This book is, as you’d hope, all my own work. But it would be nothing without the efforts of generations of naturalists on whose hard labour and wisdom I drew; not just the people featured in the book, but countless others, experts in their fields, often breaking new ground – their dedication remains a wonder and inspiration to me.

Of the people I encountered on my journey, the majority remained unwitting, anonymous accomplices. They are presented, more or less, as I saw them, and I offer them my apologies and thanks. Please bear in mind that I mean well.

Behind the scenes, May Webber shared her knowledge of butterflies and moths with generosity and enthusiasm; Iain Green remains my first port of call for photography expertise; Emma Mitchell is a source of inspiration and friendship, and, more specifically, pointed me towards Anna Atkins; Josie George quietly gets on with the business of being brilliant, but also inspires me to look closely at things; Nic Wilson kindly read the John Clare chapter and guided me in the right direction; Nick Hely-Hutchinson did the same with the short passage on disability; David Darrell-Lambert told me where to go on Skye; and Richard Brown and Giselle Eagle were the embodiment of generosity during my stay on Skokholm.

My sister-in-law Laura Pritchard read early drafts and, as always, made them better. And of course my wife Tessa not only gives me unflinching support but was invaluable when it came to all things gardeny. My son Oliver does the same, but without the gardening bit.

To the people at Elliott & Thompson – Simon, Jennie, Sarah, Pippa – a simple and heartfelt thank you for letting me do it.