I have DNA from the new ghoul, there will be a chance that some may not survive the toxin or the resulting Pox outbreak.”

Tabatha pulled out a small bag from under her robes, “You’ll find what you need in here, Lady Dragon. The other ghoul is Melanie Reading-Smith.” She passed it to Amin, who walked it around to Amira, laid it on the table in front of her and returned to his post.

Kai directed her attention to the bag, checking through the contents with her mind. “A vial of blood, a piece of clothing in a plastic bag and a piece of paper, all of which have the trace of Melanie that I have memorised. Nothing untoward that I can feel.” She told Amira through their private link. The priestess nodded.

“Thank you, Phoenix. I appreciate your co-operation.” Amira said with a smile.

Tabatha nodded silently. Kai could feel the sorrow in her mind and without thinking sent the young woman a gentle wave of reassurance.

Tabatha looked up at her in surprise.

“We do appreciate the assistance, Phoenix.” Kai told her.

“I still want her incarcerated; all of this began happening after she arrived in the city, it must be her fault somehow.” The Wood Horse sounded angry, but Kai could feel him sulking and she had to stop herself laughing at him.

“You really think that it’s her fault, Horse? The Fae are notorious for their long-range plans, it’s one of the reasons that they cover Underworld politics and control the Drug Barons and other crime syndicates.” Amira gazed at Horse.

He flushed pink but said nothing.

“To deal with the threat to the Red Monkey, I will be calling out the City Militia. Li, I would like you to lead them in Vampire guise with the traditional battle armour of the Black Dragon on; that way they can follow you without anyone knowing who you are, and we get your knowledge of the city in the right place. Wolf, would you please be his second in command?”

Wolf nodded, “I’ll make sure that he doesn’t exert himself too much either.”

“Thank you.” Amira murmured with a hard look down the table at Li.

Li rolled his eyes at Kai but said nothing.

“Horse, I need you to speak to the City Council and Business Council. Keep your personal bias locked away and reinforce that we are dealing with the situation so there is no need for them to panic. I will keep you up to date with any decisions that might affect them.” She glared at the Wood Horse who seemed to be fighting with himself internally.

Finally, he nodded and bowed his head to her, “As you wish, Jade Cat.”

“Dragon, I will need you to come with me and Phoenix to Malith. We shall take Edward with us to speak to the Queen. I am certain that it will end badly, so I may need your help along the way to speak with Ao Qin.”

“Then why bother with talking to her?” Wolf asked, “Just go and arrest her. Phoenix’s word is enough evidence for that at least.”

“I need to follow the rules, Wolf.” Kai said.

“If we remove my mother, we will upset more than just our locale. She not only controls much of the world’s Underworld but has so many fingers in political pies that it’s a wonder that she can use her hands.” Tabatha shrugged, “No doubt it’s come in handy when she’s been in a co-operating frame of mind, but believe me, she will not be interested in co-operating on this.”

Amira sighed, “I assume that you wish for a physical ride; Malith is hard to get to any other way, unless you know the spells that hide the roads.”

“I hadn’t thought of that; I just thought we’d go in a car. I mean how else did Phoenix get here?” Kai looked at the girl.

She shrugged, “The driver dropped me at one of the nearby safehouses and I got a Red Cab here. I told the driver that I would call when I needed retrieving.”

“Ah.” Kai frowned.

“Besides, dropping in on Malith from above will give you the element of surprise.” Amira said.

Kai grinned.