
Adams, Hazard, 38

Adams, Henry, 235 (n. 13)

Anderson, Quentin, 3435

Angst, 25, 71, 111

Aristotle, 188

Auerbach, Erich, 60

Austen, Jane, 51

Bachelard, Gaston, xi, 7678, 104

Balzac, Honoré de, 56, 60

Barthes, Roland, 108

Beach, J. W., 34

Beckett, Samuel, 206

Besant, Walter, 48, 66

Binswanger, Ludwig: “tomb-world,” 23, 74, 7881, 8586; “ethereal world,” 23, 7478, 85; on extravagance, 69–70, 7374, 8182, 85, 89; on grounded activity, 78, 81, 89, 93; on inter-subjectivity, 82, 9091, 173

Blackmur, R. P., 45

Brontë, Charlotte, 51

Brooks, Van Wyck, 187

Care, 1922, 6566, 119, 13686; and society, 2021, 2930, 18283, 196203; and freedom, 22, 2829, 13435, 14446, 15457, 17081; and extravagance, 9093, 97

Cargill, Oscar, 9, 73, 101

Carlyle, Thomas, 235 (n. 13)

Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, 46

Conrad, Joseph, 3, 20910, 229 (n. 54); Heart of Darkness, 210; Lord Jim, 210

Conventions, 29, 128, 132; and morality, 56, 21213; and expression, 1089, 114

Crews, Frederick C, 173

Derrida, Jacques, 21011

Dickens, Charles, 51; Great Expectations, 20

Dufrenne, Mikel, 188

Dupee, F. W, 17, 34, 7374, 104, 181

Edel, Leon, 34, 73, 83

Edgar, Pelham, 9

Eliot, George, 53

Eliot, T. S., 210

Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 1012, 115

Erikson, Erik H., 107, 228 (n. 20), 229 (n. 47)

Existentialism, 34, 78, 99, 217 (n. 10)

Extravagance (Verstiegenheit), 7374, 8182, 86, 89, 9495, 97; and freedom, 7881, 8889, 105; and vanity, 8385; and intersubjectivity, 9093

Firebaugh, J. J., 138

Ford, Ford Madox, 187, 20910; The Good Soldier, 20910

Foucault, Michel, 182, 186, 234 (n. 49)

Freedom, 19, 23, 2628, 32, 88, 99135, 179; and “thrownness,” 19, 22, 25, 100, 10911, 119, 12833, 143; and imagination, 22, 24, 71, 79, 97, 105; and consciousness, 5456, 102, 11617, 12225; and care, 93, 11819, 13435, 144, 146, 15455, 186; and society, 100, 132, 189, 19396

Freud, Sigmund, 76, 83, 133, 148, 169, 210, 235 (n. 14)

Gide, André, 136

Girard, René, 83, 183

Goldmann, Lucien, 190

Goncourt, Edmond de: Chérie, 53

Hawthorne, Nathaniel: The Marble Faun, 72

Hegel, G. W. E, 125, 178

Heidegger, Martin, 78, 71, 11112, 229 (n. 47); on Being, xi, xii; on “thrownness,” 19, 51, 100, 109, 131; on transcendence, 32, 40; on understanding, 40, 43; on care, 6566, 119, 13839, 144, 154, 184; on freedom, 104, 107

Hobbes, Thomas, 173

Howe, Irving, 190

Husserl, Edmund, 3, 5, 188, 221 (n. 16); on intentionality, 78, 10, 12, 32, 4748, 100; on intersubjectivity, 16, 137; on “aspects,” 4244, 166; reduction, 4546, 60

Ibsen, Henrik: A Doll’s House, 132, 229 (n. 48)

Imagination, 32, 6998, 186; and consciousness, 1114, 4546, 48, 6972; and freedom, 22, 24, 7172, 75, 105

“Impression.” See James, Henry: on consciousness; Ritchie, Anne Thackeray: her “impression” Ingarden, Roman: on representation, 5861; on reading, 6263; quasi-judgments, 6467

Intentionality, 78, 33, 47, 52, 122, 235 (n. 14); and temporality, 10, 32, 122; and hypotheses, 12, 41, 116; “aspects,” 32, 4244, 52; positionality, 4950

Intersubjectivity, 16, 32, 9092, 137, 140; and mediation, 29, 161, 197; validation through, 53, 5556, 62, 165; and reading, 56, 6163, 14748, 222 (n. 35)

Iser, Wolfgang, xxi, 61, 222 (n. 35); immersion and observation, 1415; on realism, 15, 59, 6364; indeterminacy, 15, 59, 96; consistency-building, 15, 230 (n. 54); anticipation and retrospection, 116

