- Daniel, George, Modern Dunciad 1
- De Quincey, Thomas 1, 2
- The Death of Don Pedro 1
- Deacon, W F, Warreniana 1
- Death Valley Scotty 1
- The Debatable Lands 1
- Defoe, Daniel 1
- devolution 1
- Dibdin, Thomas 1
- Dickens, Charles 1
- Dinmont, Dandie 1, 2
- Disraeli, Benjamin 1
- Dixon, Thomas, The Clansman 1
- Dods, Margaret (Christian Isobel Johnstone) 1
- Don Roderick 1
- Dress Act (1746) 1
- Dryasdust, Dr Jonas 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
- Dryburgh Abbey 1, 2
- Dunbar, Gavin, Archbishop, ‘Great Cursing’ 1
- Dunlop, John, The History of Fiction 1