Mexican restaurants generally offer the clawless spiny lobsters. Whole lobster or just the tails may be featured on the menu. Lobster tails are usually broiled or grilled, whereas whole lobsters are traditionally boiled in water, fish stock or seafood stock. Most lobster is served with drawn butter (melted butter and vegetable oil), lime wedges and steamed tortillas. Salsa picante or pico de gallo may be offered on the side.
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Paella is a popular Spanish rice dish that is enjoyed all over the Latin world including Mexican restaurants. Rice is boiled in fresh chicken or fish stock. Clams, calamari, fish, mussels, scallops and shrimp that have been sautéed in vegetable oil, herbs and spices are then added. These herbs and spices usually include azafran (Mexican saffron), chile powder, garlic, salt and pepper. The dish usually includes bell peppers, sliced chile peppers, onions and tomatoes.
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