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5 Brigade, 98, 99–100
Abacha, Maryam, 254
Abacha, Sani
childhood, 214
military coups, 219–221, 228–229, 230–231
presidency, 240–252
Ogoniland, 241–244
presidential elections, 232–233, 238
vice-presidency, 239
Abiola, Moshood, 231–232, 236–237, 244–246, 251, 252, 254–255
Abu Salim prison, 190–192, 197–198, 205–206
Afwerki, Isaias
childhood, 391, 392
Eritrean Liberation Front (ELF), 394–395, 396–397
defection from, 398–399
Eritrean People’s Liberation Front (EPLF), 402–403
exile in Sudan, 381
presidency, 410–423
Ethiopian invasion, 413–414
political opponents, 415–421
Agence Nationale de Documentation (AND), Zaire, 44
Algeria, 153–154, 350–351
Ali, Muhammed, 4–6, 45, 176–177
Allen, Mark, 200–201
Alliance de Forces Démocratiques pour la Libération (Congo/Zaire), 61–62
Al-Saadi, Sami, 200, 205
Anany, Jerome, 35
Angola, 46–48, 207–211
Anyanwu, Christiana, 241
Atti, Abdul, 168–169, 175, 189–192, 197–198, 205–206
Azikiwe, Nnamdi (‘Zik’), 140–141
Babangida, General Ibrahim, 229–230, 232–233, 236, 238–239
Balewa, Sir Abubakar Tafawa, 217
Bechuanaland, xv–xvi
Bédié, Henri Konan, 374
Bennett, John, 284–288, 290–291
Berlin Conference, xv
Black Beach prison, 261, 277–279, 292
Blair, Tony, 201
Blumenthal, Erwin, 48–50
boart, 40–41
Boer Republic of Transvaal, xiv–xv, xvi–xvii
Boka, Ernest, 356–357
Bonza, Florentin Mokonda, 36, 51–52
Botswana see Bechuanaland
Brazzaville Conference, 343
British Empire, 131
see also Great Britain
British Petroleum (BP), xviii–xix, 134–135, 143, 147–148, 149, 195, 201
British South Africa Company (BSAC), 65–66
Brown, Rex, 134–135, 138
Buhari, General Muhammadu, 229
Burkina Faso, 321, 324, 345, 367–368
Burtt, Joseph, 316–317, 319, 322–324
Bush War, Rhodesia, 83–95
Cadbury, 304–305
Cadbury, William, 314–316, 320, 323, 325–330
Cahill, Joe, 172, 173
Camp Hardy, Thysville Garrison, Congo, 18
Cape Colony, xiv–xv, xvii
Carnation Revolution, Portugal, 46–47
Ceaușescu, Nicolae, 52–53
Central African Republic, 365–366
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), 24, 26
Chapman, Judith, 352, 357, 361, 362–363
Chapman, Philip, 352, 353, 357, 363
child labour, 311–313, 321–322, 324–325
chocolate, 302–303, 304–305
see also cocoa; cocoa industry
chocolate industry, 314–317
see also Cadbury, William
Churchill, Winston, 130
citizenship, 338–339, 341
coal, 129–130
cocoa, xvii–xviii, 301–302
cocoa industry
Côte d’Ivoire, 337–338, 340, 369–371
Ghana, 305–307, 311–313, 321–322, 324–325, 330–331
São Tomé and Príncipe, 303–304, 313–314, 317–320, 322–324, 325–330
Cohen, Herman J., 367–368
Comité Spécial du Katanga (CSK), 14–15
Congo, 3–62, 354
decolonization, 8–15
diamonds, 105–106
Kasavubu presidency, 16–32
Mobutu presidency (Zaire), 6–7, 32–62
corruption, 48–50
diamonds, 40–42, 49–50
international politics, 46–48
National Consultation, 54–56
political opposition, 42–46
