Peter Der Manuelian is Philip J. King Professor of Egyptology at Harvard University, and director of the Harvard Semitic Museum. In 1987, he joined the curatorial staff at the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, and from 2000–11 he directed the Giza Archives Project there. In addition to his teaching duties, he directs the Giza Project at Harvard, and is also director of the MA Program in Museum Studies at the Harvard Extension School. Among his scholarly publications are Mastabas of Nucleus Cemetery G 2100, Slab Stelae of the Giza Necropolis, Living in the Past: Studies in Archaism of the Egyptian Twenty-sixth Dynasty, and Studies in the Reign of Amenophis II. He has also written a number of children’s books, such as Hieroglyphs from A to Z: A Rhyming Book With Ancient Egyptian Stencils for Kids.
Rachel Aronin is an Egyptological Research Associate with The Giza Project in the Department of Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations at Harvard University. Her research interests include ancient Egyptian religion, funerary texts of the New Kingdom, Old Kingdom mortuary architecture, and Ptolemaic history. She has excavated at a number of sites in Egypt, Israel, and mainland Greece. She has also lectured and led museum tours at the University of Pennsylvania, the Franklin Institute, Swansea University in Wales, and the Museum of Fine Arts (MFA) in Boston, among many others. Currently she is involved in the development of archaeologically accurate, three-dimensional digital reconstructions of the pyramids and tombs of the Giza Plateau.
Marianne Eaton-Krauss, who earned her PhD from the Institute of Fine Arts, New York University, specializes in the art and archaeology of ancient Egypt. Her wide-ranging interests extend from ca. 3000 BCE and Early Dynastic times down to Christian art in Egypt of the Fourth Century CE. The primary focus of her work nowadays is the reign of King Tutankhamun; she has published monographs on the sarcophagus, the small golden shrine, and, most recently, the thrones, chairs, stools, and footstools from his tomb, as well as numerous articles about the events that immediately preceded and followed his reign. She lives in Germany and has taught at universities in Münster and Marburg as well as in Berlin, where she also participated in the Egyptian Dictionary Project of the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Science and the Humanities.
Ronald J. Leprohon is a Professor of Egyptology in the Department of Near and Middle Eastern Civilizations at the University of Toronto. He has written a two-volume study of the ancient Egyptian funerary stelae in the Boston Museum of Fine Arts, and his latest book, The Great Name: Ancient Egyptian Royal Titulary, is a study of the three thousand-year history of the titulary of the pharaohs. He has done archaeological work in Egypt and he was the director of the Cairo-based Canadian Institute in Egypt in the early 1980s.
Nicholas Picardo is an Egyptological Research Associate with The Giza Project in the Department of Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations at Harvard University. A specialist in household archaeology, he studied anthropology/archaeology and Egyptology at the University of Pennsylvania. Having excavated in Egypt at Abydos, Giza, and Saqqara, he is Field Director of the South Abydos Settlement Excavation-E Project, part of the Penn-Yale-Institute of Fine Arts, NYU Expedition to Abydos. Past endeavors include work with the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, and as a Visiting Instructor at Brown University. His publications include scholarly articles and encyclopedia entries on his research interests, including ancient Egyptian houses and households, settlements, society, and religion.
Thomas Schneider is Professor of Egyptology and Near Eastern Studies at the University of British Columbia, Vancouver. He studied at Zurich, Basel, and Paris, earning a lizentiat, doctorate, and habilitation in Egyptology at the University of Basel. He was a Visiting Professor at the University of Vienna in 1999 and at the University of Heidelberg from 2003 to 2004. From 2001 to 2005, he was the Research Professor of the Swiss National Science Foundation at the University of Basel, and from 2005 to 2007 he was Professor of Egyptology at the University of Wales, Swansea. He was the visiting Scholar at New York University in 2006 and at the University of California, Berkeley, in 2012. His main areas of research are Egyptian interconnections with the Levant and the Near East, Egyptian history and chronology, and Egyptian historical phonology. His current research project is on the history of Egyptology in Nazi Germany. He is founder and editor-in-chief of the Journal of Egyptian History, as well as editor of Near Eastern Archaeology.