James, Henry, ix, xii, xiv, 8, 33, 73, 87, 110, 133, 187, 205, 219 (n. 46), 235 (nn. 13, 14); moral vision, ix, 310, 18, 23, 3031, 6567, 99, 101-2, 206, 21113; on consciousness, ix, 319, 3031, 3757, 102, 116, 122, 166, 2067, 209, 230 (n. 54); point of view, 14, 43, 47, 6364, 109, 124, 146, 206; The Golden Bowl, xii, 31, 44, 48, 96, 136, 13886, 198, 2024, 2079, 212, 232 (n. 24); The Wings of the Dove, xii, 48; The Ambassadors, xii—xiii, 4041, 48, 54, 99, 124, 2078; The Sacred Fount, xiixiii, 54, 207; The Portrait of a Lady, 4, 31, 4041, 44, 4849, 101, 10335, 141, 153, 160, 169, 204, 207, 212, 22930 (n. 54); What Maisie Knew, 831, 4041, 71, 100, 116, 123, 132, 166, 168, 209, 21213; “The Art of Fiction,” 31, 3768, 70, 187, 207; Roderick Hudson, 31, 69, 7297, 102, 105, 111, 129, 141, 204, 212; The Spoils of Poynton, 31, 190204; The Aspern Papers, 54; The Turn of the Screw, 54, 96, 207; “The Figure in the Carpet,” 63; “The Beast in the Jungle,” 107; “The Jolly Corner,” 107; “Madame de Mauves,” 133; Notebooks, 133, 148; The American Scene, 189; The Bostonians, 190; The Princess Casamassima, 190

James, William, ix, xiv, 3, 58, 123, 185; on experience, 6, 47, 135, 211; on reality and truth, 1213, 41, 46, 49; on pluralism, 5051; on other minds, 53, 161; on freedom, 1025, 125, 133; The Principles of Psychology, 3; The Varieties of Religious Experience, 102

Jauss, Hans Robert, 190

Joyce, James, 206

Jung, C. G., 210

Kafka, Franz, 210

Kant, Immanuel, 41, 117

Kierkegaard, Søren, 123, 220 (n. 51); on freedom, 19, 70, 104, 111, 119; Either/Or, 94

Krook, Dorothea, 3435, 138, 182

Lévi-Strauss, Claude, 210

Locke, John, 34

Lubbock, Percy, 34

Marcuse, Herbert, 188

Marx, Karl, 125, 18889, 191, 199200, 205, 210, 235 (n. 14); on freedom, 189, 191, 193, 202; on self-objectification, 19293, 203, 236 (n. 24); commodity fetishism, 195, 198, 204

Matthiessen, F. O., 34, 72, 141

Merleau-Ponty, Maurice, 5, 33; on unreflective experience, 10, 123, 168; on Self and Other, 16, 137, 146, 161; on perception, 4243, 4849, 52, 122, 134; on freedom, 100, 134

New Criticism, 2045

Niemtzow, Annette, 229 (n. 50)

Nietzsche, Friedrich, 77, 210, 220 (n. 51)

Peirce, Charles Sanders, 4, 12, 41, 56, 64, 165

Phenomenology, ixxi, xiii, 34, 215 (n. 1); literary theories, xxi; on consciousness, xxi, 5, 7, 39, 4142, 5051, 5860; and existentialism, 34, 78, 217 (n. 10); on experience, 5, 31, 66, 205, 211; reduction, 4546; on intersubjectivity, 13738; politics, 18890

Poe, Edgar Allan, 145

Poirier, Richard, 96, 101, 109, 115

Poulet, Georges, ixx, 47

Rahv, Philip, 136, 187

Raleigh, J. H., 3435

Reading, xxi, 1415, 116, 218 (n. 25), 230 (n. 54); and indeterminacy, 15, 29, 5961, 96; and intersubjectivity, 35, 62, 147148, 222 (n. 35); and representation, 5964, 124

Representation, 37, 39, 51, 6468, 80; epistemology of, 51, 5760, 2067, 209; readers role in, 5963; point of view, 6364, 124, 14647, 206

Ricoeur, Paul, xii; on symbols, 6768, 16162; on suspicion and faith, 95, 97, 102, 113; on freedom, 100101, 103, 111112, 117, 120; on politics, 188, 190, 203

Ritchie, Anne Thackeray: her “impression,” 3849, 53, 70, 75, 109, 117, 122, 166, 194, 211

Rowe, John Carlos, 217 (n. 3), 233 (n. 30)

Sartre, Jean-Paul, x, 8, 112; on freedom, 25, 71, 104, 125, 17980; on consciousness, 32, 71; on imagination, 69, 7172, 75; on Self and Other, 118, 13740, 14446, 156, 170, 177, 18182, 186, 200, 2023, 236 (n. 24)

Self-consciousness: and consciousness, 44, 6364; and representation, 6768; and freedom, 88, 125, 169, 178; and intersubjectivity, 125, 160, 16263

“Servile will.” See Ricoeur, Paul: on freedom

Society, 20, 29, 132, 186205

Spender, Stephen, 192

Spilka, Mark, 47

Stevenson, Robert Louis, 5758, 62

Structuralism, 108, 210

Swedenborg, Emanuel, 34

Tolstoy, Leo: Anna Karenina, 20

Transcendence: and experience, 3233, 40, 7071, 135, 189, 235 (n. 13); and knowing, 4042, 68, 70, 118, 145

Trilling, Lionel, 190

Trollope, Anthony: Barchester Towers, 58

Troy, William, xiv

Unreflective experience, 10, 123, 125, 16869, 209

Value, 6468

Van Ghent, Dorothy, 101

Veeder, William, 132

Watt, Ian, 60, 190

Weimann, Robert, 190

Weinstein, Philip, 183

Wellek, René, 65

Wells, H. G., 67

Wilson, Edmund, 191

Winner, Viola Hopkins, 237 (n. 32)

Woolf, Virginia, 46, 206

Yeazell, Ruth B., 233 (n. 36)

Zabel, Morton Dauwen, 101