Rwandan civil war, 60–61
Robert Mugabe, 105–106
continental drift, 135
Côte d’Ivoire, 363–364
Zaire, 48–50
Zimbabwe, 103–104
Côte d’Ivoire, 333–376
citizenship, 338–339
cocoa industry, 337–338, 340, 369–371
decolonization, 351–352
economic growth, 353
elections 1945, 345
Houphouet-Boigny presidency, 352–365, 366–373
agriculture, 358
cocoa industry, 360, 361
construction, 358–359, 362, 364–365
corruption, 363–364
economic crisis, 369–371
elections 1990, 372–373
political opponents, 361–362
Thomas Sankara, 367–368
independence, 352–353
slavery, 337–339, 346–347
trade unions, 340
Dacko, David, 366
D’Arcy Exploration Company, 139–140
de Beers, xiv, xix
de Gaulle, Charles, 342, 343, 344–345, 346, 351
decolonization, xviii, 8–9, 10–11, 70
Congo, 8–15
Côte d’Ivoire, 351–352
see also independence
Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) see Congo
Devlin, Larry, 23–24, 25, 26
diamondiferous volcanoes, xiii–xiv
diamonds, xiii–xvi
Congo, 40–42, 49–50, 105–106
Zimbabwe, 109–111, 118–119
Dias, José Constantino, 318–319
Egypt, 144–146
Ela Nve, Raimundo, 260, 265–266, 269–270, 274–276, 281
Congo, 15–16
Côte d’Ivoire, 345, 372–373
France, 346, 348
Nigeria, 216–217, 230–233, 236–238, 251–252
Rhodesia, 92–95
Zimbabwe, 115–118
Elizabethville, Katanga Province, 18–21
Eni, 257
Equatorial Guinea, 259–296
coup against Francisco Macías, 279–282
executions, 262–263, 268, 273
Francisco Macías presidency, 261–264, 267–279
life expectancy, 289
Obiang presidency, 282–296
oil exploration, 265, 283–284, 292–293
oil industry, 286, 287
Spanish colony, 264–265
towards independence, 265–267
Eritrea, 379–423
British rule, 389–390
Ethiopian rule, 390–392
Isaias Afwerki presidency, 410–423
Ethiopian invasion, 413–414
political opponents, 415–421
Italian rule, 385–389
military conscription, 384–385
Soviet Union, 405–406
war of independence, 393–410
Eritrean Liberation Front (ELF), 393, 394–401, 402–403
Eritrean People’s Liberation Front (EPLF), 399–401, 402, 404–405, 407–410
Esso, 136, 155
Etete, Dan, 213–214, 246–248, 253, 255–258
Ethiopia, 387–388, 389, 413–414
ethnic cleansing, 99–100
évolués, 9, 338, 341
Equatorial Guinea, 262–263, 268, 273
Libya, 179, 181, 182–183
Rhodesia, 84
Eyob Bahta, 418–419
Fletcher, Yvonne, 181
forced labour see slavery
France, 154, 344, 346, 348, 350–351
French Communist Party (PCF), 344–345
Fry, Joseph, 302–303, 305
Fumu, Emiolio, 270–271, 272–273, 367
Fumu, Jami, 271–273, 276
Gaddafi, Muammar al-, 148
civil war, 204, 207–209
‘Eighth Wonder of the World’, 175
Irish Republican Army (IRA), 172–174, 188–189
Israel, 174
Lockerbie bombing, 193, 198
Nelson Mandela, 188
oil, 169–171, 176–178, 201–203
political opponents, 171–172, 178–185, 189–193
relations with the West, 199–201
rise to power, 165–168
Robert Mugabe, 174
sanctions, 193–194
United States, 184–188
Gaddafi, Mutassim, 202–203, 207, 208
