Ancient Egypt: Anatomy of a Civilization
Barry J. Kemp
(Routledge; 2nd edition, 2006)
Ancient Egypt: A Very Short Introduction
Ian Shaw
(Oxford University Press, 2004)
The Ancient Egyptian Book of the Dead
Carol Andrews and Raymond Faulkner
(University of Texas Press, 1990)
Ancient Egypt in 101 Questions & Answers
Thomas Schneider
(Cornell University Press, 2013)
Ancient Egyptian Technology and Innovation
Ian Shaw
(Bristol Classical Press, 2012)
The Archaeology of Ancient Egypt: Beyond Pharaohs
Douglas J. Brewer
(Cambridge University Press, 2012)
The Art of Ancient Egypt
Gay Robins
(Harvard University Press; 2nd edition, 2008)
A Companion to Ancient Egypt (2 vols.)
Edited by Alan B. Lloyd
(Wiley-Blackwell, 2010)
The Complete Gods and Goddesses of Ancient Egypt
Richard H. Wilkinson
(Thames & Hudson, 2003)
The Complete Pyramids
Mark Lehner
(Thames & Hudson, 1997)
The Complete Royal Families of Ancient Egypt
Aidan Dodson and Dyan Hilton
(Thames & Hudson, 2004)
The Complete Temples of Ancient Egypt
Richard H. Wilkinson
(Thames & Hudson, 2000)
Egypt and the Egyptians
Douglas J. Brewer and Emily Teeter
(Cambridge University Press, 2009)
Egyptian Archaeology
Edited by Willeke Wendrich
(Wiley-Blackwell, 2010)
Encounters with Ancient Egypt (8 vols.)
Edited by Peter Ucko
(Left Coast Press, 2005)
The Encyclopedia of Ancient Egyptian Architecture
Dieter Arnold
(Princeton University Press, 2003)
Marc Van De Mieroop
(Wiley-Blackwell, 2010)
The Oxford Encyclopedia of Ancient Egypt
Edited by Donald B. Redford
(Oxford University Press, 2000)
The Oxford History of Ancient Egypt
Edited by Ian Shaw
(Oxford University Press: 2004)
The Shire Egyptology Series (concise volumes on numerous topics)
Modern interdisciplinary excavations and archaeological field schools at Giza and elsewhere, organized by Ancient Egypt Research Associates.
American Research Center in Egypt, the primary American organization connected to archaeological work in Egypt.
The University College, London, web page, with a lot of information on topics such as archaeology, art and architecture, language, religious beliefs, etc.
Cambridge Egyptology Resources, maintained by Nigel Strudwick; a useful site for news and various resources.
Archive of Howard Carter’s records and Harry Burton’s photographs taken during the clearance of Tutankhamun’s tomb, along with documents related to the three-volume publication about the discovery.
Giza archaeological data (photos and documents), primarily from the Harvard University–Boston Museum of Fine Arts Expedition.
Three-dimensional reconstruction of the Giza Plateau and its monuments based on original archaeological data.
The web portal of the International Association of Egyptologists.
Maintained by Thierry Benderitter and Jon Hirst. Contains descriptions and photographs of many ancient Egyptian tombs.