A General History of Quadrupeds (T. Bewick) 83–7
A History of British Birds (T. Bewick) 87–8
Adams, Richard 233
albino birds 143
Alexander, H. G. 184
Andromeda galaxy 266
arachnophobia 16
Archimedes 46
Armstrong, Neil 253
ash trees 59
Asian hornets 19–20
astronomy 250–68
Attenborough, Sir David 135, 151–2
autumn hawkbit 211
avocets 195
bacon beetles 21
banded demoiselle damselflies 97
Banks, Joseph 83
Barn Elms, London 171–7
barn owls 125
Bayard, Hippolyte 93
BBC nature documentaries 133–6
beekeeping demonstration 269
Beethoven, Ludwig van 150
Betelgeuse 263–4
Bewick’s swans 10, 87, 160–1, 163, 169–71
Bewick, Thomas 81, 83–8, 123, 126, 164
bindweed 30
Bird Life magazine 181
bird-ringing 227–8, 240–1, 245–6
birding 6–7, 13, 50–3, 59–62, 76–7, 88–93, 100–4, 105, 112–16, 125, 126–8, 145–6, 167–8, 172–7, 179–81, 186–94, 205–8, 220–3, 227–30, 234–43, 245–7
bitterns 101–2, 103, 168, 172–3
black-headed gulls 92, 153–4, 156, 191
Botting, Douglas 214
bottlenose dolphins 200
Brahe, Tycho 252
British Ornithologists’ Union 183
Bruckner, Anton 56
bumblebees 18–19
butterflies 2–5, 7, 82, 137, 187, 244–5, 271
painted lady 244–5
small tortoiseshell 82
‘By Brook’ the Bewick’s swan 170–1
caterpillars 21
cats 23
C. Herschel lunar crater 256–7
chiffchaffs 89
Children, John George 93
chinchilla rabbits 232
choughs 235
Cliffe Pools RSPB reserve 195–200
clothes moths 21–3
Coates, Marcus 81–2
common lizards 98
Conference for the Birds (M. Coates) 81–2, 88
Copernicus crater 254
coral beach, Skye 210–13
Costa Rica 145
Crystal Palace Park, London 50, 65
cuckoos 81, 87–9, 90, 100, 103–4, 105
curlews 125
cyanotypes 10, 92, 93, 94–6, 256
daddy-long-legs/craneflies 16
daddy-long-legs spider 16–17
Daguerre, Louis 93
Dahl, Anders 30
dahlias 30
damselflies 96–7
Dartford warblers 100
Darwin, Charles 38–48, 73–4, 271
de Sève, Jacques 83
death as part of nature 238–9
demographics, birding 189–90
devil’s bit scabious 211
documentaries, nature 133–6
Dog Star, Sirius 264–5
dolphins 200
Down House, Kent 42–8
dragonflies 96–7
drawing nature 75–80
duck-billed platypus 86
ducks 9, 75, 163, 168, 175, 191, 215, 218
Steller’s eider 215
eagles 220–3
Eilean Bàn/White Island 217–19
Emburey, John 129–31
Enclosure Act (1809) 117–18
environmental concerns 129–31
‘false widow’ spiders 17
field systems 116–18
flamingos 168
Flamsteed, John 256
flies 17
Fuchs, Leonhart 30
fuchsias 30
fungi 57–8
Fur, Fin and Feather Club 182–3
gardens and gardening, domestic 25–38
George V, King 31
geese 164–167
nene 166–7
red-breasted 165
white-fronted 165
golden eagles 220
goshawks 236–7
grain weevils 21
grass 53–4
Grassholm, Pembrokeshire 231
great black-backed gull 238, 239
great crested grebes 182
Great North Wood 50
great tits 125
greater bird-of-paradise 151–2
grebes 173
grey squirrels 52–3
gulls 80, 92, 153–4, 156, 169, 191, 193, 213, 219, 222, 229, 234, 238, 239, 242–3, 247
black-headed 92, 153–4, 156, 191
lesser black-backed 169
harlequin beetles 147
Harvey, William Henry 94
Heligoland traps 245
Helpston, Peterborough 109, 114–26
Hessayon, D. G. 28
Hickling Broad, Norfolk 101–2
Historia Coeletstis Britannica (J. Flamsteed) 256
hornets 19–20
horse chestnut trees 127
hoverflies 20
Humboldt penguins 157
hummingbirds 144–5
iguanas 133–4
Inner Farne Island 191–4
International Dark Sky Parks 258
Isay, island of 212
Isle of Sheppey 205–6
Isle of Skye 201–13
Isle of Wight 252
jays 58
Jodrell Bank 267
John Clare Society 125
Jupiter 252
Kielder observatory 258–67
kiwis 139
lawns 28–9
Leclerc, Georges-Louis 83
lesser black-backed gull 169
lesser white-fronted geese 165, 166
light pollution 252
Linnean Society 183
lizards 97–8, 104–5, 136–7, 213, 270
common 98
monitor 214
Lockley, Ronald 230–1, 232–3, 235
The Lodge, Sandy, Bedfordshire 181, 186–8
London Wetland Centre 172–7
London Zoo 153–60
Look TV programme 161