Gaddafi, Saadi, 194, 195–197
Gaddafi, Saif al-Islam, 194–195, 202
Gbagbo, Laurent, 371, 372, 374–375
Ghana, 69, 354
cocoa industry, 305–307, 311–313, 321–322, 324–325, 330–331
Kwame Nkrumah, 349–350
Ghanem, Shukri, 202–203
gold, xvi–xvii
Gowon, General Yakubu, 220, 222, 225, 228
Great Britain
Bechuanaland, xv
Cape Colony, xiv–xv, xvii
Eritrea, 389
Libya, 164, 166–167
oil exploration, 130–134
Rhodesia, 65–66
see also British Empire
Guinea Bissau, 135–138
Gulf states, 132–133
Hagos, Mesfin
Eritrean Liberation Front (ELF), 393–394, 395, 396–397
Eritrean People’s Liberation Front (EPLF), 399, 405, 409–410, 412
political opposition, 415–417, 423
Haile Mariam, Mengistu, 402, 405
Hammer, Dr Armand, 158–159, 170
Houphouet-Boigny, Felix
chieftainship, 340–341
childhood, 334
early career, 335–337
early political career, 343–350
presidency, 352–365, 366–373
agriculture, 358
cocoa industry, 360, 361
construction, 358–359, 362, 364–365
corruption, 363–364
economic crisis, 369–371
elections 1990, 372–373
political opponents, 361–362
Thomas Sankara, 367–368
Syndicat Agricole Africain (SAA), 342–343
human migration, xii–xiii
Côte d’Ivoire, 352–353
Eritrea, 393–410
see also decolonization
Inengite, Sunday, 151
inflation, 113–114
Iran, 133–134, 170–171
Irish Republican Army (IRA), 172–174, 188–189
Ironsi, Major General Johnson Aguiyi, 218–219, 220, 222
Israel, 145, 146
Issak, Dawit, 403–404, 410, 411, 412–413, 417, 418, 420–421
Ivory Coast see Côte d’Ivoire
Janssens, Émile, 17–18, 20
John Paul II, Pope, 373
Kabamba, Gérard, 36–37
Kabila, Laurent, 61–62
Karchele prison, Eritrea, 419–420
Kasavubu, Joseph, 16, 24–25, 30
Katanga province, Congo, 14
Elizabethville, 18–21
Kendrick, Glenn, 39–42, 49–50
Kimba, Évariste, 33–34
King Idris, 147, 149, 150, 157, 163
Kingston, Dave, 126–129, 135–136, 142
Kissinger, Henry, 48
Komo, Dauda, 241–243
Kusa, Musa, 178–179, 180, 191, 198, 200, 206, 207
Lancaster House Agreement, 89–92
land ownership, 75–77, 81–82, 100–101, 100–103, 104–105
Leopoldville, Congo, 21–23
Leopoldville Garrison, Congo, 17–18
Libelu, Jacques, 57
Libya, 143, 161–209
civil war, 196
oil exploration, 147–150, 154–160, 163
oil industry, 169–171
see also Gaddafi, Muammar al-
life expectancy, 289
Lloyd, Edgar, 129–130, 143, 147–149, 151–153
Lockerbie bombing, 193, 198
London School of Economics, 194–195
London Standard, 325–330
looting, 57, 59
Lumumba, Patrice, 9–10, 12, 13, 15–16, 20, 23, 24–30
Machel, Samora, 85
Macías Nguema, Francisco
coup against, 279–282
executions, 262–263, 268, 273
presidency, 261–264, 267–279
rise to power, 266–267
Malabu, 213–214, 255–256
Mambele, Pierre, 5–6, 9, 9–10
Mandela, Nelson, 188
Mangwende, Witness, 101–102
Mashingaidze, Gibson, 103
Mashonaland, 65–66
Matadi, John, 5–6, 33, 35
Mebrahtu, Goitom, 399, 400–401
military conscription, 384–385
mining, 14–15
Mnangagwa, Emmerson, 106, 120–121
Mobil, 155, 157, 284
Mobutu Sese Seko (born Joseph Désiré)
childhood, 7–8
education, 12
political career, 13–14, 15–16, 21–25, 27, 30, 31–32
presidency, 6–7, 32–62
corruption, 48–50
diamonds, 40–42, 49–50
international politics, 46–48
National Consultation, 54–56
political opposition, 42–46
Rwandan civil war, 60–61
Mockey, Jean-Baptiste, 354–355, 356
Mokonda Bonza, Florentine see Bonza, Florentin Mokonda
Morocco, 142–143
Mossadegh, Mohammed, 133–134
Mouvement National Congolais (MNC), 15–16
Mouvement Populaire de la Révolution (MPR), Congo, 35
Movement for Democratic Change (MDC), Zimbabwe, 114–115, 117
Mozambique, 85
Mugabe, Bona, 65, 66–67
Mugabe, Grace, 112–113, 120–121
Mugabe, Robert, 174
childhood, 64–65, 66–67
education, 67–68
election 2008, 115–118
elections 1980, 92–95
imprisonment, 77, 83
Lancaster House Agreement, 89–91
land ownership, 76–77
political activism, 68–74, 77
presidency, 94–121
charity, 96
Congo, 105–106
corruption, 103–104
diamonds, 109–111
elections 2008, 115–118
ethnic cleansing, 99–100
inflation, 113–114
land redistribution, 100–103, 104–105, 107–109
Zimbabwe African National Union (ZANU), 84–85, 86
Mujuru, Joice, 111
Mujuru, Solomon, 111
multinational companies, xviii–xix
Musa, Mukoma, 103
Mussolini, Benito, 387, 388, 389
Nanga, Jean, 357–358
Nasser, Gamal Abdel, 144–146, 170
National Council of Nigerian Citizens (NCNC), 216
National Democratic Party (NPD), Rhodesia/Zimbabwe, 70, 72, 73–74
National Intelligence and Security Service (NISS), Sudan, 380, 381–382
Nevinson, Henry, 207–211, 301, 303–304, 313, 317–318, 319–320, 326, 327
Nhara, William, 111
Nigeria, 141–142, 211–258
Abacha presidency, 240–252
elections, 216–217, 230–233, 236–238, 251–252
military coups, 217–222, 223–225, 228–229, 240–244
Ogoni people, 226–227, 233–236
oil exploration, 139–140, 150–153, 212–214, 222, 226–228, 237, 255–258, 283, 284
oil industry, 247
sanctions, 250
Nkala, Enos, 78–79
Nkomo, Joshua, 73–74, 79, 90, 98–99
Nkoyi, Joseph, 42–43, 45, 58–59
Nkrumah, Kwame, 69, 330–331, 349–350, 354
Northern People’s Congress (NPC), Nigeria, 216
Nzeogwu, Major Patrick, 217–218
Obeidi, Abdul Ati al-, 173–174, 175, 207
Obiang, Teodoro, 261–262, 263, 270, 277
coup against Francisco Macía, 279–280
presidency, 282–296
Occidental (Oxy), 157–158, 169, 170
Ogoni people, 226–227, 233–236
Ogoniland, 224, 237, 241–244
oil exploration
Algeria, 153–154
Equatorial Guinea, 265, 283–284, 292–293
Guinea Bissau, 135–138
Gulf states, 132–133
Iran, 133–134
Libya, 147–150, 154–160, 163
Morocco, 142–143
Nigeria, 139–140, 150–153, 212–214, 222, 226–228, 237, 255–258, 283, 284
United States, 128–129
Zaire, 41
oil industry
Equatorial Guinea, 286, 287
Libya, 169–171
Nigeria, 247
oil prices, 178
oil reserves, xvii
Okuntimo, Paul, 242, 244
Olds, Martin, 95–97, 100, 107–109
Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries (OAPEC), 177
Orser, David, 156–157, 169, 176–177