Lovell Telescope, Jodrell Bank 267
Macdonald, Helen 81
maërl 211–13
mallards 168
Manx shearwaters 170, 230, 231, 232, 235–8, 239–41, 243, 248
Mars 254
marsh tits 69
Martinet, Francois-Nicolas 83
McLeod, Calum 225
mental health and nature 121–2
migration 63, 64–5, 192, 233, 244–5, 246
‘Mijbil/Mij’ the otter 215–17
monitor lizards 214
moon landing (1969) 250
moon, the 250–3, 254–7, 259, 261–2
moths 21–3
National Trust 192
Natural History Museum 140, 184, 231
Natural History of Selborne (G. White) 65–7, 72–3, 84
nene geese 166–7
Northward Hill RSPB reserve, Kent 89–91
Norwood Grove, Croydon 49–50, 51–62
Oates, Captain Lawrence 73
Oates, Frank 73
Oldham, Charles 228
Orion’s Belt 263
‘Mijbil/Mij’ the otter 215–17
painted lady butterflies 244–5
Peng observatory, Slimbridge 169–71
‘Perfectly Normal Tree’ Norwood Grove 54–9, 270
Photographs of British Algae: Cyanotype Impressions (A. Atkins) 93, 95–6
photography, bird 90–3, 100–4, 105, 144, 190–1
photography, nature 94–6, 98–9, 196–200
pied wagtails 52
Plough/Big Dipper constellation 265–6
Plumage Act (1908) 184–5
plumage and fashion 182, 184–5
pochards 175
polar bears 142
Private Life of the Rabbit (R. Lockley) 232–3
Raasay, island of 223–6
racer snakes 133–4
radio telescopes 268
Rainham Marshes RSPB reserve 92
red-breasted geese 165
red-throated divers 205–7
Rice/Royce Wood 120
Ring of Bright Water (G. Maxwell) 166, 215–16
ringing birds 227–8, 240–1, 245–6
Rockall 212
Romans 31
roseate tern 88
Rothschild, 1st Baron Nathaniel 25, 27, 137
Rothschild, 2nd Baron Walter 137–44
Royal Astronomical Society 255, 256
Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA) 183
Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB) 181–5, 231
see also Society for the Protection of Birds
Rubin, Vera 256
Sample, Geoff 81–2
sandpipers 146
Sandaig, West Highlands 215–16, 218
Sandy, Bedfordshire 181, 186–8
scarlet tanagers 214
Scopoli, Giovanni Antonio 66
Scott, Sir Peter 10, 160–7, 170–1, 217
Scott, Sir Robert Falcon 73, 161
Sea of Tranquillity 253
Selborne, East Hampshire 68–73, 270
Severn Wildfowl Trust 166
see also Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust
shinrin-yoku (forest-bathing) 53
shoebills 142–3
Sirius, the Dog Star 264–5
Skokholm, Pembrokeshire 228–48
Slimbridge, Gloucestershire 161–6
slugs 36–7
small tortoiseshell butterflies 82
snipes 101
social media 104–5
Society for the Protection of Birds 182–3
see also Royal Society for the Protection of Birds
soil 34–8
solar eclipses 251–2
Sound of Raasay 220–4
South Pole 73
sparrowhawks 237
spiders 12–13, 14, 16–17, 18, 148, 270
daddy-long-legs 16–17
‘false widow’ 17
St Kilda 212
starlings 53, 55, 109–10, 156, 168
Steller’s eider 215
stitchwort 211
stock doves 51
storm petrels 227–9, 231–2, 233
Streatham Common, London 50
subsistence gardening 31–2
sunfish 242–3
swans 10, 65, 87, 160–1, 163, 167, 169–71
Bewick’s swans 10, 87, 160–1, 163, 169–71
‘By Brook’ the Bewick’s swan 170–1
Talbot, Henry Fox 93
Thames Water 171–2
Thesiger, Wilfred 215
Thursley Common, Surrey 97–104
Tooting Common, London 50
tree sparrows 88
trees 9, 29, 49, 52, 53, 54–9, 115, 126, 127
ash trees 59
horse chestnut trees 127
‘Perfectly Normal Tree’ 54–9, 270
Tring Natural History Museum, Hertfordshire 137–40, 231
Turner, Emma 101–3
Tycho lunar crater 252–3
Uranus 255
vegetables, growing 31–2
Watership Down (R. Adams) 233
weeds 30–1
West Norwood cemetery 50, 64–5
white-fronted geese 165
white-tailed eagles 220–3
wild boars 58
Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust (WWT) 166, 172, 185
Wilson’s bird-of-paradise 143–4
Wistar, Dr Caspar 30
wisteria 30
wood pigeons 52, 53, 60, 81, 108, 115
woodcuts, Thomas Bewick’s 83–8, 94
woodlice 20
‘worm stone’ 45
Young Ornithologists’ Club 181–2
zebras 139
Zoo, London 153–60
Zoological Society of London 159