Ouattara, 374–375
Oudraogo, Tenga, 345
Oxy, 157–158
Persia, 130
Pope John Paul II, 373
Portugal, 46–47
Portuguese Angola, 207–211
Ramadan, Muhammad, 179–180
Rassemblement Démocratique Africain (RDA), 348
Reagan, Ronald, 184–185, 187
Red Caps, xiii–xiv
Rhodes, Cecil, xiv, xvi, xvii, 65–66
Rhodesia, 66–75
Bush War, 83–95
elections 1980, 92–95
imprisonment of political opponents, 77–81, 82–85
land ownership, 75–77, 81–82
Zimbabwe African National Union (ZANU), 74, 84, 86–89
see also Zimbabwe
Rhodesian Front (RF), 75
Riggs Bank, 288–290, 295–296
Rover Boys, 126, 135–136, 137–138, 142
Rowntree, 304, 305
Rwanda, 60–61
Libya, 193–194
Nigeria, 250
Sankara, Thomas, 367–368
São Tomé and Príncipe, 301, 303, 310, 313, 315, 316, 317, 327
Saro-Wiwa, Ken, 223–225, 233–235, 237, 238, 243, 244, 248–250
Second World War, 341
Selassie, Haile, 387–388, 389, 390, 391–392
Senussi, Abdullah, 198, 205, 206
Seyoum, Chalachew, xi
Shagrab refugee camp, Sudan, 383–385
Shah of Iran, 170–171
Shelhi, Omar, 159, 160
Shell, 137, 139–140, 242, 257
Shell-BP, 150–151, 222, 226, 227, 234
Shewdhi, Sadiq Hamid, 182
Shonekan, Ernest, 238
Sithole, Ndabaningi, 79, 84, 102
slave trade, 300
Côte d’Ivoire, 337–339, 346–347
Ghana, 311–313, 321–322, 324–325
São Tomé and Príncipe, 304–305, 308–311, 315–320, 322–324, 325–330
Smith, Ian, 74–75, 79–80, 90
Soete, Gerard, 29
South Kasai, Congo, 21
Soviet Union, 22, 23, 24, 174, 185, 405–406
Spain, 264–265
Spanish Guinea see Equatorial Guinea
Sudan, 380–385
Suez Canal, 143–144, 145–147
Syndicat Agricole Africain (SAA), 342–343, 345
Tangwena, Rekayi, 75–76, 81–82, 85–86
Tekere, Edgar, 78, 86
Tofa, Alhaji Bashir, 237
Togo, 354
trade unions, 340
Côte d’Ivoire, 342–343
Transvaal, xiv–xv, xvi–xvii
Tshombe, Moise, 12, 16, 19, 20–21, 26, 28–29
Tsvangirai, Morgan, 114–115, 117
Union Minière, 14–15
United Nations (UN), 21, 24, 26, 391
United States
Congo/Zaire, 23–24, 25–26, 46, 47–48
Côte d’Ivoire, 367–368
Equatorial Guinea, 283–288, 294 see also Riggs Bank
Libya, 164, 167, 184–188
oil exploration, 128–129, 132
Van Houten, Conrad, 302
Vichy regime, 341, 342, 344
Wali, Professor Sadiq Sulieman, 252–253
Walter International, 285, 286, 290
Wegener, Alfred, 135
Whitney, Brenda, 164
William Ponty College, 336
Wilson, Harold, 79–81
Witwatersrand, xvi–xvii
Zaire see Congo
Zimbabwe, 63–121
diamonds, 109–111, 118–119
election 2008, 115–118
inflation, 113–114
land redistribution, 100–103, 104–105, 107–109
Mugabe presidency, 94–121
charity, 96
Congo, 105–106
corruption, 103–104
diamonds, 109–111
elections 2008, 115–118
ethnic cleansing, 99–100
inflation, 113–114
land redistribution, 100–103, 104–105, 107–109
see also Rhodesia
Zimbabwe African National Liberation Army (ZANLA), 82–83, 97
Zimbabwe African National Union (ZANU), 78, 84, 86–89, 174
Zimbabwe African People’s Party (ZAPU), 74, 77–83, 82
Zimbabwe People’s Revolutionary Army, 82, 83, 97